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(Click refresh or reload for current message) "The
Other Nine"
Let’s not make
excuses for
unthankful to
God or to
others. Will
we be like the
one who
returned to
give thanks or
like the other
nine who
failed to do
to our message
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Now one of them, when he saw that he had been healed, turned back, glorifying God with a loud voice, and he fell on his face at His feet, giving thanks to Him. And he was a Samaritan. Then Jesus answered and said, “Were there not ten cleansed? But the nine—where are they? Was no one found who returned to give glory to God, except this foreigner?” (Luke 17:15-17). ![]() How’s
that for a
heart? Now a
dollars is
still a lot
today but can
you imagine
how much more
it was worth
when Andrew
Carnegie died
in 1919!
According to
this site*
$1,000,000 in
1919 has the
power as
today! Imagine
about this!
reflects the
attitude of
far too many,
not only in
our day but
throughout the
Let’s review a
healing where
Jesus healed
ten lepers but
nine failed to
return to
Jesus often asked questions to get His listeners to probe their own minds before he would launch into an important teaching. Settings where teachers set up their lesson by first asking thought-provoking questions always stimulates my own thinking and when I teach it helps me to assess the group that I am teaching. ![]()
This brief
drives home a
message about
but it also
stirs one’s
those who
failed to
I’ve wondered
what excuses
the other nine
might have had
in failing to
return to give
Jesus thanks.
Of course the
text does not
tell us and we
can’t be
certain, but
let us
consider nine
excuses they
might have
used. Notice
they are all
pertinent to
our day as
Perhaps the excuses were: 1)
One was too
busy. Surely
their time of
isolation due
to the leprosy
had left a lot
of work that
needed done.
2) One forgot. (Ingratitude) 3) One was planning to do it later. He reasoned that he would eventually get back to thank Jesus... sometime. (Procrastination) 4) One thought somebody else would do it. Perhaps he saw the one returning and assumed that “He will speak for all of us”. God does not accept vicarious praise. “Let everything that hath breath…” (Lazy) 5) One wanted to see if the healing would last. He looked and thought this is wonderful but let’s see if it comes back before I do any thanking. (Skeptical) 6) One had a religious prejudice. Perhaps he didn’t want to even be associated with the Samaritan (Superiority) 7) One thought it really didn’t matter. (Thoughtless) 8) One thought “I still have a lot of other problems.” Like many he saw the glass half empty. Indeed on this side whatever God may do for us we very likely have or will have other problems. (Negative) 9) One thought “I don’t want to bother Him.” Scripture is abundant in calls to thank, praise and glorify God. (Inferiority) What’s your excuse for not returning thanks to God? Four great truths from this message: 1)
is an act of
the will.
One of the
healed men
made the
decision to
return and
offer thanks.
“Now one of
them, when he
saw that he
had been
healed, turned
back". We
need to make a
firm decision
that we will
be thankful
and act upon
2) Thankfulness matters to God. It brings glory to God. The man “returned to give glory to God". The Westminster Catechism states, “Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy Him forever”. We can be assured Scripturally that as we thank God we also glorify Him. “He who offers a sacrifice of thanksgiving honors Me” (Psalm 50:23). 3) Thankfulness is an excellent expression of faith. “And He said to him, ‘Stand up and go; your faith has made you well.’” This part of the text somewhat puzzles me. Apparently the Lord had seen faith in the demonstration of desperation in the ten lepers when they had cried out in a loud voice: “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!” Now Jesus is commending that faith. Chuck Swindoll notes, “Faith believes in advance what will only make sense in reverse.” 4) Thankfulness is an excellent testimony. Consider that this story made it into the record of Holy Scripture because this man was thankful! As we live a life of thankfulness we also present a good testimony. Today let’s not make excuses for being unthankful to God or others. Will we be like the one who returned to give thanks or like the other nine? Stephen
inspired by
Psalm 78:5-8)
Additional thoughts from Bible teacher Brian Bell’s study notes on this passage: *
How grateful
the men should
have been for
the providence
of God that
brought Jesus
into their
* How grateful the men should have been for the love that caused Him to pay attention to them and their need. * How grateful the men should have been for the grace and power of God that brought about their healing. "A
on YouTube
This website
buying power
in a specific
year to today.
The $1.90 per
minimum wage I
made in my
first job at
Kroger in 1971
would be worth
$13.67 today.
The house we
purchased for
$49,000 in
1986 would
cost $134,000.
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In considering support we are so pleased when we hear from you, our readers, that our messages are a source of teaching and encouragement to you. We also urge you to consider the mission aspect of these daily teachings that are freely available and read by many all over the world. ![]() ![]() Thank
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