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A daily, Bible-based perspective of hope, encouragement and exhortation.
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ChaplaincyThis page is provided in response to those who may be interested in financially supporting our Daily Encouragement Net ministry. We hope you enjoy all the resources that are available through our internet-based ministry, particularly our daily messages. There's a lot of information and help available to you. But it takes a substantial amount of time and resources to produce this material and keep it available. Donations are tax deductible and will be receipted directly by our chaplaincy endorsing ministry.  See below for our principles in raising support.

Brooksyne and I want to express our heartfelt appreciation to all who support this aspect of our ministry for Christ.

See below the donate request on the website or daily emails to see current YTD offerings.

Financial Giving Options

Donate onlineOnline: Donate online directly through my chaplaincy endorsing agency using a credit card (American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa and PayPal are accepted.) A tax receipt will be mailed for your records, and the gift will be listed on your monthly credit card statement. Online transactions are secure and private. You can also set up for recurring donations. Note: The contribution form will state:
"Stephen & Brooksyne Weber  - 700001-237376
Serving in Specialized Chaplaincy, Chaplaincy Ministries"
and the receipt will also be designated this way since I am endorsed as a chaplain with specialized ministry over the internet. Please either provide your email address on the form or email me if you use this method so I can thank you and verify that the contribution was posted properly to my chaplaincy account. I will not use your email address other than thanking you for your gift.

Writing checkBy Check:
Make check payable to: "Daily Encouragement Net"
Mail to:
Daily Encouragement Net

495 Kraybill Church Road
Mount Joy, PA  17552

Please provide your email address on your check or on a separate note so I can promptly send you an acknowledgment and thank you for your gift!

Regardless of which of the above methods you may choose the "official" tax receipt will be issued by my chaplain service agency and will be listed as "Stephen & Brooksyne Weber" on the receipt.

By Paypal:

Please Note:
If you desire you can donate directly through PayPal. We keep this option available due to the familiarity, convenience, international supporters, and for those who may not need an official receipt. You can also set up for recurring donations.


If you would like to make a recurring offering to our ministry through our online account you can do so online or here is a printable form (pdf).

We consider ourselves "multi-vocational" having several part-time ministry roles and sources of income. The preparation of the Daily Encouragement message takes a significant part of each weekday morning and early afternoon. Although we also receive income from our part-time chaplaincy ministry, we are trusting the Lord that this online writing ministry will continue to grow and impact many for Christ. We pray that we will receive support funding commensurate with the time and funds needed to provide our daily encouragement messages.

Preparation of all the materials involved in the daily message usually takes us around 8-10 hours per day between us. In addition to this we seek to follow-up needs expressed to us from readers and podcast listeners. Many write with hurts requesting prayer and counsel. Due to the size and scope of the ministry we also require several computers, high-speed internet access, and specialized software and listserve functions. See this page for more info.

You work hard for your money and we deeply respect that. That's why we treat all gifts to this ministry with the respect and gratitude they deserve, by using the funds carefully and to the glory of God. Since we base this ministry out of our home we have very little "overhead" and believe our ministry is a very cost effective means of reaching many thousands of people with Biblical truth on a daily basis all over the world.

We provide all of the content of the website, email lists, podcast and other resources at absolutely no charge. We are strictly a donation-based ministry and are dependent on the Lord to provide for us through the financial help of caring, generous people. This is possible because of the gifts we receive from those who are being helped through our ministry and who also realize the mission dimension of reaching many all over the world.  For more information on our ministry's impact see this page.

We are recognized by our chaplaincy endorsing agent as "internet chaplains." We would appreciate your consideration of financial support whether it be a one time gift or regular giving. If you have been blessed by our ministry and would like to provide a financial offering we would sure appreciate it!

Thank you,

Stephen & Brooksyne Weber

Here's a current ministry update.

Principles In Raising Support

We use these principles in regard to raising support:
  • We do not personally appeal to individuals for funds nor do we follow-up on those who may have expressed that they plan or desire to give or may have given in the past. We feel this may make people uncomfortable or perhaps having a sense of obligation which we do not want.
  • We do post a small "donation" button on the website and email posts along with giving information that opens to this page providing an opportunity to give, but we do not appeal for funds in the main encouragement message content except for several weeks at the end of each year when we do place the appeal content in the active footer section rather than the static footers farther below.
  • We do not send out separate fundraising appeals.
  • We do not use any gimmicks to solicit gifts. You won't be any more or less blessed by giving or not giving to us! We realize there are many fine ministries worthy of your support and that it's virtually impossible to support all. We merely pray that the Lord will lay it upon the hearts of those whom He desires to support our work.
  • We do earnestly believe that our ministry is worthy of support and we seek to be good stewards of all funds entrusted to us.
  • We do not have a "budget" per se for Daily Encouragement Net. We believe most supporters and potential supporters would agree that our present total annual income from this ministry is considerably less than what a budget would be for a ministry that essentially equals 1 full time position in regard to the time it takes, plus the expenses. The expenses alone (computers, internet access, listserve, web hosting fees, podcast hosting fees, software, etc.) for providing this ministry are about $3,000 per year.
  • We are not retired! We served our entire pastoral ministry right out of Bible college in small to medium-sized churches. Brooksyne always served very actively in our churches and did not work in a separate job outside the home so that she could partner with me in ministry. And we now share this ministry together!
  • We are not independently wealthy!
  • We both serve as part-time corporate chaplains to several local companies and are compensated for our services. We hope to see this dimension of our ministry increase. But we consider our main ongoing ministry Daily Encouragement Net.

Many churches and ministries have great websites and seek to minister and many pastors and dedicated lay people now blog. We are thankful for all who seek to present the Truth of Jesus Christ and the Bible over the internet.

What makes this ministry distinct?
  • We post messages with consistency each weekday with very few exceptions.
  • We use our own original material which we seek to write with a personal, engaging and illustrative style, but also with Scripture teaching and exposition.
  • Our material is prepared specifically for internet distribution. The internet is our ministry field. Daily Encouragement Net is among the oldest continuously operating personal ministries using this technology. The email list began in 1996 and the website in 1999.
  • We seek to give additional depth to the messages with personal comments, related photos, musical links and perhaps links to other ministries and resources related to the daily message.
  • We use multiple platforms to increase the distribution of our materials (website, email list, Wordpress blog, RSS feeds and podcast).
  • The messages are each archived online (since 2005) giving a large store of searchable resources.
  • We work hard to produce material that is well presented even though we do it out of our home.
  • We seek to follow-up on expressed needs from readers and listeners whenever possible with personal prayers, brief counsel and additional resources as we are led.
Doing all the above is quite time consuming, normally 4-5 hours daily for each of us.  Would you be willing to help us? Thank you!

"Living today anchored in God’s solid foundation" 
