Daily Encouragement Net
The online Bible teaching ministry of Stephen & Brooksyne Weber
A daily, Bible-based perspective of hope, encouragement and exhortation.

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Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Poole Forge Covered Bridge
The Poole Forge Covered Bridge in Eastern Lancaster County
(Click on photo to enlarge)

"When The Soul Is Discouraged"

Message summary: Today we especially address those of you who are “much discouraged because of the way".

Note: Today's illustrative introduction is a bit longer than usual. The consideration of the Bible text begins at the bridge photo.

Listen to this message on your audio player.

“The soul of the people was much discouraged because of the way” (Numbers 21:4).

Seneca Falls, NYSeneca Falls is a small hamlet in upstate New York that claims to be the inspiration for Bedford Falls. Last year we were up that way between the Finger Lakes and based on the geography and weather it is very similar. Does Bedford Falls ring a bell for any of our readers? (pun intended)

Bedford Falls is the name of the town in one of our all-time favorite Christmas movies, "It’s a Wonderful Life". We often watch this movie together during the Christmas season. It’s an example of how the classic movies were directed and produced without swearing, violence, and sexuality.  At that time the Hollywood movie studios agreed to abide by a code (The Hays Code) which stipulated no film would "lower the moral standards of those who view it". Wow, have times ever changed!

Scene from "It's a wonderful life" In "It's A Wonderful Life", the main character, George Bailey, follows his father in running a small Building and Loan Association in Bedford Falls. But it barely survives, in part due to George’s generosity and kindness to others. He’s always threatened by the movie’s chief antagonist, greedy old Henry F. Potter, who wants to drive George out of business for the financial control of Bedford Falls.

Since the movie is fiction don't try to make sense of it theologically! It opens with George's friends and family praying for him as he is discouraged to the point of despondency and suicide. He strongly felt that his life made no difference to others and he’d be better off dead. (Of course, his overindulgence in alcohol in response to his crisis would have contributed to such thinking.)

The angels discussing George’s crisis call on a junior angel, named Clarence, who has yet to earn his wings. He must go to earth, avert George’s suicide attempt and convince him that, “George, your life really does make a difference”. Much of the movie is a narrative overview of George’s life so that Clarence will be acquainted with his troubled "student".

Early in the movie there’s one scene that especially touches me. When Clarence is first called in he’s told that George is in trouble and he asks, "Is he sick?"  The senior angel says, "No, it’s worse than being sick, he’s discouraged."

The way Clarence helped George was to show him what it would be like had he never been born. This powerfully reminded George of the value of his life as he saw how many people, from all walks of life, he had touched from his early years to adulthood. I hope that is true of your life and mine as well!

Now again we don’t vouch for the theology in the movie as the Bible doesn’t teach that angels earn their wings or that they are humans who have previously died. But I believe there is great power in the prayers ascending to heaven for people who are in need and I know how debilitating discouragement can be.

George Bailey prayingVery likely some reading this today are discouraged, some feel unloved and unappreciated. You might even feel as if your life means nothing. In a final scene in the movie George is on a bridge contemplating suicide when Clarence jumps off first so George can save him. After this Clarence shows George what it would be like if he had never been born and he realized the difference his life had made, how people really did appreciate him.

Suicide prevention signCurrently there is a deadly trend right now in our society of those taking their lives and bridges remain a "popular" spot to end it all. While in San Diego earlier this month I crossed the Coronado Bridge (here on Google map), high over San Diego Bay and noted the signs warning against suicides.

We firmly assert that each life does matter and has great significance.

Consider the daily text, "The soul of the people was much discouraged because of the way". The people of Israel had come out of Egypt in great fanfare but soon they encountered difficulty and began their grumbling. In the context of the daily text they had been wandering for some time and were “much discouraged because of the way". Before their deliverance they had probably reasoned, "What could be worse than slavery in Egypt?" Surely, they thought the way to the Promised Land would be a cinch in comparison to their former way of life. But alas, such was not the case!

Similarly the Christian life isn't all easy street after our conversion. Paul said, “We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God” (Acts 14:22). Jesus said, "in the world you will have trouble" (John 16:33).

We can become discouraged “because of the way” for a variety of reasons. The Israelites certainly had not expected what they encountered and likewise we find that life often has twists and turns, some very painful, on the way to our eternal abode. John Bunyan describes this in his Christian allegory, "Pilgrim’s Progress" where his hometown is the “City of Destruction” (this world), and his destiny is the “Celestial City” (heaven).

Today we especially address those of you who are “much discouraged because of the way". God loves you today and so do many others. Hold steady, keep your faith!  God will make a roadway in your wilderness wanderings. The Son of light has come to penetrate lingering shadows of doubt, discouragement, and any disadvantages we might deal with.

Remember, your life, like George Bailey’s, is truly worth living and is touching many others though you may not even be aware of it.

Be encouraged today, (Hebrews 3:13)

Stephen & Brooksyne Weber

Praying man Daily prayer: Father, we're often tempted to turn our eyes from You and become consumed with troubles that surround us, or worse, we become consumed with self-pity. Our emotions cloud our view of eternity giving us the false notion that here and now is all that matters. The apostle Paul stated, “If in this life we have hope in Christ only, we are of all people to be pitied”. We can become “much discouraged because of the way” that our journey through life is not smooth, predictable, nor can we avoid the twists, turns, and detours by using a GPS. You never promised that our Christian walk would be easy, but You did promise never to leave us nor forsake us. You promised to come alongside us and work out even the bad things we encounter for our overall good and for the good of others. Keep us faithful and trusting during the journey we pray. Amen.

Special Year-end Financial Appeal

We want to thank all who have financially supported our ministry this past year (and some for many years!). We realize there are many fine ministries and causes requesting support at this time but if you would like to make a donation to our ministry see here for more information. Like many ministries, we typically see a spike in giving at the end of the year for which we are most thankful.

Our ministry labor is comprised of approximately half our time to Daily Encouragement and the other half to our chaplaincy ministry to companies from which we receive compensation. Each of these ministries essentially is the same as a part-time job (20+ hours weekly) for each of us. Our goal for many years is that each would provide half of our ministry expenses and income.

To donate directly online click here. This will open to a page that designates the offering to: STEPHEN & BROOKSYNE WEBER - 700001-237376 SERVING IN SPECIALIZED CHAPLAINCY

Make A Donation Please Note: If you desire you can donate directly through PayPal using this link. This will open to a page that states "Brooksyne Weber".  We keep this option available due to the familiarity, convenience, international supporters, and for those who may not need an official receipt. You can also set up for recurring donations. You also can use PayPal on this link. 

Thank you,

Stephen & Brooksyne

Today's Suggested Music and Supplemental Resources

"God Will Make A Way"  Video  Don Moen

"Because He Lives"  Video  West Coast Choir  "Life is worth the living just because He lives!"

This man could surely be discouraged. But an example of peace after the storm  Video

Article on "It's A Wonderful Life" from Wikipedia

Seneca Falls, NY is located here and is widely believed to be the inspiration for Frank Capra's holiday classic, "It's A Wonderful Life". You can visit the village and locations that inspired Mr. Capra in his visits to Seneca Falls in the early 1900's. You can stand on the bridge that Jimmy Stewart's character leaped from in the movie. In December they have weekend festivals that celebrate the connection to the holiday classic.

Resources for Christmas Celebrations
(We will leave these resources posted below our daily messages through Christmas)

Each year we share several online resources that we have used over the years. Perhaps they may be a blessing to you, your family or church during this Christmas season.

"In Remembrance of Me" pdf  This is a passion-filled Scripture reading for two adults. Brooksyne and I have used this reading with great receptivity during Christmas Eve services over the years.  We suggest, if possible, a musical background as the message is read. It is also a great lead-in to a Communion service. It should be thoroughly practiced and read with great feeling.  Here's a great Communion Hymn for Christmas (Video)

"When Christ Was Born" pdf This is an adaptation to the tune of "How Great Thou Art". It's a great song to sing as a congregation since most are familiar with and love the tune.

Responsive Christmas Scripture readings for church or family:
John 1:1-18  pdf
"O Come Let Us Adore Him"  pdf

My First Christmas In Heaven  This is a blessed reminder for all who lost a loved one this year.

Christmas Knowledge Test

We have also posted two Christmas carol quizzes here (scroll down).

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Scripture references are from The Holy Bible: New International Version. © 1984 by International Bible Society; NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, New King James Version (NKJV) Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. and the King James Version.

Personal Mission Statement: "I am created by God to bring Him glory. Through God's Son Jesus Christ I have been redeemed and make it my life's goal to please the Lord. My mission in life is to honor God through my faith and obedience and prepare myself and all whom I may influence for eternity."

© Copyright 2021 Stephen C. & Brooksyne Weber - All Rights Reserved
Daily Encouragement Net - 495 Kraybill Church Road - Mount Joy, PA 17552  USA


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