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Monday, June 13, 2022

Calla Lily
Creamy trumpet like Calla Lily bloom

"Consideration Of A Hose-maker And A Tent-maker"

Message summary: Today I want to thank tent-makers like Paul, hose-makers like Luis and so many of you who are working hard to provide for your family and contributing toward others with your skill-set. Consider how Paul used this work experience to spiritually influence Aquila and Priscilla who later became a powerful ministry team. Ultimately God, in His providence, has positioned you at your workplace where you can influence others for the kingdom of God.

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"Because he (Paul) was of the same trade he stayed with them (Aquila and Priscilla) and worked, for they were tent-makers by trade" (Acts 18:3).

Today many begin another work week. We are slowing down a bit in our chaplaincy ministry to companies as we're phasing into a retirement pace, though we still visit with several hundred employees each week in a variety of work settings.

Luis, Kleenrite hosemakerWe have visited with Luis for many years who faithfully discharges his duties putting fittings on hoses for Kleen-Rite, a company that supplies the car wash industry. He worked there many years before we started visiting so only the Lord knows how many hoses he has made that many of us have unknowingly used when washing our cars. There are many products we use but rarely give thought as to their origin or how they were made, unless they no longer work for us!

Luis is only a few years younger than me so he is weary at the end of the week when we usually see him. But he's always pleasant and pleased to share about his many grandchildren. Last week his colorful hat prompted the photo and this message.

With so many companies striving to fill positions those who do work often have additional duties or hours expected of them so I often make it a point to express thanks to employees just for working. It seems to be a surprise to some, since my attempt to encourage is subject to being misunderstood, but is appreciated by others. (A few have initially taken my earnest expression of gratitude as being sarcastic.)

Today's text may be easily overlooked to get to the "spiritual" part of the record. In fact I am not sure I have really stopped to ponder its significance although I knew Paul was a tent-maker, a description often used for those in bi-vocational ministry.

Paul was a seasoned missionary at this point on his second missionary trip to Corinth.  He had just come from Athens where he encountered the "intellectuals" of the age and met a Jew named Aquila. He was a native of Pontus and had recently arrived from Italy with his wife Priscilla.

Paul, tent-maker"Because he was of the same trade". This indicates Paul had previous experience as a tent-maker although it is not revealed prior to this. A trade is defined as a "a skilled job, typically one requiring manual skills and special training". Today we consider the vital necessity of those in "the trades" such as carpenters, plumbers, electricians, HVAC, mechanics and so forth. If they all stopped working life would quickly change as we know it!

"and worked, for they were tent-makers by trade". We know that Paul was highly educated for his time. In Acts 22:3 he testified, "I studied under Gamaliel and was thoroughly trained in the law of our ancestors". He could have seen the job of tent-making as beneath his training and abilities, but there's no suggestion in the text that he had this outlook. I also consider that after his frustrating encounter in Athens he might have found it refreshing to be in the company of some common-sense hard-working people!

Today I want to thank tent-makers like Paul, hose-makers like Luis and so many of you who are working hard to provide for your family and contributing toward others with your skill-set.

Just consider how Paul used this work experience to spiritually influence Aquila and Priscilla, who later became a powerful ministry team. Ultimately God, in His providence, has positioned you at your workplace where you can influence others for the kingdom of God.

Be encouraged today, (Hebrews 3:13)

Stephen & Brooksyne Weber

Praying manDaily prayer: Father, You equip us to serve in Your kingdom which will last for all eternity. You also equip us to serve in the workforce all our adult years until we can no longer be productive in the marketplace. Opportunities abound for us to make a positive difference in every season of our life as we seek to be a beacon of light in places of darkness. You call on us to be ambassadors for Christ as we represent Him wherever we go and whatever You enable us to do. We dedicate ourselves to You for Your service and for Your glory. Amen.

For further study: In searching for Bible occupations I found this rather extensive list in response to a question on a forum of all places:

Ambassador 2 Corinthians 5:20
Archer Genesis 21:20
Armor-bearer Judges 9:54
Astrologer Isaiah 47:13
Athlete  2 Timothy 2:5
Baker  Genesis 40:1
Bandit  Hosea 7:1
Banker  Matthew 25:27
Blacksmith  1 Samuel 13:19
Bodyguard  1 Samuel 28:2
Bowmen  Isaiah 21:17
Brick-maker  Genesis 11:3
Builder  2 Kings 12:11
Butcher  Matthew 22:4
Carpenter  Mark 6:3
Chariot driver  1 Kings 22:34
Charioteer  1 Chronicles 19:18
Cook  1 Samuel 8:13
Counselor  2 Samuel 15:12
Courier  2 Chronicles 30:6
Creditor  Deuteronomy 15:2
Cup-bearer  Genesis 40:1
Designer  Exodus 35:35
Diviner  1 Samuel 6:2
Doorkeeper  2 Kings 22:4
Embroiderer  Exodus 35:35
Emperor  Acts 25:25
Engraver  Exodus 28:11
Executioner  Mark 6:27
Farmer  2 Timothy 2:6
Fisherman  Isaiah 19:8
Fortuneteller  Acts 16:16
Gardener  John 20:15
Gatekeeper  2 Samuel 18:26
Gem cutter  Exodus 28:11
Goldsmith  Isaiah 40:19
Governor  2 Kings 23:8
Grape picker  Jeremiah 49:9
Grinder  Ecclesiastes 12:3
Guard  1 Samuel 22:17
Harpist  Revelation 14:2
Harvester  James 5:4
Herdsmen  Genesis 13:7
Horseman  2 Kings 9:17
Hunter  Genesis 10:9
Idol maker  Isaiah 45:16
Innkeeper  Luke 10:35
Instructor  Proverbs 5:13
Interpreter  Genesis 42:23
Jailer  Acts 16:23
Judge  Exodus 2:14
Keeper of flocks  Genesis 4:2
King  Genesis 14:1
Landowner  Matthew 20:1
Lawyer  Acts 24:1
Magician  Daniel 2:10
Magistrate  Luke 12:58
Maidservant  Deuteronomy 15:17
Manservant  Exodus 20:10
Mason  2 Kings 12:12
Merchant  Matthew 13:45
Messenger  1 Samuel 23:27
Metal forger  Genesis 4:22
Midwife  Genesis 35:17
Minister  Isaiah 61:6
Moneylender  Exodus 22:25
Musician  Psalms 68:25
Oarsmen  Ezekiel 27:8
Officer  1 Chronicles 26:24
Overseer  Acts 20:28
Perfumer  1 Samuel 8:13
Pharaoh  Genesis 12:15
Philosopher  Acts 17:18
Physician  Jeremiah 8:22
Planter  Amos 9:13
Plowman  Amos 9:13
Poet  Acts 17:28
Potter  Isaiah 29:16
Preacher  2 Peter 2:5
Priest  Genesis 14:18
Proconsul  Acts 13:7
Prophet  Genesis 20:7
Prostitute  Luke 15:30
Queen  1 Kings 10:1
Rabbi  Matthew 23:7
Reaper  2 Kings 4:18
Refiner  Malachi 3:3
Robber  John 10:1
Satrap  Ezra 8:36
Scribe  1 Chronicles 24:6
Seer  1 Samuel 9:9
Servant  Genesis 15:3
Sheep-shearer  2 Samuel 3:23
Shepherd  1 Samuel 21:7
Silversmith  Judges 17:4
Slave  Genesis 44:10
Soldier  John 19:23
Spy  Numbers 21:32
Steward  Genesis 43:16
Stone-cutter  2 Kings 12:12
Stonemason  2 Samuel 5:11
Swordsman  2 Kings 3:26
Tax collector  Matthew 10:3
Teacher  1 Chronicles 25:8
Tent-maker  Acts 18:3
Treasurer  Ezra 1:8
Trumpeter  2 Kings 11:14
Vine grower  Joel 1:11
Warrior  Judges 11:1
Watchman  2 Samuel 13:34
Water carrier  Joshua 9:21
Weaver  Exodus 35:35
Woodcutter  Joshua 9:21
Woodsman  2 Chronicles 2:10
Writer  Psalms 45:1

Today's Suggested Music and Supplemental Resources

"Faithful Now"  Video  Concluding prayer and song from our service yesterday at Calvary Church in Lancaster.

Although not necessarily relating to our message today I came across this video of a P-51 flight. About 50 years ago I flew in the backseat of a P-51 over Tulsa with my cousin as pilot and owner. Doubtlessly some skilled work went into making this plane, maintaining it for over 70 years and still flying it!

Brooksyne's Flower Musings: In our lead photo we feature a single bloom from what I consider my favorite summer flower, the Calla Lily. It had been growing for a couple weeks outside when I could no longer resist cutting it to bring inside over a week ago and it still looks great. What I enjoy so much about the Calla Lily is the longevity of the bloom. I've seen many of them bloom for a month or more on the plant but also stay fresh for that long when brought in as a cut flower.

Calla Lily
I received this beautiful arrangement from friends who came over for dinner in February. It had two yellow calla lily blooms in the center and I was excited that I could plant it outside in the summer. Lo and behold, nearly three weeks later the yellow blooms died so I picked them out only to find that it was not a plant but simply two blooms placed in flower vial tubes. So about two weeks ago I simply replaced the tubes with a fresh double bloom calla lily from my outdoor plants and it gives a fresh look for the arrangement. The tubes keep their water for a week or more. (I know the pumpkins are out of season but I have a hard time tossing when they're still healthy.)

Calla Lily
  Four Calla Lilies

Joe Herr
In Friday's message we shared this photo of Joe, whom I described as a 6 year old prodigy who does computer work in a company we serve. In two years he will have his 7th birthday! I asked if anyone could tell me what the year and date of his birthday is? Many correctly responded February 29, 1996 or guessed that he has a leap year birthdate.

The chances of a baby being born on leap day is pretty slim: about one in 1,461, as Feb. 29 only comes around once every 1,461 days. Less than 0.07 percent of the world's population was born on February 29. Joe told me he celebrates his birthday on Feb. 28 or March 1, whichever is closest to the weekend.

Two events we can't schedule in life are our birthdays or deaths. (Brooksyne's note: Tragically, some troubled souls do schedule their death by suicide.) During my years in New England I was blessed with a very faithful secretary, Veda Shibilo, who went to be with the Lord on Feb. 29, 2000.

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Stephen & Brooksyne

Scripture references are from The Holy Bible: New International Version. © 1984 by International Bible Society; NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, New King James Version (NKJV) Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. and the King James Version.

Personal Mission Statement: "I am created by God to bring Him glory. Through God's Son Jesus Christ I have been redeemed and make it my life's goal to please the Lord. My mission in life is to honor God through my faith and obedience and prepare myself and all whom I may influence for eternity."

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