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A new message is
updated most weekdays usually by Noon Eastern Time (USA).
(Click refresh or reload for current message) Friday,
February 11,
Lesson From A Barn Fire"
Message summary: Wherever
we live may God help us to see the needs of those around
us who may be hurting and give us a resolve to help
however we are able to do so!
“If one
member suffers, all suffer together” (1 Corinthians
![]() Early this
morning while it was still dark on the way to our
chaplain visit we drove by Eli's place and noticed
people were already gathering. Returning home around
11:00 AM we could see the new barn already going up from
several miles away!
We stopped
by Eli's place and parked at the end of the lane next to
the Amish school. There were numerous automobiles and
buggies parked every which way including a hay wagon
where a driver was unloading fresh hay for the cattle
with his skid loader. Many Amish laborers and a few
non-Amish were hammering away at the new framework for
the barn with many stockpiled materials lying in piles
ready to be used.
I visited
with Eli for a few minutes and he told me they began
procuring the materials last night and they were
delivered early this morning. Friends and neighbors were
dropping off food, the Amish girls were bringing drinks
in five gallon coolers, hay was being brought in on
truck wagons and one young man was spreading manure on
the fields. Eli is a commercial grower for an organic
produce company. Not far from his barn are five
greenhouses that were spared during the large barn fire.
from far and wide were there to assist, Amish and
non-Amish. People just coming together during a time of
need. Eli expressed his appreciation for how so many of
his neighbors and church people were coming together to
assist. When we got home Brooksyne went right to work
making some peanut butter blossom
cookies and pumpkin bread to take
over when we are finished with our message today.
What we
saw is a living demonstration of our daily text, "If
one member suffers, all suffer together". In this
context Paul uses the parts of our physical body to
illustrate how we are to care for one another. When one
part hurts the whole body suffers. If anyone in the
church is is in need we are to empathize with that part,
that is, to feel with them which prompts action to help
as though it were we, ourselves, going through the
difficult situation.
We were so
blessed this morning to see this action and expect to
see more this afternoon and in the coming days. Wherever
we live may God help us to see the needs of those around
us who may be hurting and give us a resolve to help
however we are able to do so!
encouraged today, (Hebrews 3:13)
Stephen & Brooksyne Weber ![]() Barn
Fire Video someone took last
Here are some
more photos from this morning as they rebuild
from the fire last night.
Not only did
the barn need rebuilt but the fire damaged the
siding on the house and needed replaced (as
seen in background).
The horses were
eating hay off a wagon in the field.
![]() Hay delivery.
The hay burned
with the barn and the animals need feed! They
were able to get the livestock out of the barn
and none were lost.
When I went up
the lane to get some photos and see Eli,
Brooksyne stayed in the van at the end of the
lane and observed people bringing foods in.
This couple appears to be bringing cold cuts
and sandwich rolls.
These ladies
are bringing in drinks for the workers.
The one room
schoolhouse at the end of the lane appeared to
be closed due to the fire event. I (Brooksyne)
just visited the 22 children on Monday and
brought them Rice Krispie treats and books for
their library. The teacher, Naomi, brought a
chair for me to sit in at the back of the
classroom while the children sang two hymns
for me (3 to 4 stanzas in each hymn sung by
memory). After I sat one student stood, walked
to another child's desk and taking her by the
hand, began to sing the hymn classic, "Hand in
hand we walk each day..." Hand in hand they
went to another student's desk and took that
child by the hand still singing the hymn until
they collected the hands of all 22 students
forming a winding human chain before they made
their way to the front of the class. They
stood in four rows in front of the bookshelves
as they prepared to sing the next hymn. They
sang with the usual volume and vigor I have
witnessed in other Amish classrooms. A number
of the children recognized me as their
neighbor and had such big grins. Visiting an
Amish school is a remarkable experience I wish
all could enjoy. The children are so
respectful and well mannered. 22 children with
one older teen (or early 20's) school teacher
who has perfect control. Each time I've
visited the Amish classrooms the students are
diligent in their studies while one teacher
oversees 20 or more children, grades 1 to 8,
in one classroom setting. I wish public
education could apply much of what I see in
the Amish classroom as I believe much more
learning and discipline would be present. The
chorus of the hymn is still with me today,
"Hand in hand we walk each day. Hand in hand
along the way. Walking thus I cannot stray,
hand in hand with Jesus."
Interior of
(This classroom
photo I took in February last year during my
visit since the children were enjoying recess
outside and the teacher permitted me to take
the photos of the classroom decorations. It
was just as colorful and decorative on Monday
as well.)
we joined two friends for lunch. Nick, in
the purple shirt, is a long-time friend and
also happens to be the broker for our
Medicare insurance. He wanted to introduce
us to Bill, a retired teacher. We visited
together over a very nice lunch at our local
CTC (Career and Technology Center)
restaurant called Infusions. We really
enjoyed hearing Bill's testimony for Christ.
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Scripture references are from The Holy Bible: New International Version. © 1984 by International Bible Society; NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, New King James Version (NKJV) Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. and the King James Version. Personal Mission Statement: "I am created by God to bring Him glory. Through God's Son Jesus Christ I have been redeemed and make it my life's goal to please the Lord. My mission in life is to honor God through my faith and obedience and prepare myself and all whom I may influence for eternity." © Copyright 2022 Stephen C. & Brooksyne Weber - All Rights Reserved Daily Encouragement Net - 495 Kraybill Church Road - Mount Joy, PA 17552 USA |