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Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Old Windmill Farm sleigh ride
Jim, a friend we see during chaplaincy visits, shared this photo of a tree in his front yard after a snow storm. Lights are wrapped around the trunk and partway up but the snow makes them appear to illuminate the entire tree.

"Keep Your Light Shining"

Message summary: We are called to let our light shine and most of the impact in the world will not be something big and flashy but rather the steady, faithful witness as Christ's followers keep their lights shining. What are you doing today to "keep your light shining"?

Listen to our message on your audio player.

"In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven" (Matthew 5:16).

Dave, friendly Chinese student

Last Saturday my friend Jesse invited me to the Old Windmill Farm to meet a newer friend of his. Dave (not his Chinese name) is a college student who has visited the farm several times and made a rather unlikely friendship with Jesse. A middle-aged Amish man, a young Chinese student, and an old preacher like me make for quite an eclectic mix! Dave is attending college in Philadelphia.

Jesse told me he wanted to take him to a Chinese Restaurant and see what he thought about it. I told Jesse, "He probably eats at Chinese restaurants all the time, why don't we go to a local place like the Agapē Cafe & Grille with a Lancaster County vibe".

But Dave told us he had never eaten at a Chinese restaurant while in the states but dines at places like Texas Roadhouse and Brazilian BBQ!

So off to the huge Manor Chinese Buffet we went. Jesse was interested in in the food selections Dave chose to eat. After all, learning more about what would be authentic Chinese food is best taught by those who are of Chinese descent. Jesse even ate some seaweed! When I think of seaweed I think of the scum on ponds when I grew up in Missouri!

Prior to our meal we prayed together which, like many Christians, is our custom whether at home or in a public place.*

A few minutes later the Chinese server came over and began to talk to Dave in Chinese. I suppose Jesse felt like we do when are with the Amish and they begin talking PA Dutch!

It turns out the server noticed us praying and had asked Dave if we were Christians. He told her that I was a pastor (although I am presently not, I was for many years and still get this designation). The server told him she was a Christian and was excited to see us pray.

We are not sure where Dave stands with the Lord but he told us he has attended a Christian campus group at the University of Pennsylvania. I hope to develop a friendship with him and have invited him over to our place for dinner, along with his Chinese friends.

What's the point to this story? Jesus said, "Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven" (Matthew 5:16). We are all called to let our light shine for Jesus. Most of the impact in the world today and everyday will not be something big and flashy but rather the steady, faithful witness of Christ's followers who keep their lights shining for Him. What are you doing today to "keep your light shining"?

Be encouraged today! Hebrews 3:13

Stephen & Brooksyne Weber

Praying manDaily prayer: Father, You supply us with many opportunities to be a witness for Your kingdom so we want to make the most of these opportunities to be light and salt in this darkened world. Since our lives are the “only Bible that some people read” we must be careful of what we say and do. May our attitudes reflect that of Christ and our words bring truth, hope and guidance to those traveling on the broad road that leads to destruction. By the power of Your Holy Spirit we want to make a difference as we shine our lights for Christ to those whose path we cross today. Amen.

Today's Suggested Music and Supplemental Resources

"Tell Them”  Watch on YouTube  Andrae Crouch and the Disciples

* Seeing people pray in a public place is not at all unusual in Lancaster County which is considered the Bible Belt of the Northeast but where we previously lived in northern PA and Massachusetts it was very rare and required boldness for those who chose to do so.

Brooksyne's Note: While growing up in Oklahoma we always gave thanks to God before our meals. When I became serious about Christ in my freshman year of high school I began to pray in the cafeteria before eating. Praying in school as opposed to praying at home before a meal was a big step for me, but it became very natural after a while. Then the Lord spoke to my heart about praying in a public restaurant, something which I had not seen in my hometown of Tulsa. Even my parents did not do so in public (not that we ever ate out that often).

Under the conviction of the Holy Spirit I began to pray in public settings in a quiet voice after my food was served but my prayer was very brief. I was so nervous I bowed my head low and bent slightly below the table to give the appearance of picking up a napkin that had fallen to the floor and prayed on the way up. (That's the embarrassing truth!) Wow, when I remember way back then, I can see how God has changed my heart over the year and the boldness it took for me to pray when others might be watching is second nature to me now. Now that I've been following Christ for 56 years (wow!) you'd think that boldness in Christ is second nature to me in every area of my life, but that is not true. We grow incrementally in Christ every season of our life, and often it's through the example of others shining their light in dark places that we gain courage to obey Christ and influence others for His kingdom.

Agapē Cafe & Grille is a local place in Strasburg PA that states on their website, "our goal is to provide an atmosphere where the love of Christ is felt by those who enter our doors".

This evening we will be going to Worship Night In The Barn near Strasburg, PA. If you are local perhaps we will see you there.

Yesterday we shared a photo of a coat with a note: Steve, an Iowan, wrote: "I chuckled at the coat rack mix-up photo. A few years ago, I grabbed what I thought was my jacket from the church coat rack. It felt a little off, but I didn’t think much of it and wore it home. Months later, I found a business card in the pocket belonging to someone I barely knew from church who also worked at my company. Embarrassed, I arranged to return the coat and was relieved to find it waiting at his desk so I could make the swap unnoticed. Over the years, we’ve become good friends, and he loves to remind me of the wisdom of keeping a business card in every pocket.

Backyard snow view
We've still had a relatively mild winter as far as snowfall but we did get a light dusting early Saturday morning. This is the view of our back yard from our bedroom window which is at grade level.

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495 Kraybill Church Road
Mount Joy, PA 17552

In considering support we are so pleased when we hear from you, our readers, that our messages are a source of teaching and encouragement to you. We also urge you to consider the mission aspect of these daily teachings that are freely available and read by many all over the world.

Thank you,

Stephen & Brooksyne
2024 annual offerings: $34,685.00

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How to become a Christian: https://twowaystolive.com/ 

Scripture references are from The Holy Bible: New International Version. © 1984 by International Bible Society; NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, New King James Version (NKJV) Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. and the King James Version and a variety of other versions.

Personal Mission Statement: "I am created by God to bring Him glory. Through God's Son Jesus Christ I have been redeemed and make it my life's goal to please the Lord. My mission in life is to honor God through my faith and obedience and prepare myself and all whom I may influence for eternity."

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Daily Encouragement Net - 495 Kraybill Church Road - Mount Joy, PA 17552  USA


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