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Thursday, January 2, 2025

Note: Yesterday I mistakenly dated the message January 1, 2024. Does anyone else do that?

Winter farmfield in Iowa (Scott Ephraim)
Lonely Barren Tree
A reader sent this photo his son had taken in Iowa.

"Staying Spiritually Based"

(Part 1)

Message summary: Appropriating today's verse is vitally important in staying spiritually based. For me it's helpful to personalize it so I make it my 2025 spiritual resolution, “So then, just as I received Christ Jesus as my Lord, I will continue to live my life in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as I was taught, and overflowing with thankfulness”.

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“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness” (Colossians 2:6,7).

For many years I have had an annual anchor verse that I seek to focus on all year long. I use it for my email sig line and in other attempts to impact those in my sphere of influence.

It was over twenty years ago that the concept of having an annual theme verse was introduced to me. At that time we attended a small country church, the kind where congregants give verbal testimonies, praise or share a prayer request with others in the church service.

Earl & Helen MartinWhen we first moved to Lancaster County from New England in February of 2001 we rented a rambling old farmhouse overlooking the Risser Mill covered bridge. Even as we were still unpacking our U-Haul a new neighbor, Earl Martin, stopped by to welcome us to his neighborhood and brought us a Shoofly Pie made by his wife, Helen. A former pastor himself, he learned that I also was a minister of the Gospel so he brought along a hand-written prayer of blessing. He invited us to his church right up the road which is the church we attended for many years.

On the first Sunday of 2003 Earl stood up and shared the verse the Lord had laid on his heart for the new year, "The joy of the Lord is my strength" (Nehemiah 8:10). We could not foresee that only months later Earl would go home to be with the Lord. He was a godly man and shared numerous spiritual insights with me the 2˝ years we knew him. Following our message is a brief daily encouragement I wrote following his funeral service titled, "The Legacy".

This year my annual verse is our daily text and for the next six messages we are going to be carefully examining this "meaty" text. It will also be my privilege to teach the first lesson for 2025 in our Crossroads ABF class this coming Lord's Day and this text will be our focus.

Prompting this verse is a conviction that the faithful follower of Christ needs to be "based", a newer term essentially meaning anti-woke.

The word “woke” to describe an outlook on life as best I can determine came into use about ten years ago (though it's probably been around longer). It connotes falling for every new fad that comes down the pike. Being "woke" is warned about in the Bible, “so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes” (Ephesians 4:14).

The word “based” is more recent for me as I began to see it used about 3 or 4 years ago. It connotes rather than being "woke", that a person has a life built on a firm foundation of objective truth, specifically God's truth as revealed in the Holy Scriptures. The "based" person has assurance that whatever the strange winds of fallen culture goes, “Nevertheless, God’s solid foundation stands firm” (2 Timothy 2:19).

Memorizing and appropriating today's verse is vitally important in staying spiritually based. For me it's helpful to personalize it and make it my 2025 spiritual resolution, “So then, just as I received Christ Jesus as my Lord, I will continue to live my life in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as I was taught, and overflowing with thankfulness”.

Be encouraged today! Hebrews 3:13

Stephen & Brooksyne Weber

Praying manDaily prayer: Father, how grateful we are that You opened our eyes and drew our hearts to the hope of salvation. We are no longer wandering to and fro trying to find a reason for living, but we have found Jesus, the Way, the Truth, and the Life, to be our reason for living! We are filled with humility and thankfulness that You would save us from our sins, give us a purpose for living, and provide for us a home that will last for all eternity - where aging, sickness, death and sorrow will no longer be a part of our life's story anymore. We are abundantly grateful for Your goodness to us. Amen.

Prayer for victims of the Islamic Isis massacre in New Orleans: Father, once again, our country has been bombarded by cruel and callous acts of evil that took the lives of innocent bystanders on the first morning of 2025. As we arose from our beds of safety our hearts were shattered by the first news of the day that many people were murdered or severely injured in the massacre in New Orleans. We pray for grieving families, for law enforcement and investigative officers, for the medical professionals and first responders who sought to assist and save as many as possible. We pray for those who have been traumatized by the horrendous carnage they witnessed, that they will find comfort and healing for their troubled hearts. We pray that our country would again become based in God's truth as revealed through Jesus and the Holy Scriptures and discern between good and evil. Would You turn these acts of evil into testimonies of Your grace that people experience even in the worst of circumstances is our prayer. Amen.

Today's Suggested Music and Supplemental Resources

"Firm Foundation (He Won’t)”   Watch on YouTube  Cody Carnes

Earl Martin lived well, died well and left a godly legacy on many. The visitation was held in the church (which I think is great) and many came out to pay their respects to this man of God. A wonderful display of photos showed Earl with his family through the years and I greeted each family member starting with his grandchildren. What a demonstration of the legacy of a godly man.

In the display I picked up a newspaper article written about Earl in 1984 when his farm was recognized as a "centennial farm" (that is, in the same family for 100 years). Earl was quoted, “The Lord’s been good to us and the best crop we’ve raised here is our children.” What an interesting description of ministry in the family and beyond. It describes the Biblical pattern for ministry. “And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others".

That’s been the pattern for two thousand years and continues to this day and will most certainly continue until the trumpet sounds. One generation passing down the faith to the next. You’re reading this and hopefully you have the faith. Someone has passed it down to you. Are you passing it on? Are you leaving a godly legacy as Earl Martin did to those who come along behind you? That’s our call.

Jeanette's 102 birthday
Yesterday we visited with our good friends, Bob and Laura, who live in our neighborhood.  Laura's mom, Jeanette, who lives with them turned 102 yesterday, yes, 102!  We knew she would enjoy seeing our Rosie (the one who's trying to photo bomb) as she is an animal lover herself having raised many horses over her lifetime. Jeanette was born around midnight and the story goes that the doctor who came to the house for her delivery may have had a bit too much to drink on New Year's Eve so whether she was born late December 31, 1922 or early on January 1, 1923 is not certain! But for certain there's no one around now to clarify!

Jeanette's wedding photo
Jeanette, many decades earlier, looked elegant in her beautiful wedding dress. She and her husband raised their two children on a large spread of land in New Jersey. About ten years ago he died and, when she could no longer live alone, Jeanette finally came to live with Laura and Bob.

Cook's wood stove
Bob burns wood for supplemental heat in the room we gathered in with his mother-in-law. I was impressed by how clean the glass was! We burn coal and in no time the glass has a coating of soot on the glass that obscures the fire box.

Our coal stove
We've been burning coal since moving into our present home in 2002. It's a bit dirty and is somewhat labor intensive but on a cold winter day like today with howling winds reinforcing how cold it is outside there's nothing quite like sitting down in our family room to absorb the warmth radiating from our Alaska Stoker that burns Pennsylvania-mined anthracite coal. I empty the ashes and fill the hopper in the back of the stove early each morning and the coal is slowly, automatically fed to the burner. A white hot portion on the burner only about 4x3 inches is generally adequate to keep our entire house warm. It has a glass door on the front so I can see the warm glow and verify that it's working. From a distance when I see the light I am confident the fire is burning as well!

Roxie and Dottie in front of coal stove
Here's a photo from 2007 after a wearying time of ministry at the nursing home as a therapy dog Roxie crashed in front of our coal stove and our cat, Dottie, joined her. It's the warmest spot in our house and they knew it!

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Thank you,

Stephen & Brooksyne

2024 offerings YTD: $27,750.00 (Due to the holidays and accounting offices being closed there is a delay in end of year offerings being posted.)

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How to become a Christian: https://twowaystolive.com/ 

Scripture references are from The Holy Bible: New International Version. © 1984 by International Bible Society; NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, New King James Version (NKJV) Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. and the King James Version and a variety of other versions.

Personal Mission Statement: "I am created by God to bring Him glory. Through God's Son Jesus Christ I have been redeemed and make it my life's goal to please the Lord. My mission in life is to honor God through my faith and obedience and prepare myself and all whom I may influence for eternity."

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Daily Encouragement Net - 495 Kraybill Church Road - Mount Joy, PA 17552  USA


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