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A new message
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Noon Eastern
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(Click refresh or reload for current message) "A Consideration Of Itching Ears" Note:
week's daily
messages (as
well as the
previous two
messages from
last week) are
from a study
prepared for
our Crossroads
Adult Bible
class (Sunday
based on
teaching from
2 Timothy
4:1-8. Message summary: Itching ears are extremely perilous to our spiritual life and health. Listen
to our message
on your audio
player. "For
the time will
come when
people will
not put up
with sound
Instead, to
suit their own
desires, they
will gather
around them a
great number
of teachers to
say what their
itching ears
want to hear.
They will turn
their ears
away from the
truth and turn
aside to
myths" (2
4:3,4). It's interesting how the Bible uses timeless, cross cultural illustrations. Regardless of when or where people live people around the globe have had or do have itching ears, literally speaking. In fact an internet search reveals it's not at all unusual. Bluntly speaking, now and then my ears itch, Not the outside parts where I can scratch but rather inside my ear canal |