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A new message
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(Click refresh or reload for current message) Steve,
a long time
reader from
Iowa, sent
this photo of
sunset over
River (from
the Illinois
"My Son" Message summary: All through history other men have stepped up to provide a father's influence. Consider how meaningful to Timothy Paul's words must have been in the two daily texts: "Timothy, my son" and "You then, my son". Listen
to our message
on your audio
player. "Timothy,
my son, I am
giving you
this command
in keeping
with the
once made
about you, so
that by
recalling them
you may fight
the battle
well" (1
Timothy 1:18).
"You then, my
son, be strong
in the grace
that is in
Christ Jesus"
(2 Timothy
2:1). Each
week we begin
our Sunday
School class
with a time of
sharing prayer
needs. One
shortly after
we began
attending the
class several
years ago, a
class member
who was
leading the
group shared
from his heart
concerning his
own son who
was in prison.
Our hearts
went out to
him as we
considered how
hard this must
be for him and
his wife. Later we learned more to the story. He and his wife had their own biological children but also took in foster children and adopted two children. The man in prison was their adopted son. Yet, when he made the request he merely stated "Pray for my son who is in prison" with no qualifiers or modifiers. He could have said something to the effect "the boy we adopted"... but he said "my son". It was an indication of this man's character and has stirred in me a theme for today's message. I had a good dad, a big German man who rarely shared his emotions. When I was in Junior High School he bought a used blue '65 Chevy pickup truck. He had magnetic signs made and put one on each door that said "E.C. Weber & Sons". Now at that time he didn't own a business so there was no advertising purpose. I think he knew it pleased me as actually my older brothers were already out of the house at that time. If anyone was curious about the presumed business and tried googling "E.C. Weber & Sons" they would have gotten nothing! Of
course there
was no
googling back
then but my
grandpa did go
on the Osage
River. My dad's been up yonder for over 25 years but today I reflect on the blessing of being called his "son". We
don't know
much about
background. He
is first
introduced in
Acts. "Paul
came to Derbe
and then to
Lystra, where
a disciple
named Timothy
lived, whose
mother was
Jewish and a
believer but
whose father
was a Greek"
(Acts 16:1).
That's the
only reference
to his father.
Later Paul wrote to him, "I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also" (2 Timothy 1:5). Apparently his childhood spiritual influence came from his mother and grandmother, no mention of his father. That's an increasingly common pattern today with so many absentee fathers. But all through history other men have stepped up to provide a father's influence. Consider how meaningful to Timothy Paul's words were as they resounded deep in his heart: "Timothy, my son" and "You then, my son". Practical for today: 1)
Were you
blessed with a
dad who
proudly (in a
good sense)
called you
son? That is a
blessing you
appreciate as
I have even
many years
after my Dad's
departure. If
he's living be
sure to let
him know your
love and
appreciation. 2)
What kind of
dad and
are you and
how will you
be remembered
by your
children and
grandchildren? 3) How can you be a father, like Paul was, to the many Timothys in our time?
Be encouraged today, Hebrews 3:13 Stephen & Brooksyne Weber
Father, what
an awesome
privilege to
call You
Father, not
because of
what we've
done or
because of our
bloodline but
because of
Your grace
imparted to us
through the
precious blood
of Your Son,
Jesus Christ,
whom we
received as
our personal
Savior. Not
only do we
living hope
here and now
but as joint
heirs we have
an inheritance
awaiting us in
heaven that
can never
perish, spoil
or fade.
Though born of
seed on earth
we are now
born again of
seed through
Christ Jesus.
Thank You for
making it
Amen. Additional thoughts regarding today's message: 1) Of course an entire message (many of them) could be developed on the theme that God calls us His sons and daughters. In fact music chosen today is on that basis. 2) Although we focused on sons, this message certainly also applies to daughters as well, as you would expect. Brooksyne's thoughts: Considering the theme of today's message I'm reminded of the book, "Twice Adopted" written by Michael Reagan, son of Ronald Reagan. Michael was adopted by Ronald Reagan and his first wife, Jane Wyman, when he was only three days old. They divorced three years later and Wyman won custody of Michael though he would visit regularly with his dad on the ranch. He fondly speaks of the times Reagan would introduce him to others saying, "This is my son, Michael" and never once did he introduce him as his adopted son. It meant a great deal to Michael at the time and as an adult. His book title is explained by Michael, “It’s called Twice Adopted -- first by my parents then by God". His second adoption came after Michael received Christ as His Savior in 1985 and he became a son of God.
Music and
Resources "Still Calls Me Son " Listen on YouTube John Waller "He
Ran To Me"
(The Prodigal
Son) Listen
on YouTube
Craig and
Dean I
am moved by
this line in
the song: With forgiveness in His voice He said "Son" He called me Son. He said "Son, do you know I still love You?"
Another song that has been popular the last several years is "Blood Applied" which has these lines: There is nothing stronger Than the wonder working power of the blood the blood That calls us sons and daughters We are ransomed by our Father Saturday
traveling up
to Knoebels in
County we were
impressed with
leaves on the
higher ridges!
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may not know
or understand
the plan of
Here's a site
with a good
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a Christian:
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