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Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Pumpkin wagon in Strasburg, PA
Ester took this photo of a pumpkin wagon at the entrance to the Strasburg Railroad this last Saturday.

"The Blessing Of 'Special' People"

Message summary: How do you treat "special" people?

Listen to our message on your audio player.

“The LORD your God loves you” (Deuteronomy 23:5b).

Today we begin with an experience Brooksyne had this last Sunday morning:

I served as a "buddy" to students in Shepherd's Class last Sunday. Shepherd's Class is a ministry designed for adults who have major physical and intellectual disabilities. Two of the 13 students on this particular Sunday have Downs Syndrome, including Rachel, whom I share about in the next paragraph. The class has studied all the way through the Bible over the past three years and so we began again from the beginning: Genesis chapter one.

The teacher began the lesson by leading discussion about all that God had made at creation such as night and day, land and sea, etc. "What else did God create?" Without hesitation Rachel raised her hand and  with great enthusiasm and a big smile she remarked, "He made me!" After a slight pause she added,  "And I'm special!" Indeed she is, as she has been lovingly taught by her family.

Sandy That brings to mind many years ago the church we served in new England. We were very close to Sandy who had Downs Syndrome who attended our church. We came to love her just about as much as she loved us. I don’t think you can ever “out-love” one who has Downs. (Photo: Ester, as a young girl, hugging Sandy.)

Sandy’s niece and husband lovingly cared for her many years after her mother was no longer able to do so. Every Sunday morning Sandy would rise at the crack of dawn, get dressed in her Sunday best, and tuck her Bible in her hand. All ready to go, but the longer she waited for her niece to get up the more frustrated she got, certain that she was going to be late for church (hours before it was even time to go)!

One memorable Sunday Sandy let the whole congregation know she liked her pastor. I was preaching from the pulpit and made a point with an extra degree of energy and enthusiasm which stirred a more than usual round of hearty amens from the congregation. Even in rather non expressive New England church!

This prompted Sandy to turn around to the congregation from the second row pew where she always sat and blurt out very loudly with a broad smile as she pointed toward me, “I lub my Patur”. (In Sandy’s language lub meant “love” and Patur was “Pastor”.) Now I know many preachers are happy to get an “Amen” or “hallelujah”, but I may be the only preacher in America that got the vocal affirmation, “I lub my Patur!” And it is memorable to this day.

Our church loved Sandy as well. She felt safe and secure. She experienced what I consider one of the most important functions of the local church: to be loved and accepted in a safe setting. To practice caring for the "least of these" (as humans tend to recognize worth).

* She was accepted for the unique gifts that she brought to the      church body.
* She was accepted as a reminder that all life is precious.
* She was accepted for the very perspective on life that she brought.

Who is it that needs to know of your love and acceptance today?

Be encouraged today, Hebrews 3:13

Stephen & Brooksyne Weber

Praying man Daily prayer: Loving Father, You give us treasures that go far beyond monetary accounting. They include special people in our lives, those categorized as mentally impaired, who can lift our soul, bring a different perspective to life, and confound the most educated among us. They teach us a great deal about survival, overcoming, and simple trust. Their value of life is based not on the artificial but on the genuine. They show us that You have a special plan for each of us, no matter the challenge or how difficult the hardship. Thank You, Father, for bringing these precious souls into our lives so that we can be of blessing to them just as they are of great worth to us. We really do need each other. We pray for the major challenges that caregivers face in caring for these dear souls, that You would provide for them strength, hope, medical expertise and helpers along the way. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

Today's message brings to mind an illustration shared by John Keefer, a previous pastor. He shared a story from the Gospel Greats newsletter titled, “What I Learned From The Bag Boy” by Al Keeney. It's a little long but will brighten your day:

Bagging groceries"I had noticed the young man bagging groceries before. He took his job seriously and worked at it diligently. It’s not easy for a person with Downs Syndrome to find a job and he appreciated the opportunity to do something useful and earn his own money.

That particular day he bagged my groceries and placed them carefully in the cart for me. I thanked him and moved to push the cart out the door. After all, I’m a man! I can carry my own groceries. But he would have nothing of that. He informed me that that was his job.

I said, “OK,” and he followed me out to my car. I opened the trunk and he put the bags in. I smiled and said, “Thank you.”

Suddenly, he put his arms around me and said, “I like you!” I said the only thing I could say, “I like you, too.”

Over the years I have read hundreds of books on a wide variety of subjects; I have heard countless sermons and preached hundreds myself; I have witnessed several remarkable, even historic events. But you know, I don’t remember any of those things as clearly as I recall that simple expression of innocent love.

Now, some will say, “When you see that young man in Heaven, he will be made whole”. In other words, they think he will be like the rest of us.

But I wonder...

I wonder if, when by God’s grace I am made whole, I won’t be more like that young man than he like me. You see, “the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control"
(Galatians 5:22-23). My friend, the bag boy, was blessed with all those qualities and none of the pride or meanness that so often afflicts me.

When we get to heaven, few of the abilities we value so highly here will matter very much. And honestly now, would you like to spend eternity debating the finer points of physics or theology or fine art with some world renowned authority, or would you rather spend it singing in the choir seated next to a kid who is not embarrassed to give you a hug and tell you that he likes you?"

Stephen's Note: As a young teen age boy I got my very first real job as a sacker at a Kroger Grocery Store in Independence, Missouri. (Sacker is the job title in the south, bagger is used in the north.) I can rarely resist striking up a conversation with a bagger in a grocery store, even if I’ve never met him, and reminisce aloud of my young years as a sacker at Kroger.

Brooksyne’s Note: The mention of Sandy’s name brings about many memories but I’ll just share one. I think that Sandy’s mother taught her to have a special love toward her pastors over the years since the pastor before our arrival also had a special relationship with her. One Sunday morning Stephen happened to sit in the same pew as Sandy during Sunday School. She scooted her way toward his end of the pew so she could sit near her pastor, but then I kind of messed things up when I came in a few minutes later. I asked her to scoot down a little so I could sit next to Stephen. She crossed her arms (the ones that spoke silently but with her added smirk communicated, “I don’t wanna”). She did anyway but during most of the Sunday School hour I had to endure the sideways glance of Sandy’s “silent wrath” as expressed in the crossed arms, squinted eyes, and upside down smile.

Today's Suggested Music and Supplemental Resources

"In Heaven's Eyes"  Listen on YouTube   Vonda Beerman

We passed another pumpkin wagon yesterday at the Frey's Garden Center in Lebanon County.

Big pumpkin
Large pumpkin at the Frey's Garden Center.

Amish Farm stand
These small homemade stands are often at the end of the driveway on mostly Amish farms and in our area selling misc produce and canned goods. They are selfserve and on the honor system, usually with a small container to put in the money.

Amish Farm stand
 In addition to vegetables many of the produce stands include flower arrangements from the abundance of flowers that gardeners grow in our area. It's provides a little competition to the local florists for a short season of the year.

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Stephen & Brooksyne

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How to become a Christian: https://twowaystolive.com/ 

Scripture references are from The Holy Bible: New International Version. © 1984 by International Bible Society; NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, New King James Version (NKJV) Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. and the King James Version and a variety of other versions.

Personal Mission Statement: "I am created by God to bring Him glory. Through God's Son Jesus Christ I have been redeemed and make it my life's goal to please the Lord. My mission in life is to honor God through my faith and obedience and prepare myself and all whom I may influence for eternity."

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