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Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Volunteer sunflower
Volunteer Sunflower on the Tractor Trail

"Bloom Where You're Planted"

(Part 2)

Message summary: Yesterday's message was titled, "Bloom Where You're Planted". Today let us consider when we are called to bloom when God providentially plants us in an undesirable place that we would never have chosen.

Listen to our message on your audio player.

"But he (Stephen), full of the Holy Spirit, gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. And he said, 'Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God'" (Acts 7:55,56).

Across the road from our house we have a mile long tractor trail where Brooksyne often walks the dogs and I ride my bike between fields of corn. At the first of three corners is an area where three fields meet which is a suitable place to dispose of organic clippings from our yard and gardens.

From our road looking down the long trail you can spot the sunflower (close-up in our lead photo) which grew from these clippings, which apparently had included some sunflower seeds.

An interesting term used to describe plants that grow like this is "volunteer plants"; those of you who garden know just what we're talking about. These are plants that grow from spilled or discarded seeds. Sometimes a bird drops a seed or the wind blows a seed into a place where it was not planted.

Morning Glories are a great example of volunteer plants. Years ago Brooksyne intentionally planted some but now for about twenty years they just reseed themselves and grow all over, often crowding out other plants. We've determined to enjoy morning glories because they sure don't seem to be going away anytime soon and they have beautiful blossoms!

Yesterday's message on blooming where you are planted was used in the purposeful sense of planting. But sometimes we may find ourselves providentially planted where we had not planned to be or where we had no choice in the matter. In fact it may be in a place we would rather not be. A true test of character is the way we respond to such circumstances: in this case we are still called to bloom!

Earlier this year we shared about a young mother who had come from South Carolina to our area with her husband and two young sons to visit family at Christmas. While here she developed a severe infection resulting in the amputation of both her arms and legs and a two month stay in our local hospital.

Brooksyne periodically follows "Ciara & Colton" on Facebook and yesterday as we traveled she read the up to date reports: "A girl from our church sang this convicting song ["The Painter's Hand"] in the morning service yesterday. It challenged us to trust God for His plan in our lives. We watched the recording again as a family in our living room....God has been working in both our hearts and it has been our prayer that He is working in the hearts of our children as well."

She is demonstrating remarkable faith in the midst of her adversity in overcoming a trial that she never would have imagined. Ciara is in a sense blooming in a place she would have never have purposefully planted herself in.

Likewise Stephen (in the Bible) was providentially placed in a very hostile setting he scarcely would have imagined. In two chapters we have him going from obscurity to the joy of being chosen as one of the original deacons to preaching his powerful sermon leading to his fatal stoning.

Today's text reveals both his blooming and his faith-filled outlook at the time of his stoning: "But he, full of the Holy Spirit, gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. And he said, 'Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God'" (Acts 7:55,56).

By gazing into heaven and seeing the glory of God he surely was filled with great assurance but the text makes it clear he also made a verbal witness that those around him heard.

Today, if you find yourself in an undesirable spot, gaze upward and see God's glory. Continue to provide a verbal witness as evidence that you are still blooming!

Be encouraged today, Hebrews 3:13

Stephen & Brooksyne Weber

Praying man Daily prayer: Father, there are times when You plant me in unfamiliar or even hostile settings and ask me to be fully reliant upon You. There is great blessing when I follow Your leading: I grow more mature in my faith which makes me useful in Your kingdom. Help me not to fear the process or the outcome, for that is in Your hands. Thank You for Your prompting and entrusting me to be a part of your grand purpose. What a privilege and responsibility. Amen.

Today's Suggested Music and Supplemental Resources

"Painter's Hand"  Watch on YouTube   Heather Prusse (Song referred to in message)

"All Things"  Watch on YouTube   David & Nicole Binion

"Gonna Be Alright"   Watch on YouTube   Ryan Ellis

Brooksyne's Note:  Walking the dogs on the trail across the street from our house I was delighted to see the volunteer sunflower from a great distance. It made my walk that much more enjoyable until I finally got to see it up close. It made me think of the hymn, "Sunshine in  my soul today" written by Eliza Hewitt, a teen during the Civil War. In 1887 while teaching at the Northern Home for Friendless Children [imagine that being the name of your school], she was struck by an unruly student who slammed his slate across her back severely injuring her. After being placed in a heavy cast for six months she remained virtually immobile, wondering if she would ever walk again. Finally, when the cast was removed in early 1887, the doctor told her to take a short walk in nearby Fairmont park. It was a warm spring day, and she was overcome with joy. Returning home she immediately wrote the hymn:

There's sunshine in my soul today
More glorious and right,
Than glows in any earthly sky,
For Jesus in my light.

You can't help but find yourself smiling if you sing along with this hymn classic. Listen here

If you're unfamiliar with that hymn consider more familiar hymns she also wrote: "When We All Get to Heaven", "More About Jesus Would I Know" and "My Faith Has Found a Resting Place". 

(Hymn story adapted from "Then Sings my Soul" by Robert J. Morgan)

As I considered the bright beauty of that sunflower and the joy it brought to my countenance I also considered: if Jesus is the light of our soul we too can bring a bright ray of sunshine to others. Perhaps we can attract them to the joy and sunshine we have in our hearts just as I was attracted to this sunflower from afar. "Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven" (Matthew 5:16).

Backyard sunflowers
Here are some purposefully planted sunflowers along our back fence facing the sun, of course. The birds drop seeds in Brooksyne's hanging planters and she lets them grow about 4" in the middle of her flower arrangement. Then she plucks them from the planter and transplants them where she wants them.

Backyard sunflowers
 More sunflowers at our back fence along with Mission Giant Marigolds

Coral Canna Lily
Here another purposefully planted bloom: coral canna lily

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Stephen & Brooksyne

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