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Friday, July 5, 2024

Kraybill Church Road hay field
 I passed this field up the road from our house at 7:45 pm Wednesday evening. While riding a bike I observed the hay was ready for baling. Early yesterday morning I rode by again before 8:00 am and the field was cleared with all the hay baled and off the field. I saw my Amish neighbor Chris and he said they baled the hay about 8:30 pm the night before!
Click on photo to enlarge

"One Hundred Year Perspective"

Note: We did not prepare a message yesterday on the 4th of July. We celebrated our 248th year of independence. We join others in praying that our country will see their need to turn back to righteousness, for that is what will exalt our nation and we can truly see God pouring out His blessings on us.

Message summary: We encourage each of you today, if you have not already done so, to commit your life to Christ. Express your faith in His redemption plan, confess, and repent of your sins. Choose this day and every day to serve the Lord Jesus Christ.

Listen to our message on your audio player.

"Then he (Isaac) breathed his last and died and was gathered to his people, old and full of years. And his sons Esau and Jacob buried him" (Genesis 35:29). "A time to be born and a time to die" (Ecclesiastes 3:2).

We are often blessed by the spiritual messages on church signs which remind us of eternal truths. Some post Scripture verses and others witty, thought-provoking sayings. Years ago we passed a small church in Marietta, PA and their message asked, "Where will you be 100 years from now?"

So let's consider that in today's message. A more familiar expression often used in witnessing is, "Where will you spend eternity?" But to me the 100 year question packs a very powerful punch. It's a measurement of time I can comprehend. I find it helpful to look back 100 years and perhaps you can do the same.

We have all probably known someone who lived 100 years ago and in some cases we know someone still living who is over 100. Presently one for us would be Eric Crichton, who served as the pastor of the church we presently attend (long before we started attending). He is now 103 years old.

But looking 100 years into the future is harder than looking 100 years to the past. After all we can know what happened 100 years ago but what will life be like for those living 100 years from now in 2124?

One hundred is a long time to live but consider this: Someone 100 years old has lived just 5% of the time since Christ came to this earth 2000 years ago. In my case I've been around just 3.5% of that time. If we go back to creation our percentage of time is of course far less!

There are basically four different possible answers to this vital question, "Where will I be 100 years from now?"

1. Perhaps with medical advances I will be living at 169 years of age! (I am not counting on that though.)

2. The secular response is that I am merely a physical entity and when I die it's all over. As a mere physical being my flesh, which is all I am, will rot in the ground. In this view there's no spirit or soul to live on and certainly no future resurrection of the body.

3. The common dominant view held by many, including those who should know better, is that everyone (except perhaps the notoriously evil) goes to a very pleasant place at death. This view is based on sentiment, not Scripture and is often expressed by even the most ardent secularist at the death of a loved one. It seems humans have an innate sense that there is something more after death and this view basically asserts, "The good in life always outweighs the bad. Things work out all right in the end". However this view has no basis in Scripture.

4. The Holy Scriptures truthfully inform us of a coming judgment and there are two very distinct options at death, depending on our response to Christ, during our present lifetime.

We both clearly and unashamedly hold to the fourth view. Though it's not absolutely impossible that we may be alive 100 years from now, it is most unlikely!

The daily text is just a simple record of the passing of one man (Isaac) who lived nearly 4,000 years ago. He was 180 years old and full of years. The powerful phrase "gathered to his people" is first used at the death of his father Abraham (Genesis 25:8) and is repeated throughout the Scriptures to the death of Moses (Deuteronomy 32:50). One day you and I will most certainly be "gathered to our people".

We want to be prepared to join the people of God throughout the ages, including those in our own generation. We encourage each of you, if you have not done so already, to commit your life to Christ. Express your faith in His redemption plan, confess, and repent of your sins. Choose this day and every day to serve the Lord Jesus Christ.

Be encouraged today, Hebrews 3:13

Stephen & Brooksyne Weber

Praying man Daily prayer: Father, daily there are questions looming; some trivial and others essential to our existence here on earth. But the most vital question we must answer in a timely manner and in adherence to Scripture has to do with our eternal destiny. Just as the patriarchs of old lived long lives and then were buried by their children, our bodies too will return to dust, while our souls live on for eternity. We want to "be gathered to our people" who've made their pilgrimage here on earth with You as their Shepherd. We choose to commit our ways to You and follow Your commands so that our room and board is forever paid up in the great beyond where Christ sits at Your right hand. Keep us faithful till that day is fulfilled in our lives. In the precious name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

Today's Suggested Music and Supplemental Resources

"Hymn of Heaven"  Watch on YouTube   Phil Wickham

Neighborhood animal photos

Trout Run Road goat on log
Riding down Trout Run Road I passed this goat playing "King of the Mountain" by standing on a large log.
Click on photo to enlarge

Forrey Road sheep in pasture
 On Flory Road I passed these sheep grazing all in a row.
Click on photo to enlarge

Trout Run Road goat on log
 While talking to Chris yesterday morning the family milking cow came up to greet us, face covered with flies. Chris informed me that's an indicator that rain is coming. However we are still waiting!

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495 Kraybill Church Road
Mount Joy, PA 17552

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Thank you,

Stephen & Brooksyne

2024 offerings YTD: $11,715.00

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Scripture references are from The Holy Bible: New International Version. © 1984 by International Bible Society; NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, New King James Version (NKJV) Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. and the King James Version and a variety of other versions.

Personal Mission Statement: "I am created by God to bring Him glory. Through God's Son Jesus Christ I have been redeemed and make it my life's goal to please the Lord. My mission in life is to honor God through my faith and obedience and prepare myself and all whom I may influence for eternity."

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Daily Encouragement Net - 495 Kraybill Church Road - Mount Joy, PA 17552  USA


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