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Thursday, May 16, 2024

Geese family on Donegal Creek
Several large geese families reside on Donegal Creek across the field from our house. We also have neighbors who have a goose house and have cared for several geese for the past five years or more. They're pet geese!

"Tested And Approved In Christ"

Note: This week we are considering several lesser known Bible characters from a portion of Scripture one Bible teacher calls "a grocery list of names".

Message summary: Today we urge you who are enduring a testing to remember the highest goal of life is to be "dokimon en Christo" (tested and approved in Christ).

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"Greet Apelles, tested and approved in Christ" (Romans 16:10a).

Yesterday, following a teacher's meeting over lunch for our Crossroads ABF class, we went over to visit Ross, one of our fellow teachers. Just over three weeks ago Ross suffered a stroke and is now recovering in a rehab hospital. It was a blessing to visit him to provide encouragement and prayer. He is certainly undergoing a testing that he would not have chosen or scheduled.

He had a very serious fall about two years ago that required long term intensive therapy at a rehab facility, so he and his wife may feel besieged by yet another major setback. Today we will consider Apelles, a lesser-known Bible character, who is described as one who was tested and approved not by his supervisor, family or friends but by the highest authority given to man, the Lord Jesus Christ.

This week we are examining several ministry associates of Paul in Romans 16. Interestingly, it is very unlikely that Paul had even been to Rome at the writing of this book. Yet we have an abbreviated hall of fame of faith representing the many lesser-knowns who have contributed to advancing the Kingdom of God through the centuries. It shouldn't come as a surprise that it would also include many of us (being lesser-known).

Today, let us consider one of them: a man named Apelles, who is mentioned only this one time in the entire Bible. It must have been nice to be remembered in Paul's letter to the Roman church! If Apelles had a written copy of the letter and a highlighter in hand he surely would have highlighted in yellow this portion though many Bible students may give it little thought. It must have given him great encouragement to hear Paul's commendation in such a positive way.

Most versions use the word "greet" and a few use the word "salute", but it's interesting to me the word for greet is "aspazomai", which means to "enfold in the arms".  When Apelles heard his name spoken in Paul's letter surely his heart was warmed and a big smile crossed his face as he recalled his relationship with Paul, who even at that time was a man of great renown. It's quite possible that his cheeks turned red as he was surely a humble saint and the personal attention might have embarrassed him slightly.

But let us consider today the single bit of biographical data we have on this man. The NIV uses two descriptive words "tested and approved" to translate the depth of a single Greek word "dokimos". A Greek linguistic key states the meaning as, "appoved after trial".* The word means tested, thus reliable, and therefore esteemed. "Dokimos" was used for coins and metals that had passed the quality control tests of that time.

Apelles underwent testing as well although the details are not specified. Maybe he suffered great persecution. Perhaps he endured major health problems. He might have fallen into sin and now, after a time of careful examination, he was being reinstated.

We're not told the nature of his testing, but at this point he had proven himself faithful. Apelles was "tested and approved in Christ". What a notable recognition coming from the apostle Paul!

Today we urge all of you who are enduring a testing to remember the highest goal of life is to be "dokimon en Christo" (tested and approved in Christ).

Be encouraged today, Hebrews 3:13

Stephen & Brooksyne Weber

Praying man Daily prayer: Father, there is great temptation to seek the commendation of those around us so that we might be esteemed in the sight of others. But there is no honor or reward in this life that compares with the commendation that Apelles received, to be tested and approved in Christ. Father, You know the very intent of our heart through each word we speak and each action we carry out. May we honor You in all that we do in the daily battleground of forming attitudes and making choices, whether in public or in private, for nothing is hidden from Your sight. May we, above all, be dokimon en Christo.  Amen.

Additional study note: Mike is a longtime friend (since 1977) who for many years was a quality control engineer in a large company he worked at in northern Pennsylvania. When I lived in that area he led a long process of bringing his company into ISO 9000 compliance, a standardized form of quality control.

I called him yesterday because I had a quality control question. We often think of quality control in the manufacturing process but I specifically asked him if he thought it was a growing concern in the engineering/design step.

Specifically; I notice in the rush that companies have to keep coming up with new electric bikes with interesting new features to set them apart from the competition, it seems there is an obvious flaw in some of the design.

Although Mike is retired he still keeps up with quality control news. He shared an illustration from a recent incident when a Boeing aircraft door came off in flight. He told me that there are many subcontractors making component parts for a huge airplane and of course quality control is essential in every step, not just the final assembly. When investigators examined the door manufacturer they were unable to find documentation the doors had been tested which is a major deficiency in quality control standards.

Consider this in light of being tested and approved in Christ. What are the "records" in our life that we have been tested? They may not be in a file cabinet but can you examine your life and remember those times of testing that made you who you are today, hopefully tested and approved? "These [trial, testings] have come so that your faith - of greater worth than gold, which perishes by fire - may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed." (I Peter 1:7).

Mike and his wife Kathy continue to serve the Lord in prison ministry in North Carolina.

I've never heard anyone named Apelles but this is also true of many in the list of proper names in Romans 16:

Phoebe, Priscilla, Aquila, Epenetus, Mary, Andronicus, Junias, Ampliatus, Urbanus, Stachys, Apelles, Aristobulus & household, Herodion (relative), Narcissus & household, Tryphena, Tryphosa, Persis, Rufus & his mother, Asyncritus, Phlegon, Hermes, Patrobas, Hermas & brothers with him, Philologus, Julia, Neures and his sister, Olympas, Timothy, Lucius, Jason, Sosipater, Tertius, Gaius, Erastus, Quartus

Today's Suggested Music and Supplemental Resources

"Though You Slay Me"  Watch on YouTube   Shane & Shane  A song of faithful resolve in the midst of testing. I dedicate it today to our friend Ross and all who are undergoing a testing.

* Linguistic Key To The Greek New Testament" by Fritz Rienecker/Cleon Rogers (this book was a gift from our friend Rick Masciantonio in the 90's when we served a church in New England. I called Rick this morning and he is faithfully serving the Lord as the pastor of the Nauset Baptist Church on Cape Cod)

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