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Friday, April 19, 2024

Job 1:21

"The Road Marked
With Suffering"

Message summary: Today some of you are traveling on the road marked by suffering. We encourage you to worship God in the midst of your trial even though there is pain in the offering.  May our hearts choose to say, "Lord, blessed be Your Name!"

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"The LORD gives and the LORD takes away. Blessed be the name of the LORD" (Job 1:21).

Yesterday morning I met with a group of college business students at Hershey Medical Center to explain our chaplaincy ministry. I urged them, when they entered the business world after college, to consider how they can make an impact for Christ. In our view the use of chaplaincy service is one way of doing so and the instructor had requested that I share our ministry with them.

From there I went to a nearby company to visit the employees. When I walked in the production manager asked me to speak to an employee whose girlfriend died this last weekend of an overdose. We had ministered to the employee previously so I had an open and very receptive door.  We we went aside to a private place and I joined him as he ate his lunch. He is in the rehab phase of overcoming drug addiction so I prayed with him and urged him to turn his life fully to the Lord. He is on "the road marked with suffering".

"Blessed Be Your Name" is a song that has blessed many of us.  It's a great exclamation of praise with a lively, contagious tune. But as a Bible student I especially appreciate the thoughtful, Scripturally-based words.  In fact the song is prompted by the daily verse. There's a verse in the song I would like to consider in today's message:

"On the road marked with suffering.
Though there's pain in the offering.
Blessed be Your name."

There are certainly those periods in life when we all travel "on the road marked with suffering". Sometimes these are events that make international news due to the immensity and sheer evil of the impact, such as 9/11/01 or more recently October 7, 2023 in Israel.

Usually they are felt more on the local level but with no less intensity for those dealing with the ongoing pain of such loss as the man I spoke to yesterday. Not one of us escapes the road marked with suffering, although the severity varies with each individual and through each phase of life.

"The LORD gives and the LORD takes away". This is a remarkable faith statement. Job is an example of one who suffered intensely, yet he recognized, "The LORD gives and the LORD takes away". We have no problem theologically with a God who gives but we may cringe at the notion that the Lord also takes away! This is a great mystery of sovereignty and providence, but God's overall control must be asserted.

"Blessed be the Name of the Lord". What a powerful declaration of praise in the midst of suffering. A line in the song that especially intrigues me states, "Though there's pain in the offering".  Have you experienced this?  I can't say for sure what the songwriter meant when he wrote these words, but I have a pretty good idea.

I believe he's reflecting on just how hard it is to offer sincere praise to God and declare, "Blessed be Your Name" while walking the road marked by suffering.

But this worship is just what Job demonstrates so powerfully. In the previous verse, following a severe wave of affliction, "He fell to the ground in worship".

A commentary in a Study Bible states that "Job reacted to the disaster that happened to him with intense grief, but also with a humble spirit that submitted to God and continued to worship Him in the midst of extreme adversity. Job teaches by example and words how we as faithful believers should face life's calamities. Though we may experience severe sufferings and unexplainable affliction, we should pray for grace to accept what God allows to come upon us."

Today some of you are traveling on the road marked by suffering. We encourage you to worship God in the midst of your trial even when there is pain in your offering.  May our hearts choose to say, "Lord, blessed be Your Name!"

Be encouraged today, Hebrews 3:13

Stephen & Brooksyne Weber

Praying man Daily prayer: Father, when we're walking down the road of suffering You renew our hope and brighten our spirit as we remember that Your steadfast love never ceases even in the midst of affliction. We do not walk alone, but You, Man of Sorrows, walk along with us and greatly identify with our suffering. Your mercies are new every day because You are a loving, faithful God. You give strength to the weary, increase the power of the weak, and comfort the sorrowful. You help us to soar on wings like eagles and rise above the troubling circumstances that surround our lives as we await Your soon return. With thanksgiving and praise we say, "Blessed be Your Name!"

*ą We met at the hospital since the students were already there for another meeting.

*˛ Note on Job 1:20-22 in the Full Life Study Bible

Today's Suggested Music and Supplemental Resources

"Blessed Be Your Name"  Watch on YouTube  Maranatha! Music

"Blessed Be Your Name" was written by Matt and Beth Redman and has an uncanny ability to be appropriate in a variety of settings.  Many of us have sung it as a joyful praise in our churches. It's also a powerful funeral song. The most interesting time I ever heard it was at a wedding I participated in. It was sung as the ceremony concluded and the bride and groom departed down the aisle! It really is a fitting song in this context for as a couple embarks upon the journey of marriage they most certainly will have good times and hard times! Yet what power when a mutual determination is made regardless of the circumstances of life that a couple will embrace praise and declare together, "Blessed be the Name of the Lord". BTW: This wedding was nearly 20 years ago and the Paradis couple, Sean and Jeanette, along with their two children are doing very well and staying faithful to God. Jeanette's parents are Tom and Marsha, very good friends from our St. Marys, PA congregation we served from 1977-1993.

"Is He Worthy?"  Watch on YouTube  Michael Sanchez and the Shadow Mountain Choir and Orchestra    This is a great song to give us perspective and hope as we consider world events and personal times of being on "The Road Marked With Suffering". "Do you know that all the dark won’t stop the light from getting through? We do".

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Stephen & Brooksyne

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Scripture references are from The Holy Bible: New International Version. © 1984 by International Bible Society; NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, New King James Version (NKJV) Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. and the King James Version and a variety of other versions.

Personal Mission Statement: "I am created by God to bring Him glory. Through God's Son Jesus Christ I have been redeemed and make it my life's goal to please the Lord. My mission in life is to honor God through my faith and obedience and prepare myself and all whom I may influence for eternity."

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