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Friday, April 12, 2024

Mundane faithfulness

"Mundane Faithfulness"

Message summary: The vast majority of the work of Christ is being done by hundreds of millions of believers all around the world who work behind the scenes as they practice mundane faithfulness.

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“Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord” (Romans 12:11).

Today I (Stephen) am preparing the message by myself since Brooksyne is making several chaplain visits. So I can use her as an illustration!

This Sunday she will be serving in the "Shepherds class", which is comprised of disabled youth and adults. My observation is that this is very tedious ministry yet a means of honoring God and caring for a type of the "least of these". We know several who serve in this class including Brian and Sandy who are the leaders who have served the disabled for many years. We first met them about 20 years ago at a "handicamp" in New Jersey.

I read this quote in an article concerning the death of a steadfast servant of God, "Some people make a big splash in life. Others spread their impact more quietly over decades".

Bluntly, most of us aren’t making a big splash. Our service might even be described as “mundane faithfulness”. We go about our days seeking to be faithful in the little things. We are certainly open to making a big splash if that’s what God ordains but many of us never do.

Martin Luther asked his thoughtful listeners, “What will you do in the days of mundane faithfulness?” Mundane faithfulness is unheralded. It’s couples who keep their marriage vows, workers who do their jobs conscientiously day after day, year after year, parents who steadily care for and nurture their children and there are many areas where mundane faithfulness can be applied in the church setting.

We dedicate this message to the many, many people we’ve come across in our journey who are steadfastly making an impact for Christ in ways barely visible outside their own relatively small sphere of influence as they practice “mundane faithfulness”. Those who serve in "mundane faithfulness" in their churches are too numerous to count.

“Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord” is a command that we do well to practice all the days of our life. Today, make a fresh determination to serve the Lord in big or small ways in mundane faithfulness.

I contend that the vast majority of the work of Christ is being done by hundreds of millions of believers just like these around the world who work behind the scenes as they practice mundane faithfulness.

Be encouraged today, Hebrews 3:13

Stephen & Brooksyne Weber

Praying man Daily prayer: Father, it seems the longer we live the more likely it is that we grow weary, lose interest, or become frustrated by others who might not help carry the work load, whether it’s in the family, work, or church setting. But if we carry out that which You’ve laid upon our hearts and faithfully serve, even in the mundane chores that others are not attracted to, we do that which pleases You and make an essential contribution to the overall function of the home, workplace, church, community and world. Even that which is mundane to others can be appealing to those whose hearts are zealous, filled with spiritual fervor, because they are “doing their work heartily as unto the Lord”, which is even more important than doing it for others. Keep us joyfully on track and focused heavenward as we faithfully serve You in the mundane chores of life. Amen.

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Stephen & Brooksyne

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Personal Mission Statement: "I am created by God to bring Him glory. Through God's Son Jesus Christ I have been redeemed and make it my life's goal to please the Lord. My mission in life is to honor God through my faith and obedience and prepare myself and all whom I may influence for eternity."

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