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Thursday, April 4, 2024

Front view after rain
After several days of heavy rain the contrast this morning is stunning to us although more rain is in the forecast! I need some dry weather to get the lawn mowed. In spite of our weather forecast the sun did come out and, oh, how good it feels!

"When The Truth Hurts"

Message summary: God speaks truth and righteousness and so too must we faithfully speak the truth in love, declare what is right, and live in righteousness. But be aware, truth is hate to those who hate the truth!

Listen to our message on your audio player.

"I, the LORD, speak the truth; I declare what is right" (Isaiah 45:19). "We must speak the truth in love" (Ephesians 4:15).

Today's message will be a bit longer. It's a followup to yesterday's message that emphasized the importance of the resurrection and how those who may have been hurt at some time by the church or another Christian need to focus on the foundational truth of the resurrection rather than hurts brought on by the church or other Christians.

But today let us consider another type of hurt that provides an excuse to abandon the ways of Christ, being "hurt" by truth. In my observation this is a contributing reason for many abandoning the faith.

How do we as Christians and the church respond to this?

1) Some respond by abandoning the truth to conform to and be loved by the world.
2) Others respond by being silent lest someone be hurt or offended by the message of truth.
3) The right response is to boldly, clearly and lovingly hold to and proclaim the truth.

A song by the southern gospel group Gold City addresses our times:

I see a nation on the brink
I see a people prone to think
That truth is like an ocean wave
Changing with the tide.

But for me there has to be
An absolute, a center line
And it's the Word of God eternal
The cornerstone of Christ

A church in rural California used their changeable sign to post a truthful but very culturally unpopular message. It became viral on the social media circus, and naturally some were offended by it and created such a stir that the pastor lost his position. The sign's message was blunt but true and just 25 years ago wouldn't have caused a stir. Some would have agreed with it, others would have disagreed but accepted, perhaps even respected, the church's right to express its beliefs.

In fact 25 years ago we used an similarly "offensive" message on the sign in front of the church we served in Massachusetts at the entrance to our parking lot. Each week we placed up Scripture verses and short truths expressed in thought-provoking phrases. Our church was located on US Route 44, the busy east/west highway passing through the city, so we had lots of traffic. Through the years we would occasionally get a positive comment from passersby about a message posted. But my most informative feedback memory was not positive.

One year during a "Sanctity of Life Sunday" we posted this simple, unambiguous, irrefutable, true message: "Abortion Stops A Beating Heart". A few days later a lady called our church office and told me she had seen the sign and was deeply offended and extremely upset about it. She thought there should be a law against posting such a message and threatened that she was going to check into it. She said her children were so upset they cried.

Well, the truth really hurts and in this case illustrates the awful blindness that sin causes. However, that was it and it blew over and we left the message up without further incident till it was time to put up a new message.

But we now live in the age of being easily offended and day after day we read of someone causing a stir because they are offended or hurt about something. With social media this can quickly become "viral" and mob-like. This works especially well for those offended by conservative views.

When reading about the California church sign I considered how different things might be today for posting "Abortion stops a beating heart" and similar type messages especially in Massachusetts! With social media as a catalyst someone would have twittered out a photo and in no time an offended group would have probably gathered around the sign at the entrance of our church in angry protest. They might have yelled at our church people as they entered the parking lot and no telling what else!

Today, whatever Biblical truth is being assaulted in your corner of the world, keep standing for and proclaiming the truth. A lie: no matter how it is packaged, no matter who repeats it or how often, whether a majority holds to it or not, it is still a lie!  Let us commit to being proclaimers and examples of truth in the midst of a world that redefines or "modernizes" what is perceived as truth to promote its own truth-denying agenda.

God has revealed Himself so powerfully in the first daily Scripture portion: "I, the LORD, speak the truth; I declare what is right" (Isaiah 45:19). Indeed He does and so must we! As faithful Christians we also must faithfully speak the truth and declare what is right.

Today's second text is a phrase from a verse that we purposely quote to make us think. In its initial application it was directed to the church in Ephesus and addressed their interpersonal relationships.

But we feel the principle applies to the church's stand in the world as well. "We must speak the truth in love". Unfortunately the concept of love and hate has been so muddied that this verse in itself can stir up different interpretations. But simply put, truth is hate to those who hate the truth!

Be encouraged today, Hebrews 3:13

Stephen & Brooksyne Weber

Praying man Daily prayer: Father, we learn from Scripture and we see by Jesus' example that we are to speak the truth in love, even when it is easier to go along with the crowd or the trends of our society including the post modern thinking that doesn't rely on facts as much as one's personal experience, emotions, and ideology. Help us to be courageous believers who consistently live and speak the truth. Give us strength not to apologetic or shrink back when we're attacked as ambassadors of Your unchanging truths as presented in Scripture. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

Several additional considerations on offending and being offended:

1) Of course this message should not be construed as an excuse to bully or intentionally offend others. But I refuse to lie or join in someone else's fantasy such as the trans deception sweeping our world. Last time I donated blood in early February I (69 year old Stephen
, a male) was asked if I was pregnant! This was to fulfill someone else's fantasy and I refuse to play along and refrain from speaking the truth even if it might "hurt" someone. We donate again this Saturday and no telling what questions we will be asked. Another time we were asked whether we wanted to be a he or she.

2) All through life I have been insulted and/or offended. I think this has been virtually everyone’s experience. Sometimes the insults are intentional and mean, but most of the times unintentional, a misunderstanding.

3) And I have also insulted and/or offended others. I also think this has been virtually everyone’s experience. Most of the time these insults and offenses to others have been unintentional, or likely a misunderstanding. But frankly, especially in my pre-conversion days, I look back at my insensitivity and immaturity and admit that I was intentionally mean at times, such as getting a laugh at someone else's expense. In some cases I have sought forgiveness from those I hurt, in other cases such as a lost contact I must leave it in the Lord's hands.

4) Now "being offended" can be used to silence those with whom one disagrees and if lawyers get involved can be a potential source of big money.

Several years ago I recall when Daniel Riley, a singer with the Gospel group "Gold City" shared how that in his small town in Alabama, they had, as long as he could remember, a nativity scene on display. One person was "offended" by it and an outside group called the "Freedom From Religion Foundation" demanded its removal. Like so many small towns they complied rather than pay the legal fees to fight such an outrageous demand.

He shared that the same evil, Satan-inspired group demanded a town remove a sign often seen in smaller towns all across America. "The Churches Of ______ Welcome You". Now how in the world could that be offensive to anybody? When we drive by a sign or billboard with a message offensive to our faith (which we see a lot) we either disregard it or at times it prompts us to pray.

Today's Suggested Music and Supplemental Resources

"I Will Stand"  Watch on YouTube   Gold City

"Anything Bit Easy"  Watch on YouTube   Casting Crowns

Brooksyne's Note:  As we were reading the podcast this song came to mind, "Anything But Easy". I can so relate to Mark's lyrics. It's easier to talk about the weather but to speak the truth in love - whether it's sharing about one's need for salvation or lovingly confronting a loved one about the wrong choices they are making. Speaking the truth in love is not easy but is essential as one who is obedient to the Spirit of God.

It would be easy to look the other way
But I love you too much to not say something
Without the truth my love means nothing
Sometimes love is
Anything but easy
Anything but easy

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Stephen & Brooksyne

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Personal Mission Statement: "I am created by God to bring Him glory. Through God's Son Jesus Christ I have been redeemed and make it my life's goal to please the Lord. My mission in life is to honor God through my faith and obedience and prepare myself and all whom I may influence for eternity."

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