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Friday, January 12, 2024

Old-order Mennonite funeral, Lancaster County, PA (click to enlarge)
Old-order Mennonite Funeral, Lancaster County, PA
(click on photo for a large expansive view)

"The Power Of Your Testimony"

Message summary: Whatever your story is, remember it’s not really about how “interesting” or “boring” your life is, since you only have a secondary role. The primary message is filled with the Spirit’s power because of your obedience in witnessing, "Because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes". People are waiting to hear your story.

Listen to our message on your audio player.

“Ask him. He is of age; he will speak for himself” (John 9:21).

Sonny Oliver
Sonny Oliver is a friend of ours from our years at Bible College who is now with the Lord. He has a remarkable testimony of God's transforming and sustaining grace.  He was born in South Carolina to sharecroppers. When he was seven he moved to Chicago where his parents hoped to find better economic opportunity. He served in Vietnam in the mid sixties and while in the service became addicted to drugs. After returning to Chicago he went into a downward spiral and for four years he was a heroin addict, in and out of jail and various treatment centers. A therapist diagnosed him a hopeless sociopath and he was also a homeless sociopath. Things only got worse and he believed he would die a heroin addict.

A follower of Jesus reached out to him in June 1970 and a remarkable thing happened; Sonny had a life transforming encounter with Jesus Christ and was gloriously saved.  He received his earliest grounding in Teen Challenge and then went to Springfield, Missouri to attend Bible College with a call to ministry. He was overwhelmed but received encouragement from godly professors who mentored him.  He graduated and had a long-term, fruitful ministry impacting thousands for Jesus Christ.

Each of us has a testimony if we have indeed accepted Christ as our Savior. Some of you were raised in a godly home and accepted Christ at a very early age and have remained steadfast. That's a great testimony! Others, like Sonny Oliver, conformed to the patterns of this world and had a mighty deliverance. Some testimonies will focus on the preserving work of grace, while others focus on the delivering work of grace

Years ago we offered a basic discipleship program in the church we served called “2:7”.  Developed by a Christian ministry known as the Navigators, the name “2:7” is based on a great verse from Colossians 2:7; "Having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude".

One of the vital elements in this discipleship approach is to have each participant write out his or her own personal testimony. Very specific instructions are to be followed regarding the format and content of the testimony. After the testimony is written it is then to be memorized.

Essentially it includes a very brief description of one’s life before Christ, the point of actual conversion, and the changes that result from the conversion. The assignment includes a full-length four minute testimony and an abbreviated 1 minute testimony. The emphasis is to keep the message focused and to the point!  It is an excellent discipline for each believer to write out his or her testimony.

I have always enjoyed hearing and reading personal testimonies or reading interesting autobiographies. Our stories vary greatly due to our vastly different backgrounds and in the unpredictable way God’s providential plan unfolds in our lives.

But the common thread weaved into every believer’s redemption story has the saving element of the Gospel, “because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes” (Romans 1:16). Testimonies, no matter how dramatic or miraculous the details, cannot save the hearer, only the Gospel message of salvation that is also presented in our stories.

In the daily text the jealous religious leaders were questioning the parents of the blind man regarding their son’s healing. They surely were capable of answering some of the questions but were afraid to answer for fear of being put out of the synagogue. We’ve all faced nerve-racking circumstances when we’ve been questioned and are fearful of the consequences if our answers are unfavorably received.

But what these parents did is instructive; even if fear was their driving motivation. They told the religious leaders to directly ask their son, "Ask him. He is of age; he will speak for himself".  So the religious leaders called him in again and he unashamedly gave a brief testimony of the change in his life that Christ brought about, summing it up with “One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!” (John 9:25).

Over the years I’ve heard Christians say, "Oh, I don’t have an interesting testimony. I was saved at an early age".  Sometimes the dramatic details describing one’s life enslaved to sin before conversion accompanies their deliverance story causing some to think only those entrenched in the depths of sin constitute a valid testimony of deliverance. But everyone has a story! 

So many who were saved early-on have a wonderful story of endurance in times of trial and temptation, and those who came to Christ later in life have equally compelling stories. 

Whatever your story is, remember it’s not really about how “interesting” or “boring” your life is, since you only have a secondary role. The primary message is filled with the Spirit’s power because of your obedience in witnessing, "Because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes". People are waiting to hear your story.

Be encouraged today, Hebrews 3:13

Stephen & Brooksyne Weber

Praying man Daily prayer:  Father, Your salvation from sin, is offered to all who humble themselves, surrender their lives, repent of their sins, and follow Your leading according to Scripture. We know that it cannot be inherited or earned, but is a free gift to all who will receive it. Thank You for the tremendous difference it makes in our lives. Our effective witness to others is not based upon our personality, gifting, or even our meaningful experience, but upon Your Holy Spirit power that is extended to all who believe. Amen.

Today's Suggested Music and Supplemental Resources

"I Got Saved"  Watch on YouTube  Selah

JK father/son plumbing team
Note regarding our home addition project: This morning two plumbers are here to finish their part of the project. We have a father/son team from JK Mechanical, Blaine and his son Gavin. Blaine is a seasoned plumber following a long line of plumbers in his family. Gavin is finishing his training as a plumber at CTC (Vo-Tech).

My dad was a plumber, along with having capability in other trades which I think was more common years ago. He also did heating and air conditioning (now called HVAC) and later was a pipe-fitter.

I have always enjoyed my association with plumbers finding them to be friendly and unpretentious. They are at the forefront of public health and without them life would change real quickly! Many also have a sense of humor. Don is a plumber friend in the Lehigh Valley. He's still working but beyond retirement age. He had bypass surgery and asked the surgeon to just use Pex, a newer piping many plumbers like!

Later in the day Ed, our General Contractor, will be over for some final work such as installing the door hardware and walking through a checklist. I still need to purchase some interconnected smoke and CO alarms required by the building inspector prior to the final inspection which we anticipate being next week. After this we can move in!

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Stephen & Brooksyne

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Personal Mission Statement: "I am created by God to bring Him glory. Through God's Son Jesus Christ I have been redeemed and make it my life's goal to please the Lord. My mission in life is to honor God through my faith and obedience and prepare myself and all whom I may influence for eternity."

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