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(Click refresh or reload for current message) Wednesday,
December 28, 2022
we recognize
plan of the
Baby that Anna
beheld let us
worship and
serve Him
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"There was also a prophetess, Anna, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was very old; she had lived with her husband seven years after her marriage, and then was a widow until she was eighty-four. She never left the temple but worshiped night and day, fasting and praying. Coming up to them [Mary, Joseph and the infant Jesus] at that very moment, she gave thanks to God and spoke about the Child to all who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem" (Luke 2:36-38). My (Stephen's) first recollection of a person with the name Anna was my grandpa’s older sister whom we all called Aunt Anna. She lived in the tiny town of Harwood, Missouri and although I don’t remember much about her, I remember that she was famous for her delicious sugar cookies. I’ve known several other Annas since that time including my cousin Anna Lee, our good friend Anna Ruth, and also other Annas in our area, but Aunt Anna most aligns with the description of Anna in today’s passage, since I only remember her as an older widow in her eighties. Today we will study the only person named Anna in the Bible. Anna is the Greek form of the Hebrew name Hannah, both of which mean "grace". Anna was the second of two faithful believers who, along with Simeon, encountered the Messiah after His birth at His consecration in the temple. Anna had been married only seven years before she became a widow. She could have been a bitter person but Luke described Anna as an 84 year old prophetess who fully dedicated her life to God, who "never left the temple, but worshiped night and day, fasting and praying". From Luke's description it sounds like Anna didn't take a personal day off in her ministerial role at the temple. She must have been a very interesting person! Somehow when I read this description I form a mental image of her as possibly a rather eccentric woman, perhaps with a charismatic sort of personality. Or she might have been a very meek and quiet woman. Over the years I have learned to value the various contributions many types of believers make to the Body of Christ. I'm sure glad we are not all the same! She first "gave thanks to God" as she encountered the holy family. Apparently she was in such rich communion with God that she knew this was no ordinary family or baby. She may have also witnessed the exchange that had just taken place with Simeon which was recorded in the previous portion of Scripture as depicted in the image we use today at the top. She then "spoke about the child to all who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem". The specific content of her words are not recorded for us, but it relates to our Lord’s redemptive work. Like Simeon, it is doubtful that Anna lived to see Christ’s redemptive work on the Cross. Today let us, like Anna, also thank God for the gift of His Son and let us faithfully speak "about the Child" who became the Savior of the world. As we focus on the wonder of the Christmas story, remember; this Baby was born to die for our sins. As we recognize the comprehensive redemption plan of the Baby that Anna beheld let us wholeheartedly worship and serve Him today. Stephen
and Brooksyne
Daily prayer: Father, we read of the aged widow and prophetess, Anna, who praised You in the temple upon the blessed arrival of the Christ Child. She was satisfied and overjoyed that prophecy was now fulfilled making the future brighter than ever. As Anna met up with the couple holding the Baby, she gave thanks and spoke about Him to all who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem. She is an inspiring example to believers that we need to share the redemption story with all who are without Christ so that they too can thoroughly enjoy the full scope of His redemption. Freely we have received, so now we freely give in the matchless name of Jesus. Amen. Brooksyne’s Note: One of the things I enjoy about the study of Anna is that her story reminds me of how people of all ages were touched by the Christmas story. From the tiny Baby in the manger, the young virgin and her youthful husband, the shepherds and wisemen representing men of various ages, to Elizabeth and Zechariah who were beyond child bearing years, and then Anna and Simeon who were nearing the century mark. The angels bearing the good news also represented the eternal aspect of our miraculous Christmas story. How wonderful that people of all ages, the very young and the very old, are all included in the full scope of Christ’s redemption plan, then and now. Remembering
another Anna:
As we were
writing about
Anna the
prophetess and
the many other
Annas we know
personally we
Anna Forry,
our friend for
nearly 22
years since we
moved to this
area. She was
among the
first to
welcome us
into the
Her life story
inspired us
and her
spirit was a
model for all
who observed
her life. She
and her
husband were
farmers and
they invited
us to their
home for
dinner. Not
only was it a
spread of
food, as is
typical when
prepared by a
farmer's wife,
but she did
two things I
hadn't seen
before that
evening. She
brought out
all the warm
food on a
rolling tray
and placed it
on the table.
After each of
us filled our
dishes she
collected all
the serving
bowls and
placed them
back into the
oven. After we
had emptied
our plates she
once again
brought out
the loaded
cart so we
could have
helpings, just
as hot as the
first time we
filled our
plates. I like
my food hot so
it was an
extra step she
took to make
our food as
piping hot and
delicious as
the first
after she
served us pie
for dessert
she passed a
large bowl of
ice cream
around the
table. She had
the ice cream
into round
balls and all
we had to do
was use the
large serving
spoon to scoop
out our dip of
ice cream.
Afterwards it
went right
back into the
freezer until
offered the
second time
around for
Anna was quite
thoughtful and
purposeful in
helping others
have a
Anna died on December 19th at 92 years of age. Musser, her husband, died several years earlier. We include her obituary because she wrote it before her death which makes for an interesting read even if you didn't know her, though a good number of our readers do. We will share another story in a few weeks about Anna and Musser that really touched our hearts. Today's
Music and Supplemental
night we
joined our
friends Phil
and Donna
Huber for
dinner at
Guss's Diner.
Phil is the
manager at
Audrey's and
we see him
just about
every week but
only visit
with his wife,
Donna, at the
banquet. So it
was a special
delight to
accept their
invitation to
dinner last
evening, eat
some good food
from Gus', our
and enjoy good
about family,
work, and the
things of the
Amish farms in
County have
lots of
including a Dawdy
Haus and
in many cases
host several
It is not
unusual in the
Amish culture
for several
generations to
live together
on one
forming strong
family ties.
help with
and then, as
time goes by,
roles often
reverse and it
is the younger
looking out
for the
to enlarge
want to thank
all who have
supported our
ministry this
past year (and
some for many
years!). Like
ministries, we
typically see
a spike in
giving at the
end of the
year for which
we are most
thankful. We
realize there
are many fine
ministries and
support at
this time but
if you would
about making a
donation to
our ministry
see here.
In considering support we are so pleased when we hear from you, our readers, that our messages are a source of teaching and encouragement to you. We also urge you to consider the mission aspect of these daily teachings that are freely available and read by many all over the world. To donate directly online click here. (This will open to a page that designates the offering to: STEPHEN & BROOKSYNE WEBER - 700001-237376 SERVING IN SPECIALIZED CHAPLAINCY) If
you desire you
can also
through PayPal
using this link.
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