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A new message is
updated most weekdays usually by Noon Eastern Time (USA).
(Click refresh or reload for current message) Wednesday,
February 9,
![]() I've had this Kember print practically since I began my ministry in the seventies. What a solemn question and reminder from our Lord! "Gaining
The Whole World"
Message summary: Today we
consider two probing questions that Jesus, the supremely
wise One, asks. When Jesus speaks or asks a question we
do well to listen and not only listen but also obey.
what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world
and forfeits his soul? Or what will a man give in
exchange for his soul?” (Matthew 16:26).
![]() There are certain people
whose input we greatly value. They talk, we listen.
Shortly after moving to Lancaster County in 2001 I
developed a friendship with Daryl who has given me good
counsel on various issues over the years. In late 2004 I
made the transition from working for a national chaplaincy
company to working independently and it was Daryl who met
with me at a restaurant in Lititz, PA and asked some
probing questions. I still recall some of his questions to
this day, for they were the kind that demonstrated his
wisdom and especially spoke to my situation.
Today let
us consider two probing questions that Jesus, the
supremely wise One, asks. When Jesus speaks or asks a
question we do well to listen and not only listen but
also obey.
Many years
ago I memorized today’s verse. These solemn words of our
Lord ought to be etched deeply onto the tablets of our
hearts and firmly established in our minds: “For
what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world
and forfeits his soul? Or what will a man give in
exchange for his soul?”
The Lord doesn’t directly answer these questions, for the answer to both is obvious, Nothing. However, many are seeking to “gain the whole world”, and in the process give little or no attention to their individual eternal soul. Those who are recognized as very successful or wealthy by this world’s standards may ignore their very soul to their own eternal peril. What, from an eternal perspective, can possibly be given in exchange for our soul that is of infinitely more value? Let's
consider these two questions:
1) “For
what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world
and forfeits his soul?”
business a common statement is the P&L or profit and
loss. This is a financial statement that summarizes the
revenues, costs, and expenses incurred during a
specified period, usually a quarter or fiscal year.
Obviously a corporate goal is to have more profit than
loss! Let's consider our personal P&L statement for
life. Even the richest have not gained the whole world.
The world in this context is the domain of the devil.
That was offered to Jesus when Satan tempted Him: "The
devil took Him to a very high mountain and showed him
all the kingdoms of the world and their
splendor. 'All this I will give you', he said, 'if you
will bow down and worship me'" (Matthew 4:8,9).
But Jesus refused, “Away from me, Satan! For it is
written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve Him
only’” (Matthew 4:10).
So what
does a personal profit and loss statement look like
according to today's text using a two column
The left
column lists profits with a lengthy list of worldly
achievements and possessions summed up with the "The
whole world". It's a long impressive list. The right
column lists losses and uses only one word, "Soul". From
an eternal, heavenly perspective that is a horrible loss
but many focus only on the profit illusion. There may be
short term, temporal "profit," but long term, eternal
loss! A financial adviser would call this a very bad
“What will a man give in exchange for his soul?”
Over the years there are reports of people seeking to sell their souls. A 24-year-old British musician named Dante Knoxx tried to sell his soul for $38,000 on Ebay several years ago but the sales site bars the sale of intangible items. The musician wanted the money to kick-start his career. "The soul
has no market price, though the devil thinks so. A man
must give, surrender his life, and nothing less to God;
no exchange is possible.” (A.T.
When I
carefully read this question I am a bit baffled with the
word "give". The ICB version is helpful to me: "It is
worth nothing for a man to have the whole world if he
loses his soul. He could never pay enough to buy back
his soul."
Matthew Henry reflects: “As the happiness of heaven with
Christ is enough to make up for the loss of life itself
for Him, so the gain of all the world in sin, will not
make up for the ruin of the soul by sin. And there is a
day coming, when the cause of Christ will appear as
glorious, as some now think it mean and contemptible.
May we think of that season, and view every earthly
object as we shall do at that great day."
Be encouraged today, (Hebrews 3:13)
Stephen & Brooksyne Weber ![]() Today's
Music and Supplemental Resources
"My Worth
Is Not In What I Own" Video Shane &
Shane This song really reminds us of
where our worth consists.
E.F. Hutton
commercial from the 70's Video "When EF
Hutton talks, people listen".
Prints: Walter Kember was a Canadian who
prepared prints of Scripture verses, had them
framed and distributed all over the world.
Some of our readers have seen these prints. I
have several of them and have seen them in
churches and businesses wherever I have lived,
although I suppose they are most common in
Canada and the northeast USA. They are framed
in a simple pine frame with a stamped
inscription on a piece of cardboard from a
salvaged box on the back. (In fact this
inscription proves their authenticity!)
I prepared a page with more information about
this with many different prints of various
Scriptures I have received through the years.
See here.
It appears that
these two are worn out from hard play and
headed to bed to rest!
Early yesterday
morning following a visit to a company in
rural Lebanon County I heard the wonderful
sound of honking geese, so I walked down to
the Little Swatara Creek where the gaggle had
already floated downstream beyond my view.
However this lone male (presumably) was
bringing up the rear with a wary eye on me
(can you spot it in the background)!
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Scripture references are from The Holy Bible: New International Version. © 1984 by International Bible Society; NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, New King James Version (NKJV) Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. and the King James Version. Personal Mission Statement: "I am created by God to bring Him glory. Through God's Son Jesus Christ I have been redeemed and make it my life's goal to please the Lord. My mission in life is to honor God through my faith and obedience and prepare myself and all whom I may influence for eternity." © Copyright 2022 Stephen C. & Brooksyne Weber - All Rights Reserved Daily Encouragement Net - 495 Kraybill Church Road - Mount Joy, PA 17552 USA |