Daily Encouragement Net
The online Bible teaching ministry of Stephen & Brooksyne Weber
A daily, Bible-based perspective of hope, encouragement and exhortation.

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Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Yet I will

"Yet I Will"

Message summary: Today we consider the great statement of confidence and faith that concludes the rather obscure book of Habakkuk. We can read this as a promise for any events we might face.

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“The just shall live by his faith” (Habakkuk 2:4). "Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will be joyful in God my Savior. The Sovereign LORD is my strength; He makes my feet like the feet of a deer, He enables me to go on the heights” (Habakkuk 3:17-19). “For we walk by faith, not by sight” (2 Corinthians 5:7).

During these last days of 2021 we often reflect on the previous year while also contemplating what lies ahead in the New Year. It's a good time to count our blessings and rededicate our lives to Christ and His cause.

Francis Havergal, probably best known for her hymn, “Take My Life” regularly sent out New Years greetings to friends along with an original poem for the coming year. Many of them became the text for a hymn.

For 1873 she included these Scriptural allusions in the second stanza, “Standing at the Portal”:

“He will never fail us, He will not forsake;
For His eternal covenant He will never break.
Resting on the promise, What have we to fear?
God is all sufficient for the coming year.”

It was a timely word for those who would endure “The Panic of 1873”, a major economic depression that closed thousands of factories and made many destitute for the next five years.

As we take down the 2021 calendar and hang up the 2022 calendar none of us knows whether there will be fortune or famine in the new year. The days are not marked as such to give us either warning or comfort, so we must rest on God’s promises and be reminded that He is still all sufficient for the coming year.

Today let’s consider the great statement of confidence and faith that concludes the rather obscure book of Habakkuk. We can read this as a promise for any events we might face.

Habakkuk was written as Judah was about to be destroyed by the Babylonians and the remnant taken captive. The better known prophet during this time was Jeremiah. It was a very desperate time.

"Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls." Since the economy was agriculturally based Habakkuk describes the equivalence of a devastating economic depression. Based on the wider context of the book (the pending judgment upon the nation of Judah), he’s describing a situation in which practically everything that can go wrong does, a “worst case scenario.”

Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will be joyful in God my Savior. What a tremendous response of faith. Twice he states the will to live in an attitude of joy and in both cases the immutable (unchanging) source of that joy is expressed.

Consider the resolve of those words, "yet I will".  It conveys the sense of “in spite of” or “notwithstanding.” Habakkuk was determined to keep his faith and joy in the Lord. He chose to experience the reservoir of deep abiding joy that is derived from his relationship with an unchanging God, rather than the inevitable ever-changing circumstances in his life.

Jesus prayed to His Father in His final “High Priestly” prayer: “I am coming to you now, but I say these things while I am still in the world, so that they may have the full measure of my joy within them” (John 17:13).

As we look back over the events in our lives this past year, some have been pleasurable, and others a trial. There are also ongoing issues that we carry from one year to the next. But our struggles are somewhat minimal compared to those who have faced great loss, some have been devastated by destructive earthquakes, deadly tornadoes, natural disasters, wars or those living in persecuted lands. This last year our brethren in Nigeria have seen fierce and deadly persecution from the Fulani Muslims. Considering their plight and praying for them keeps matters I am experiencing in perspective.

Nevertheless some of you are dealing with a trial and doubtless for some it’s a very serious matter. Today and through our life, let us quote Habakkuk and make this our own personal victorious declaration: “Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Savior. The Sovereign Lord is my strength; He makes my feet like the feet of a deer, He enables me to go on the heights” (3:19).

The focus today on the phrase "yet I will" brought to mind a newer song we've been blessed by that is also a response to trials titled, "Yes I Will". We'll post a link to a video below. Consider this refrain as you place your trust in the Lord and sing for joy:

Yes I will, lift You high in the lowest valley
Yes I will, bless Your name
Oh, yes I will, sing for joy when my heart is heavy
For all my days, oh yes I will

Be encouraged today, (Hebrews 3:13)

Stephen & Brooksyne Weber

Praying man Daily prayer: Father, we’re reminded by Habakkuk that our deep abiding joy is not derived from abundance in provisions nor even the people in our life. But rather our joy comes from You as we choose to rejoice in You, whether our pantry is overflowing or bare. We rejoice in knowing that You are our strength who enables us to descend the rigorous, steep terrain. When we reach the height of the mountain we can look back at the disappointments and hardships we climbed through as You made our feet sure-footed like those of a deer. Keep us steadily faithful through the climb as we once again affirm our faith in You, Sovereign Lord, and rejoice in the work You are accomplishing in our lives. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

We received some feedback on yesterday's message "A New Song".

David wrote:

"You mentioned "Holy, Holy, Holy" in your message. My dad led music in our church in Miami when I was a boy. He started almost every service by leading us in a rousing singing of that song. A great childhood memory."

We wonder how many of you can associate a family member or church friend with a particular song?

Another reader's note: We also heard from a reader who is sadly experiencing the insensitivity far too common in recent decades as churches transition to newer musical styles. I believe the church suffers when many churches completely cease singing the familiar hymns especially to older congregants. They also feel the need to really crank up the volume and turn the lights down low. This trend started over twenty years ago (as far as we're aware) since we've heard from people who could no longer attend their churches due to the headaches they had to nurse following the worship services.  We pray that God will fill churches with grace, speaking to the hearts of those who lead, regarding these music issues that far too often divide rather than unite. "Worship Wars" have existed for centuries, but we who follow Christ and lead others in the faith should always seek to bring the body of Christ together as much as is possible.

Brooksyne mentioned "Then Sings My Soul" books 1 & 2 by Robert J. Morgan in yesterday's note. These books are background stories of the hymns and hymn writers. "Then Sings My Soul" book 3 gives a more historic perspective on the hymns over the centuries. His chapter on P. 47 "From Gospel Songs to contemporary Praise" is an interesting chapter and he concludes it this way: "Today a new generation of writers and composers are leading us into a new era of both hymns and contemporary Gospel music. I'm a firm believer that we should sing the best of the newer Christian music without abandoning the heritage of our hymnody or the treasures of our old hymns. Let's sing a new song to the Lord, as the Bible says - but let's not forget the old ones."

Robert, points out that there is a hymn project known as the Odes Project which has at least 14 hymns that were written in the first 100 years of the Christian faith. The music has been updated by several of our contemporary Christian artists, one of whom is Fernando Ortega. The lyrics fit today just as they did when they were written.

Special Year-end Financial Note

We want to thank all who have financially supported our ministry this past year (and some for many years!). We realize there are many fine ministries and causes requesting support at this time but if you would like to make a donation to our ministry see here for more information. Like many ministries, we typically see a spike in giving at the end of the year for which we are most thankful.

Our ministry labor is comprised of approximately half our time to Daily Encouragement and the other half to our chaplaincy ministry to companies from which we receive compensation. Each of these ministries essentially is the same as a part-time job (20+ hours weekly) for each of us. Our goal for many years is that each would provide half of our ministry expenses and income.

To donate directly online click here. This will open to a page that designates the offering to: STEPHEN & BROOKSYNE WEBER - 700001-237376 SERVING IN SPECIALIZED CHAPLAINCY

Make A Donation Please Note: If you desire you can donate directly through PayPal using this link. This will open to a page that states "Brooksyne Weber".  We keep this option available due to the familiarity, convenience, international supporters, and for those who may not need an official receipt. You can also set up for recurring donations. You also can use PayPal on this link. 

Thank you,

Stephen & Brooksyne

Today's Suggested Music and Supplemental Resources

"Yes I Will"  Video  Anthem Lights We have been so blessed singing this song in our church this last year.

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Scripture references are from The Holy Bible: New International Version. © 1984 by International Bible Society; NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, New King James Version (NKJV) Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. and the King James Version.

Personal Mission Statement: "I am created by God to bring Him glory. Through God's Son Jesus Christ I have been redeemed and make it my life's goal to please the Lord. My mission in life is to honor God through my faith and obedience and prepare myself and all whom I may influence for eternity."

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