daily, Bible-based perspective of hope, encouragement and
morning following the snow storm we ventured out to make a chaplaincy visit and
passed these red barns in Lebanon County.
(Click to enlarge) "The
House Of Judas"
Message summary: Are you
willing to take risks when God leads? I find this a
probing question that I’m very uncomfortable
with! I’m really not sure that I always am. (I
would stumble over the thought, “Is this REALLY God
leading?”) If you were approached by a former
ISIS member, newly converted to Christ, who needed a
place to stay, would you open your home to him?
Listen to this message on your audio player. "Now there was a disciple at Damascus named Ananias. The Lord said to him in a vision, 'Ananias'. And he said, 'Here I am, Lord'. And the Lord said to him, 'Rise and go to the street called Straight, and at the house of Judas look for a man of Tarsus named Saul, for behold, he is praying'" (Acts 9:10,11). Have you ever considered or studied about the "bad" people in the Bible? Brooksyne used to have a book called "Bad Girls of the Bible: And What We Can Learn from Them". Probably near the top of any list of "bad" people in the Bible would be Judas Iscariot who betrayed the Lord. That may tend to give the name Judas a bad ring. There are many Bible-based names commonly used such as David, Paul, John, Peter and my own, Stephen! But I don't recall ever meeting anyone named Judas. However there were several men of good character in the Bible named Judas and today we want to consider the most obscure. In fact it wouldn’t be surprising if most of our readers have never even considered this particular Judas. If we were to ask you to name the first named person Saul met after his dramatic conversion experience you would probably answer, Ananias, who had the special call to pray for Saul. Well, as you can see from the text, the correct answer is a man by the name of Judas. "The Lord told him, 'Go to the house of Judas on Straight Street and ask for a man from Tarsus named Saul, for he is praying'". Immediately following his conversion it appears that Saul stayed in Judas’ house. This must have been a strange call to Judas to provide hospitality to Saul. We have no idea how Saul got to his house or what depth of faith Judas had. We are also not told how the message of Christ initially reached Damascus, but clearly God had a people in this city and Saul’s goal, when he journeyed there on the road to Damascus, had been to wipe them out. Perhaps "the Way", as Christ’s followers were then called, was a result of returning pilgrims who had been among those saved on the day of Pentecost. Or perhaps it was a result of the scattering of the believers following Stephen’s martyrdom (Acts 7,8). Damascus is to this day the capital of Syria and, since the time of the New Testament, there has been a remnant of Christians in Damascus and throughout Syria as well as neighboring countries in the Middle East. Based on my understanding of history; Christians, Jews, Muslims and various other groups such as the Yasidi have lived in relative harmony up to the present time. But with the rise of militant Islam in the last 50 years this has all changed. In our own day ISIS is attempting to complete the same mission of persecuting and destroying followers of Christ that Saul had abandoned in exchange for "preaching Christ in the synagogues, that He is the Son of God" (Acts 9:20) to the utter amazement of those who heard him. They responded, "Is this not he who destroyed those who called on this name in Jerusalem, and has come here for that purpose that he might bring them bound to the chief priests?" (9:21). However, reports are coming out of situations similar to Saul’s conversion such as an ISIS member BEING converted to Christianity due to having dreams of a man who appeared to him in white who said, “You are killing my people”; remarkably similar to the message that Saul heard!!! (Acts 9:4). Interestingly, God had a special job for this Judas and, although the Biblical record gives us very little information about him, we can be thankful for his willingness to invite Saul into his home; to partake of his food, to lodge in his sleeping quarters, and to be among his own family members. Are you willing to take risks when God leads? I find this a probing question that I’m very uncomfortable with! I’m really not sure that I always am. (I would stumble over the thought, “Is this REALLY God leading?”) The writer of Hebrews reminds us: "Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it" (Hebrews 13:2). To have some sense of what Judas’ choice was like, what would it be like for you to welcome Saul into your home? If you were approached by a former ISIS member, newly converted to Christ, who needed a place to stay, would you open your home to him? Be encouraged today, Stephen & Brooksyne Weber
prayer: Father, You
have a work for all of us to do, we, who claim to be
Your followers. Sometimes it’s going, sometimes it’s
doing, and sometimes it’s just making ourselves
available to Your leading. However You choose to use
us, it requires our faith and trust to be firmly
rooted in who You are, in Your commands, and in our
hearing Your voice, most especially in uncharted
territory when we are asked to step out of our
comfort zone. Help us to be among those with whom
You could say to Your Son, Jesus, “This is my child
with whom I am very pleased.” Your commendation is
our incentive to be listening, obeying and trusting
in You as we journey here below. Amen.
The other men named Judas in the New Testament: Actually there are several other men named Judas in the New Testament: 1)
A half brother to Jesus: “Isn’t this the
carpenter’s son? Isn’t his mother’s name Mary, and
aren’t his brothers James, Joseph, Simon and
Judas?” (Matthew 13:55).
2) Another disciple with the same name: “Then Judas (not Judas Iscariot) said, “But, Lord, why do you intend to show yourself to us and not to the world?” (John 14:22) This apparently was Judas, son of James (see Acts 1:13) 3) An early church leader: Then the apostles and elders, with the whole church, decided to choose some of their own men and send them to Antioch with Paul and Barnabas. They chose Judas (called Barsabbas) and Silas, men who were leaders among the believers. (Acts 15:2). This may have been the same Judas as referenced in Matthew 13:55. Today's
Suggested Music and Supplemental
"On the Other Side"
Dailey & Vincent
Bad Girls of the Bible:
And What We Can Learn from Them
Report of ISIS member converting to Christianity Some
scenes from our journey yesterday
Paymasters building, Cornwall Iron Furnace,
Lebanon County, PA
We spotted this lovely house
tucked back in the woods accessed by a
long snow covered lane behind the Cornwall
Iron Furnace.
(Click to enlarge) Old stone railroad bridge in
Cornwall, PA.
on Colebrook Road, Lebanon County.
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Scripture references are from The Holy Bible: New International Version. © 1984 by International Bible Society; NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, New King James Version (NKJV) Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. and the King James Version. Personal Mission Statement: "I am created by God to bring Him glory. Through God's Son Jesus Christ I have been redeemed and make it my life's goal to please the Lord. My mission in life is to honor God through my faith and obedience and prepare myself and all whom I may influence for eternity."
© Copyright 2021 Stephen C. & Brooksyne
Weber - All Rights Reserved
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