daily, Bible-based perspective of hope, encouragement and
July 6,
afternoon we visited an Amish family in Perry County. Over
the past year they built a new home just to the right of
this photo. The old brick farmhouse was demolished due to
the very decrepit condition but they left the foundation as
a border around their summer garden. They also left the old
summer kitchen standing in the background.
Click to enlarge "The
Wake-Up Call"
summary: An
essential aspect of ministry to others will include
a wake-up call to "Wake up! Strengthen what remains
and is about to die". So we share that challenge
with you today!
![]() “Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die" (Revelation 3:2). For many years the wake up call was a service that many hotels provided. You would call the front desk the evening before and request a "wake-up call" at a requested time and the next morning your hotel phone would ring with a hopefully pleasant voice stating, "This is your wake-up call". I think this service is still offered but we haven't used it in many years since our phones now serve as alarm clocks, though on occasion we might use it as a backup alarm if we're to leave real early in the morning to catch a flight. The wake-up call service has prompted many jokes through the years such as this one: A man
goes to stay at a cheap hotel and orders a 5 AM
wake-up call for the next day. Next day, the phone
wake-up call doesn't ring till 5:30 AM. He
complains about it informing the receptionist that
if he had a million dollar deal, he would've lost
it due to their negligence. The receptionist says
that if he had a million dollar deal, he wouldn't
be staying at such a cheap hotel.
Today let us consider a vitally important wake-up call from Holy Scripture that is no joking matter. The daily text is from Christ’s message to the church in Sardis in the Book of Revelation. In the first three chapters Christ writes to seven churches giving specific counsel concerning their condition. These were literal churches that existed at that time so let’s consider the command to the Sardis church and how we can now apply it to the present church today and to our own lives. "Wake up." Other versions (see here) state "be watchful", "be alert". This is a present tense imperative participle, "you be continually waking!" Jesus said in Matthew 26:41, "Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak". "Strengthen what remains and is about to die." Initially this verse and concept may be troubling. Most of us prefer to strengthen that which is already growing and thriving. But in spiritual life, both in local churches and in individuals, there are times when "about to die" honestly describes the condition of our souls. It is similar to another teaching of Jesus from John 15 concerning the branches. They were almost completely disconnected from the life-giving vine (John 15:5). We all need to hear the words of our Lord, "Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die." We consider periods in our own life and in those we know whom for various reasons this verse is especially pertinent. There are churches that have grown lethargic who need to hear and heed this word. Frankly we even wonder if there is a sense this verse applies to a nation. Certainly here in America we need a loud wake-up call and a resolve to strengthen what remains and is about to die! An essential aspect of ministry to others will include a wake-up call to "Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die". So we share this challenge with you today! Be encouraged today, Stephen & Brooksyne Weber ![]() Today's
Suggested Music and Supplemental Resources
In The Light" Video
Keith Green This very convicting song from the early
eighties came to mind in relationship to today's message.
we joined the Lapp family for a visit to relatives in
Perry County PA, about 60 miles northwest of us. On the
way we stopped by Calvary Homes and sang several hymns
to Jim and Dorothy Schmidt who have not left the home
since early March. Thus far Calvary Homes has had no
residents with coronavirus, but they have certainly
missed being in fellowship with those outside the home.
Click to enlarge Dorothy
wrote us later in the day giving a perspective of so
many of our seniors these last several months:
just want to thank you for making it possible for the
Lapp’s to come and sing to us this morning! It was such
a blessing and as I sit quietly in my chair it continues
to touch my heart. Being kept in for five months just to
talk to "outsiders" seems so strange! When I received
your phone call around 7:00 pm (Saturday night) I wasn’t
sure how this would workout. Had cell number for
administrative assistant and called for Calvary Homes
approval. Once I got that, it was up to God and He
surely made it special. Just wish I could hug everyone.
Love hearing the Lapp Family singing in person and on
phone, thank you.
about the food!!! I did have two of the coconut cookies
absolutely wonderful. This is the first food
outside of the Cafe in five months! Then I saw the
potato salad, my favorite this will be my dinner, of
course we will enjoy everything. Thank you so very much.
Interesting how to touch people in this confusing time.
Again really appreciate the time and effort to make it
special for us.
with Love, Dorothy
![]() We had a
picnic in Little Buffalo State Park (located here) and saw this classy couple
out in this classic car.
Click to enlarge Perry
County is very rural and for years boasted that it
didn't even have a single traffic light until 2010.
Click to enlarge ![]() A
close-up of a Perry County summer kitchen.
main reason for building a small summer kitchen,
which are common in older farm houses built in our
area, is that it provided the physical separation
of a lit stove or hearth from the primarily wooden
house which reduced the risk of house fires and
kept the main house cooler in the summer. When we
first moved back to Pennsylvania we lived in an
old farmhouse for a year that had a summer kitchen
although it was attached to the house. I find something oddly attractive
about an old building with peeling paint. Perhaps
it's because it makes my mind wander back to an
earlier time period of what it was used for and
who used to live there.
to enlarge
We will share more photos of our Perry County
visit tomorrow.
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Scripture references are from The Holy Bible: New International Version. © 1984 by International Bible Society; NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, New King James Version (NKJV) Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. and the King James Version. Personal Mission Statement: "I am created by God to bring Him glory. Through God's Son Jesus Christ I have been redeemed and make it my life's goal to please the Lord. My mission in life is to honor God through my faith and obedience and prepare myself and all whom I may influence for eternity."
© Copyright 2020 Stephen C. & Brooksyne
Weber - All Rights Reserved
Daily Encouragement Net - 495 Kraybill Church Road - Mount Joy, PA 17552 USA |