daily, Bible-based perspective of hope, encouragement and
Susquehanna River from the Enola Low Grade rail trail
To Be Remembered"
summary: The best way to be
remembered is by passing our faith on. Christian
ministry should influence people for Christ on
our journey here below and for all eternity. It
will surely have its disappointments when people
reject our message or turn away from the faith.
But the greatest reward comes from those who are
walking in the truth!
"Therefore, my brothers, you whom I love and
long for, my joy and my crown, that is how you
should stand firm in the Lord, dear friends"
(Philippians 4:1). "I have no greater joy than
to hear that my children are walking in the
truth" (3 John 1:4).
May His
favor be upon you
And a thousand generations Your family and your children And their children, and their children For
many years we have enjoyed the perspective and
story-telling skills of author Mitch Albom. Many
of you have likely read "Tuesdays with Morrie"
about a series of visits Albom made to his
former sociology professor Morrie Schwartz, as
Schwartz gradually dies of ALS. It probably
doesn't sound very interesting based on this
description but it really is.
In his book titled
"Have A Little Faith" the story begins
with an unusual request: an 82-year-old rabbi
from Albom’s old hometown asks him to deliver
his eulogy. Feeling unworthy, Albom insists on
understanding the man better, which throws him
back into the Jewish faith he’d left years ago.
![]() In the end, as the
rabbi nears death and a harsh winter threatens
the pastor’s wobbly church, Albom sadly fulfills
the last request and writes the eulogy. And he
finally understands what both men had been
teaching all along: the profound comfort of
believing in something bigger than yourself. "
Have a Little Faith" is a book about a life’s
purpose; about losing belief and finding it
again; about the divine spark inside us all. It
is one man’s journey, but it is everyone’s
a perspective in the book that we both found
very interesting. The old Rabbi muses that a
very important sense of significance in life is
being remembered after our death. But he
candidly realizes how looking back we really
can't remember much about those who went before
us several generations and beyond and how very
likely several generations beyond us we will be
forgotten. But he shared the perspective that as
we pass on our faith we are being remembered.
![]() Today let us consider our spiritual heritage and spiritual legacy. We all have a spiritual heritage - We can likely identify our spiritual parents, those who led us to Christ and discipled us when we were getting started in the faith. For some it might be our own parents. For others perhaps it's a Sunday School teacher, pastor, youth leader, camp speaker, etc. But in a sense we all have spiritual grandparents going all the way back to the establishment of the church. We should all leave a spiritual legacy - Genuine conversion results in spiritual growth and then it's God's plan that we in turn become "parents and grandparents" to others whom we influence for Christ. Among the greatest sources of encouragement for earnest laypersons and those in vocational ministry are the people we've impacted who faithfully follow the Lord. Being fruitful they in turn are producing spiritual children through their witness and life. However, unlike our physical grandchildren, we generally do not know our spiritual "grandchildren". Ray Palmer wrote the hymn "My Faith Looks Up To Thee" in 1830. At the time he wrote concerning the hymn, "There was not the slightest thought of writing for another eye, least of all writing a hymn for Christian worship". And yet nearly 200 years later his hymn continues to stir many. Can you imagine that which you are doing today can have an impact 200 years from now! Paul refers to the Philippian believers as, "My joy and my crown". They were the direct descendants of his ministry. But through his writings over the centuries imagine the scores of "spiritual grandchildren" he considers as his joy and crown. I think we are among them. Consider some people you've led to the Lord and/or discipled that remain steadfast in their walk with Christ. The Lord gives us fruit for our labors and there is no more precious fruit than souls for the kingdom. Our word of encouragement today is for all of you involved in any form of ministry. Christian ministry should influence people for Christ on our journey here below and for all eternity. It will surely have its disappointments when people reject our message or turn away from the faith. But the greatest reward comes from those who are walking in the truth!
The Lord bless you
And keep you Make His face shine upon you And be gracious to you The Lord turn His Face toward you And give you peace
Be encouraged today,
Stephen & Brooksyne Weber ![]() Great
Grandma Stella Baslee: Though I grew
up in Tulsa, OK I only remember two trips my
family took to see Great Grandma Baslee, my
mother's grandmother, who lived in the
neighboring state of Missouri. Her husband
died in 1962 and I don't remember ever
meeting him. The three generation photo we
feature of me with Great Grandma Baslee and
my mother, Ruth, was taken in the summer of
1988. Grandma was living at Tipton Manor in
Tipton, MO. Stephen and I had been married
for 12 years and met my folks there in
Tipton who had traveled from Tulsa. We were
there on a Sunday morning and the usual
chapel speaker who held services and led in
worship did not show up. The staff learned
of my role as speaker and worship leader at
our nursing home back in our hometown of St.
Marys, PA (at the time) and invited me to
lead the Sunday morning service.
was delighted to do so since I would have
opportunity to share the Gospel with my
great grandmother in the service. Grandma
Baslee had never expressed faith in God nor
did she ever attend church according to my
mom. So, here I was at 32 years of age
sharing the gospel with my non-Christian
great grandmother whom I barely knew along
with others who gathered for the service. It
was truly the highlight of our trip. I'd
love to write that she asked to receive
Christ as her Savior, but I don't remember
that she did. And that I would not forget!
Yet I was so pleased that I got to drop a
seed of faith and my parents were very
pleased as well. None of us knew that she
had only eight more months of life, as she
died the following April, 1989 at 92 or 93
years of age.
Suggested Music and Supplemental Resources
Blessing Zimbabwe" Video Dedicated to our
brothers and sisters in Zimbabwe and especially our
Zimbabwean friends Noticen and Thobekile Ncube along with
their sons Nathan and Neville. This song is being sung
around the globe now with many videos posted on YouTube
from different countries. The opening lines in our message
are taken from this song of blessing.
another version with a global choir Video Hallelujah!!!
During this
pandemic period a lot of great videos have been made using
this compilation approach such as "Is He Worthy"
This will bless you richly by Fellowship Worship
"My Faith
Looks Up to Thee" Video Homecoming Singers
includes excellent narration.
Yesterday I
rode my bike on the Enola Low Grade rail trail for 5
miles along the Susquehanna River
to the Safe Harbor Dam with my
longtime friend Mark Pulliam.
The trail
has lots of scenery natural and historic, including this
old caboose.
spikes spell out THE ENOLA LOW GRADE on this wooden
I took this
photo of Mark in one of the small, long-abandoned
railroad buildings. Looks like he's a happy prisoner,
the kind who might burst into worshipful song at
midnight in his cell. Mark was my boss about twenty
years ago.
Looks like
there may have been a train derailment in this catenary
pole's past. In fact several along this section were
bent and I don't think it was someone with a baseball
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Scripture references are from The Holy Bible: New International Version. © 1984 by International Bible Society; NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, New King James Version (NKJV) Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. and the King James Version. Personal Mission Statement: "I am created by God to bring Him glory. Through God's Son Jesus Christ I have been redeemed and make it my life's goal to please the Lord. My mission in life is to honor God through my faith and obedience and prepare myself and all whom I may influence for eternity."
© Copyright 2020 Stephen C. & Brooksyne
Weber - All Rights Reserved
Daily Encouragement Net - 495 Kraybill Church Road - Mount Joy, PA 17552 USA |