daily, Bible-based perspective of hope, encouragement and
December 20,
Has Appeared"
Message summary: This season let us all remember and rejoice in God's amazing grace! ![]() "For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people" (Titus 2:11). Each Tuesday morning I share a brief devotional with the employees (who choose to attend) at a local company. It's a wholesale distributor of gift and home decor items, many with a Christian theme. I often try to use one of the items as a prop which tends to affirm the work of the employees and reminds them of how that which they handle in restocking, pulling and packing for shipment can be a spiritual blessing to others. This last Tuesday morning I saw the plaque above and was struck by the simple message in applying amazing grace to the nativity. Most advent themes include hope, love, joy and peace which were the themes in our church this advent. But grace is also a very appropriate advent theme! Tony Evans wrote, "God orchestrated Jesus' birth to bring us grace." I memorized the daily text when I was a young Christian but I'm not sure I've really considered it specifically in relation to the incarnation. But God's amazing grace certainly did appear at the birth of Christ and has rested upon us ever since. Theologian Herman Bavinck states, "But what spells out His grace is the fact that from the moment of creation God stoops down to His creatures, speaking and appearing to them in human fashion." The incarnation is God's ultimate demonstration of grace in sending His one and only Son to this world to live in human flesh and to die for our sins, so that we might be raised to newness of life and dwell forever in glory with Him. This season let us all remember and rejoice in God's amazing grace! Be encouraged today, Stephen & Brooksyne Weber ![]() Special
Year-end Financial Appeal
We want to thank all who have
financially supported our ministry this past
year (and some for many years!). We
realize there are many fine ministries and
causes requesting support at this time but
if the Lord would lead you we surely need
and appreciate the financial support from
our readers and listeners. Like many ministries, we
typically see a spike in giving at the end
of the year for which we are most thankful.
Our ministry labor is comprised of approximately half our time to Daily Encouragement and the other half to our chaplaincy ministry to companies for which we receive compensation. Each of these ministries essentially is the same as a part-time job (20+ hours weekly) for each of us. Our goal for many years is that each would provide half of our ministry expenses and income. If you would consider making a donation to our ministry see here for more information. To donate directly online here. This will open to a page that designates the offering to: WEBER,STEPHEN CHAP, Specialized Chaplaincy Ministry ID: 700001-237376 ![]() Thank you, Stephen & Brooksyne The
Star Barn over the pond.
Click to enlarge
meal was held on the second floor of the
massive Star Barn in a beautiful setting.
Click to enlarge
stove in Star Barn
nativity scene in the Star Barn
Click to enlarge David
Abel and his wife Tierney are the
developers of the Star Barn property.
For many years we passed the majestic
but decaying Star Barn on our travels
between home and Harrisburg along 283
noting a large sign that said "Save The
Star Barn".
Several times last light David shared background stories about the barn and a witness for Christ. David is a businessman who founded company in his grandmother's garage as a youth called "Dave's Stereo" which is now a multinational company DAS International, the world's largest provider of non-perishable products in the travel center industry. However his real passion is serving the Lord and others as he leads a ministry to orphaned children called "Brittany's Hope". The
Star Barn has many interesting rooms great
for photography. Last night we visited
with David and Karen Porter. David is an
engineer and works for a company that
makes components he told me we have all
used in gasoline pumps! Brooksyne and I
were visiting with David and Karen and
considering this component for some
strange reason I recalled and I launched
into an old children's song that has a
line "give me gas in my Ford, keep me
'truckin' for the Lord" and we all
chuckled as we each recalled it from
childhood. We wonder how many of you ever
sang that variation in the children's song
"Give Me Oil In My Lamp"?
and Bonnie Hoover
leads several local Convene business
leader groups. They both keep "truckin for
the Lord", staying in active service for
Christ after 57 years of marriage. They
hosted the function we attended at the
Star Barn yesterday. They have a mentoring
ministry that has touched many, many lives
including ours.
Suggested Music and Supplemental Resources
"O Holy Night"
of Grace This
evening Brooksyne and Ester
are going to a Point of
Grace and Aaron Shust
"God Has Come
To Earth" Video
will leave these
resources posted below
our daily messages
through Christmas)
year we share
several online
resources that we
have used over the
years and that may
be a blessing to
you, your family or
church during this
Christmas season.
"In Remembrance of Me" pdf This is a passion-filled Scripture reading for two adults. Brooksyne and I have used this reading with great receptivity during Christmas Eve services over the years. We suggest, if possible, a musical background as the message is read. It is also a great lead-in to a Communion service. It should be thoroughly practiced and read with great feeling. Here's a great Communion Hymn for Christmas (Video) "When Christ Was Born" pdf This is an adaptation to the tune of "How Great Thou Art". It's a great song to sing as a congregation since most are familiar with and love the tune. Responsive Christmas Scripture readings for church or family: John 1:1-18 pdf "O Come Let Us Adore Him" pdf My First Christmas In Heaven This is a blessed reminder for all who lost a loved one this year. Brooksyne read and wrote about the poem in this message. Christmas Knowledge Test We have also posted two Christmas carol quizzes here (scroll down). To receive the "Daily Encouragement" each Monday-Friday through email see this page to subscribe to our email list. You can also subscribe to the Wordpress rss feed or through a Wordpress email subscription. (See the email subscription on the right side after opening this page.) Permissions:
Please feel free to pass on, reproduce and
distribute any material on Daily Encouragement
Net, in part or in whole, in any format,
provided that you do not alter the wording in
any way or charge a fee beyond the cost of
reproduction. It is our desire to spread this
material, not protect or restrict it. We do
request that you keep the contact, copyright and subscription
information intact.
Scripture references are from The Holy Bible: New International Version. © 1984 by International Bible Society; NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, New King James Version (NKJV) Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. and the King James Version. Personal Mission Statement: "I am created by God to bring Him glory. Through God's Son Jesus Christ I have been redeemed and make it my life's goal to please the Lord. My mission in life is to honor God through my faith and obedience and prepare myself and all whom I may influence for eternity."
© Copyright 2019 Stephen C. & Brooksyne
Weber - All Rights Reserved
Daily Encouragement Net - 495 Kraybill Church Road - Mount Joy, PA 17552 USA |