A daily, Bible-based perspective of hope,
encouragement and exhortation.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Greatest Promisekeeper"
Message summary: Today, as you hold onto God's thoroughly tested promises may your heart be filled with a song of praise. ![]() "Then they believed His promises and sang His praise" (Psalm 106:12). "Your promises have been thoroughly tested, and your servant loves them" (Psalm 119:140). You say
come, ye weary, come and find your rest
In the arms of Mercy, in the One who knows you best You are good, You are good, let my heart remember this ![]() We were so blessed to read his faith-filled account on his Facebook page and noted how his ministry years have some similarity to ours both beginning in the mid-seventies and His loving commitment of 43 years to his wife through many years of hard times is an example of a promise kept, one of the greatest blessings of life. And one that seems to be diminishing among so many. He
wrote earlier today: "This morning in my regular
Bible reading I came to Joshua 2:11: 'The Lord
your God is God in heaven above and on earth below.'
We have a Ruler of Two Realms. Katrina and I,
though temporarily in different realms, are still
walking with the same Lord Jesus Christ. How could I
not rejoice in that?"
promise is a commitment by someone to do or not do
something. Our most solemn human to human promise
is our marriage vows. But we make many other
promises in life. A promisekeeper is someone we
all value greatly.
In our first daily
text the song is a result of believing His
promises, "they believed His promises and sang
His praise". Our goal today is to give
hearts that may be troubled a song as we consider
the greatest Promisekeeper.
Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in the Bible and virtually every verse extols some aspect of God's Word. The Psalmist David seems to be in a crescendo of deep appreciation for God's Word and yet the "Bible" he had was only the first five books of our present Bible, perhaps along with some of the historical books (hardly listed among our favorite sources of promises!) "Your promises have been thoroughly tested." Dr. Herbert Lockyer's classic book titled "All the Promises In The Bible" lists over 8,000 promises. These promises are definite, explicit declarations God has made that we can rely on. His promises are "thoroughly tested". The actual Hebrew words convey a poker constantly in the fire in the refining process of gold. The Amplified Bible states, "tried and well refined." Consider how these promises that David reckoned as "thoroughly tested" have been around an additional three thousand years! And now we have the entire Bible as a source of revelation from God and a great mine from which to glean His promises. Late in the New Testament Peter writes of God's "exceeding great and precious promises" (2 Peter 1:4). We certainly are blessed aren't we! The Psalmist continues by expressing his attitude toward God's thoroughly tested promises; "your servant loves them". Believing friend, you can depend on God's promises regardless of the seeming hopelessness of any situation you may face. His promises have been thoroughly tested again and again. May God give each of us a great love for them and increase our faith as we see them fulfilled in our present age. It will help us to hold out for the promises not yet fulfilled. The late Bible teacher James Montgomery Boice wrote, "The God of the Bible is not weak; He is strong. He is all-mighty. Nothing happens without His permission or apart from His purposes -- even evil. Nothing disturbs or puzzles Him. His purposes are always accomplished. Therefore those who know Him rightly act with boldness, assured that God is with them to accomplish His own desirable purposes in their lives." Friend of God; today, as you hold onto His thoroughly tested promises may your heart be filled with a song of praise. Even now, You keep
Your promise
Even now, Your heart is kindness In the dark, I shall not fear For You are on my side in battle, God my Strength, My Shield forever Where my hope is found, I will praise You even now Be encouraged today, Stephen & Brooksyne Weber ![]() Robert J. Morgan
- We have so many of his books in our home and
have shared many of them with others. Probably our
favorites are "Red Sea Rules" and his three
editions of "Then Sings My Soul" of hymns written
over the centuries along with their backgrounds.
We saw
these signs yesterday during our visit to Audrey's,
a wholesale distributor of gift and home decor items
where we serve as chaplains in Lebanon County. I
suppose they brought some nostalgia to both of us.
But the fresh baked pies brought me a distinct
memory of a visit to a small diner in Butler,
Missouri when I was a small child. On the way to my
grandparents we had stopped for a bite to eat, a
very rare occurrence in my childhood as we hardly
ever stopped at restaurants of any type. As we
walked toward the diner my mom spotted the fruit
pies being cooled outside behind the diner. She also
noticed they were covered with flies. We
were marched right back out of that diner which was
referred to during the rest of my childhood as "the
diner with the flies on the pies".
we've lived in Lancaster County Shoofly Pie is the
popular molasses based Pennsylvania Dutch treat that
tourists like to sample. I can't help but wonder if
the same thing didn't happen to those pies forcing
the bakers to shoo the flies away, thus the name,
"Shoofly Pie".
diner memory is similar to an experience Brooksyne
had with the one and only family trip in her
childhood when they stayed in a motel near Six Flags
Over Texas. That story is here but hint, it has to do
with roaches not flies!
Suggested Music and
Supplemental Resources
"Even Now" Video Travis Cottrell This may be a bit
carnal but we thought this
bumper sticker that we saw on
a car yesterday at a
drive-through in Lebanon, PA
was rather funny and in so
many cases far too true!
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© Copyright 2019 Stephen
C. & Brooksyne Weber - All Rights Reserved
Daily Encouragement Net - 495 Kraybill Church Road - Mount Joy, PA 17552 USA |