A daily, Bible-based perspective of hope,
encouragement and exhortation.
September 13, 2019
traveling the back roads yesterday morning this
horse and foal ran to the fence to greet us. Not
only were the animals a pleasurable sight but also
the sunflower field in the background and the willow
tree to the left.
to enlarge)
The Rough Edges"
week we have shared a series of messages seeking to
learn lessons from several of the tools mentioned in
the Bible.
Message summary: I
would like to report that after nearly 50 years of
walking with the Lord all the rough edges are gone.
But that's just not true. He's still working on me and
regularly using His file.
they had a file for the mattocks, and for the
coulters, and for the forks, and for the axes, and
to sharpen the goads" (1 Samuel 13:21).
On the way to Smucker Laser, our first job site yesterday, we were discussing the final message in our week long "tools of the Bible" series and I told Brooksyne I was going to write about the file. During our walk-through I saw Clarence filing some metal parts which seemed to be kind of a confirmation. Clarence, like all of us, has a story. He came to this job after a long period in prison and it's a joy to see him steady at work each week. (Clarence gave me permission to share this and the photo.) When most of us use the word
"file" we probably use it in the sense of an office
file. Early in our marriage we purchased an office
file cabinet which we have now used
for over 40 years. At the
advent of the computer age "file" became an important
word in computing. Now an internet search for the word
"file" will mostly yield results for this type.
today let us consider an older use of the word file in
the sense of a tool. This file is defined as "a tool
with a roughened surface or surfaces, typically of
steel, used for smoothing or shaping a hard material."
I have
several of these types of files in my tool collection
and still use them on occasion. File is found only
once in the Bible and is used in a literal sense for
the same purpose a similar tool file is used today.
It is
both a noun and verb, that is, we use a file (noun) to
file (verb) something. Our friend Jesse, at the Old
Windmill Farm, told me a tool file is still a commonly
used tool on the farm.
since the word is used only once and in a literal
sense, what inspirational thought can we glean here?
We use
the term "rough edges" to describe areas in our life
that still need worked on. Do you have any rough
edges? I would like to report that after nearly 50
years of walking with the Lord all the rough edges are
gone, but of course that's just not true. He's still
working on me and regularly using His refining file to
remove attitudes and actions which better reflect the
world than that which reflects Christ.
In a
sermon Charles Spurgeon alluded to the file, "I bear
willing witness that I owe more to the fire, and the
hammer, and the file, than to anything else in my
Lord's workshop.
encouraged today,
Stephen & Brooksyne Weber Daily prayer: Father, like Spurgeon wrote in his sermon, we owe more to the fire, the hammer, and the file, than to anything else in Your workshop. These tools help to remove our impurities and build up the character qualities that best reflect Christ and all that He represents. We still have rough edges that need Your smoothing so we invite You to file away at that which seeks to hold onto the old nature so that our spiritual nature is aligned with that of John the Baptist's who declared, "He must increase, I must decrease." More of You, Jesus, less of me is my heart's cry. Amen. Tyler
just finished high
school last spring
and is now
operating this
huge brake press
for Smucker Laser.
Yesterday he
showed me how the
machine could form
a thick metal part
in just seconds.
stopped by for a
few minutes to see
the Lapp family on
Old Windmill Farm
and greeted the
recently born twin
goats. Brooksyne
commented after
picking up these
baby goats, that
they weigh less
than Ester's 8
month Shih Tzu
mix, Sadie Willow,
also born on the
Old Windmill Farm.
When I
was challenged to
feed this piglet
with a cheez-it
from my mouth that
idea just seemed a
little creepy and
a little too close
for comfort, but
Brooksyne, my farm
girl for life,
stepped right up
and took on the
challenge. She
assured me she
never touched the
pig's mouth and,
as you can see,
the happy little
piglet was not
interested in the
human contact,
only the cheez-it.
Brooksyne admitted
to me that she and
Ester have done
this a few times
with the dogs at
home, only they
use longer treats
such as a cheetos
to give a little
more distance for
the transfer of
food. You
might never see
Brooksyne the same
as before this
photo but she was
fine with it,
since she loves
all kinds of
animals, including
nothing like being
on the rural back
roads of Lancaster
County early in
the morning seeing
different groups
of children
walking to school.
Music and
Supplemental Resources
Of The Living God"
FFH A song we sang at
Bible College around the
altar. When considering the
words "Melt me, mold me,
fill me, use me" I wonder if
we could sing "file me"!
Spirit of the
living God,
Fall afresh on me. Melt me, mold me, fill me, use me. Spirit of the living God, Fall afresh on me. "Yes I Will"
Vertical Worship For
those of you feeling the
pain of the divine file!
I Will" Video
Calvary Church worship team
with strings
Introduced by Dave, one of
our worship leaders, who
does a great job introducing
the song with Scripture.
Finally Today:
Our peaceful
scene of the horse and
foal was taken early
yesterday morning. When
visiting Vallorbs, our
second company, about an
hour later the road was
closed in front of the
factory. We managed to
park in a church parking
lot and walk down to see
an accident scene where a
car had collided with a
horse and tourist buggy.
No humans were injured but
the driver of the car sure
had to be counting his
blessings as the impact
sent the horse into his
windshield. A vet was
brought in to put the
horse down since his
injuries were severe. The
employees were very
saddened to hear of the
horse being put down, as
were we, but we were also
thankful the driver walked
away from the accident
only shaken and not
physically injured.
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© Copyright 2019 Stephen
C. & Brooksyne Weber - All Rights Reserved
Daily Encouragement Net - 495 Kraybill Church Road - Mount Joy, PA 17552 USA |