A daily, Bible-based perspective of hope,
encouragement and exhortation.
September 11, 2019
week are sharing a series of messages seeking to learn
lessons from several of the tools mentioned in the
summary: We
have all dealt
with a hard heart
and need the
hammer of God's
Word to do a
softening work in
breaking down the
hardness of our
Listen to this message on your audio player. "Let the one who has my word speak it faithfully. 'Is not My word like fire?' declares the Lord, 'and like a hammer which shatters a rock?'" (Jeremiah 23:29). Amazing grace! How sweet the sound That saved a wrench like me! Yesterday
morning I shared a
brief devotional
with a group of
employees at
Audrey's and decided
to share a brief
thought from today's
message. After
finding two home
decor tools, a
hammer and wrench
that had hanging
hooks on them, I
held them up and
asked, "Which of
these two tools are
mentioned in the
Bible, a hammer or a
(seen in photo)
quickly spoke up
giving the answer,
"wrench". Several in
our gathering did a
little brain search
trying to come up
with a verse that
alludes to "wrench"
but to no
avail. We all
had a wholesome
laugh and I
explained that
wrench is not
mentioned in the
Bible, when Diana
came back with the
explanation: "I was
actually thinking of
the word "wretch"
instead of wrench.
Later I visited with Diana for a few minutes and got her permission to share the photo and story. Diana told me she really identified with the word "wretch" since she didn't get saved till she was thirty and was so thankful for her salvation. I reminded her that theologically we are all wretches prior to our conversion. Earlier this year we shared a message about the word "wretch" titled, "A Wretch Like Me". Today we will consider the hammer, which is mentioned in the Bible. Like many men I enjoy my home workshop, which in my case is out in our utility barn. Among my personal interests is maintaining, repairing and making small improvements to our home and property. While growing up I recall how much my dad enjoyed puttering around in his workshop out in our garage. He was a thrifty, resourceful craftsman with a variety of skills and could fix just about anything. In a home work shop you need a lot of tools since you never know what might be needed for a specific job. I inherited quite a few of my dad's tools and also purchased many others through the years. One of the most common tools needed for a wide variety of projects is the hammer and I have quite an assortment; regular claw hammers, both large and small, a ball-peen hammer, a sledge hammer, and a soft-faced rubber headed mallet. Each has a particular purpose and through the years I have used all of them at one time or another. The hammer is an ancient tool first referenced in the Bible in Exodus when a lamp stand was hammered out from pure gold (Exodus 25:31). One of the goriest uses for a hammer is found in the sad record of Judges. Many of us feel our country is increasingly becoming like the period of the Judges, a period characterized by "everyone did as they saw fit." Today let us consider the phrase, "like a hammer which shatters a rock." In context this is speaking of God's Word, "'Is not My word like fire?' declares the Lord, 'and like a hammer which shatters a rock?'" In the previous verse Jeremiah is preaching against false prophets and makes a statement that should be heeded by all preachers, "Let the one who has My word speak it faithfully." The analogy of God's Word being "like a hammer which shatters a rock" likely has the sense of the power of God's Word in shattering and breaking up the hardness of our hearts. Bible teacher David Guzik observes, "God’s word is as powerful as a hammer, with the power to build or break." We have all dealt with a hard heart and need the hammer of God's Word to do a softening work in breaking down the hardness of our heart. Be encouraged today, Stephen & Brooksyne Weber Daily prayer: Father, the teaching of Your Word is like a hammer that breaks away the clumps of hardness in our hearts; our stubbornness, pride, and rebellion. When we read and apply Your principles they open our blinded eyes, guide us out of darkness into light and put a fire in our spirit; a fire that doesn't burn out but empowers us to live for You all the days of our life. We thank You for the fire of Your Spirit. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. The
Star Barn
has many
displays of old
tools such as
this one of old
wooden mallets
and hammers.
Click to enlarge Our
two younger dogs,
Mollie and Sadie,
sure do enjoy
playing together out
on our front lawn.
Although our border
collie Mollie is
almost nine she
still retains her
puppy like qualities
and never tires of
playing especially
ring toss.
who is usually
very playful with
Sadie appears to
be having a "few
sharp barks" with
her in this photo!
Music and
Supplemental Resources
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© Copyright 2019 Stephen
C. & Brooksyne Weber - All Rights Reserved
Daily Encouragement Net - 495 Kraybill Church Road - Mount Joy, PA 17552 USA |