A daily, Bible-based perspective of hope,
encouragement and exhortation.
Encouragement on
January 2, 2019
Vitally Important Goal"
summary: A goal
we should all have for
the new year is to make
it our goal to please
the Lord!
Listen to our message on your audio player. "So we make it our goal to please Him" (2 Corinthians 5:9). A new year is
a time when many make
goals, AKA resolutions.
A new year signals the
opportunity for a new
start. Perhaps we can
finally overcome that
bad habit, whatever it
may be. Perhaps we can
consistently practice
that good habit that's
been so elusive in our
There are a
lot of goals we should
make in life. The term
"goal" is used a lot in
sports but we also speak
of financial goals,
career goals,
educational goals and
many others. In a new
year many Christians
make goals regarding
personal spiritual
enrichment such as Bible
reading, prayer, church
attendance and so forth.
Today we want
to consider a vitally
important goal we are to
all have as Christians.
It's not a specific goal
dealing with one area of
life but rather a goal
that is general but very
Bible teacher and apologist Ravi Zacharias challenges devoted believers to follow the model of many corporations and local churches and develop a personal mission statement. Many years ago I formulated my own. The difficulty for me in this matter is staying succinct. There are so many Scripture verses that I want to incorporate in my mission statement that I tend to lose the brevity and focus that characterizes a mission statement. Here's the one I have used for many years: "I am
created by God to
bring Him glory.
Through God's Son
Jesus Christ I have
been redeemed and I
make it my life's goal
to please the Lord. My
mission in life is to
honor God through my
faith and obedience
and prepare myself and
all whom I may
influence for
The daily verse is a goal that the Apostle Paul had for both himself and his readers, notice the first person plural pronoun "we". As part of the Holy Scriptures this includes us. It is one of the first verses of Scripture I memorized as a young man. "So we make it our goal to please Him." That's a great single phrase mission statement! The word translated "goal" means "to devote one's self zealously to a cause". It suggests eager, continuing efforts for something that is good. The Amplified Bible expresses this sense well: "We are constantly ambitious and strive earnestly to be pleasing to Him." A lifelong pursuit in life for the redeemed is finding out what pleases the Lord. Paul wrote in Ephesians 5:10, "find out what pleases the Lord." By God's grace
it remains a simple
expression of my outlook
on life. The quest to
find out what pleases
the Lord is ongoing.
Although God's written
revelation in the Bible
regarding what pleases
Him is unchangeable, new
challenges in different
contexts are always
being set before us.
Doing the right thing
requires discernment and
building a solid
foundation so that you
know that which He
prohibits, and that
which He finds pleasing.
It is for our own good
and for His glory.
Be encouraged
Stephen & Brooksyne Weber Following are a selection of the spiritual resolutions (goals) written by Jonathan Edwards before age 20. Edwards preached "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" in 1741 in Enfield, Connecticut which was the start of the Great Awakening:
(Edwards resolved
to read these
resolutions over
once a week!)
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© Copyright 2019 Stephen
C. & Brooksyne Weber - All Rights Reserved
Daily Encouragement Net - 495 Kraybill Church Road - Mount Joy, PA 17552 USA |