A daily, Bible-based perspective of hope,
encouragement and exhortation.
September 17, 2018
Sight Of Encouragement"
summary: I
know many people whose very presence is
a source of joy. Just seeing them from a
distance brings a measure of
![]() "The brothers there [Rome] had heard that we were coming, and they traveled as far as the Forum of Appius and the Three Taverns to meet us. At the sight of these men Paul thanked God and was encouraged" (Acts 28:15). "He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed" (Proverbs 11:25). ![]() Ron and I visited briefly which brought to mind today's rather obscure text. It reminded me that at the sight of some people, like Ron, one is instantly encouraged! Paul's journey to Rome is recorded in the latter chapters of Acts. It was a wearying journey with lots of disruptions along the way, including a harrowing shipwreck. As Paul approached the great city some brethren had heard he was coming. They adjusted their schedules, laid aside other commitments and traveled from Rome so they could come out to personally greet him: "The brothers there had heard that we were coming, and they traveled as far as the Forum of Appius and the Three Taverns to meet us." Today's Scripture portion records Paul's joy-filled response when this group of brothers met him and his fellow workers. Paul had never been to Rome prior to this and these brothers are not identified by name. Perhaps they were men he had met elsewhere in previous ministry locations. However I wonder if he even knew these men. Perhaps he was just overjoyed that the church cared enough to send out these brothers to meet him. "At the sight of these men" Try to picture the scene with us. Before there's any evidence that Paul had even spoken to them his heart must have been warmed at the sight of these welcoming brothers. What an energizing joy this must have brought him. Early on in Paul's Christian walk he was discipled by Barnabas, a man who had attained a nickname meaning, "Son of encouragement". Many passages of Scripture indicate that Paul was a man who encouraged others (e.g. Acts 20:1,2). And now others were encouraging him! That's the real blessing of mutual and reciprocal ministry. I know many people like these men and I hope you do as well. Their very presence is a source of joy. Just seeing them from a distance brings a measure of encouragement. I use the term "energy giver" to describe these kinds of people. A reading of Romans 16 will indicate Paul's rich reservoir of human support and friendship among his Christian brothers and sisters in Rome alone. "At the sight of these men" Paul did two things: 1)
"He thanked God." The
sight of these men prompted an
exclamation of thanks to God. Now
that's a high standard regarding the
impact of our presence to others. When
people see us do they thank God?
2) He "was encouraged." Regular readers know this is a major emphasis in my life and is at the very heart of this "daily encouragement" ministry. I pray that my presence may bring spiritual courage to those whom I interact with day by day. We offer several challenges to our readers today: 1)
Value the people that God has placed
in your life. Are you developing and
adding to those who bless you? Do you
recognize them as "instruments sent
from God"? Do you thank God for them
and let them know how much you value
their friendship?
2) Seek to be a friend such as these men whom Paul saw on his way to Rome. Find ways to encourage others and share God's love with a world in need. May we be the sight of encouragement to others! 3) Do not compartmentalize your efforts to be an encourager! Everywhere you go seek to leave your mark; at work, in the marketplace, wherever. 4) Pastors and church folks: Are you visiting the shut-ins, those no longer able to attend regular services who may be homebound or in nursing homes? Many of these places have chaplains, but the importance of continuity from the past cannot be overestimated. You are their connection to the "real world" and their life as they once knew it. Your visit will be a blessing and you will also be refreshed as I was yesterday when I saw Ron! Be encouraged today, Stephen & Brooksyne Weber ![]() Saturday
morning we participated in a charity walk
that benefits Brittany's Hope, an adoption
ministry. The event was held at the Stone
Gables Estate, a beautiful property here
in Lancaster County.
Click on photo to enlarge The
funeral train that transported the body of
Abraham Lincoln passed through the
property from Harrisburg to Philadelphia.
This is a replica of the engine.
Click on photo to enlarge We
joined some employees who participated and
their guests from White Oak Display.
Hope is dedicated to aiding
abandoned children around the world.
was one of the official (volunteer)
photographers for the event and took our
photo in front of the Star Barn.
Click on photo to enlarge MaryAnn
and Lloyd Miller with their grandson who
participates each year with his family
which includes two siblings adopted from
Music and Supplemental Resources
The Ironstone
Ranch and Star Barn are on the Stone
Gables Estate located here (Google map)
The Star Barn is
recognized as one of the most photographed
and artistically painted barns in America.
![]() David
Abel, the businessman who has developed
the Star barn property, has a real heart
for historical preservation as well as
his wife, Tierny. They recently bought a
dilapidated covered bridge in eastern
Lancaster County for 1 dollar and are in
the process of having it moved and
restored on the Stone Gables Estate
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