A daily, Bible-based perspective of hope,
encouragement and exhortation.
Home in Mount Gretna, PA
With CRS"
Message summary:
Do you receive the reminders of truth
with joy?
Listen to our message on your audio player. "So I will always remind you of these things, even though you know them and are firmly established in the truth you now have. I think it is right to refresh your memory as long as I live in the tent of this body, because I know that I will soon put it aside, as our Lord Jesus Christ has made clear to me. And I will make every effort to see that after my departure you will always be able to remember these things" (2 Peter 1:12-15). On Sunday evening as Brooksyne was rehearsing with the Calvary Church choir for a worship service at the Mount Gretna Tabernacle I visited for a few minutes with Paul Hollinger. Paul worked for 52 years at WDAC, one of our local Christian radio stations, serving most of that time as the general manager. Now in his eighties he maintains his vibrancy, although he has endured numerous health afflictions. For over 15 years now we have had an abbreviated "Minute of Daily Encouragement" program on WDAC twice a week and have developed a friendship with several on the staff. Because we are able to produce the messages in our home, and send them in as an email attachment, it does not require our being at the station. Twelve years ago I was visiting the station during an "Open House" and in Paul's office I saw a napkin on his desk that stated, "I Have CRS". Considering all the disease acronyms such as MS, COPD, ALS, OCD and so forth I thought it might be a disease I had never heard of so I asked him what it meant and he informed me it stood for, "Can't Remember Stuff". Well, that's probably a descriptive acronym many of us identify with! Like many others, we often use the term "having a senior moment" to describe brief lapses in memory which tends to increase for many as we age. A younger friend describes it as "data overload". As we get older we generally deal with short-term memory loss (like forgetting where we put our wallet, coffee cup, car keys, cell phone, etc). We all need memory prompts to keep us on track. We live in an age when the "new" is highly valued and don't get me wrong, I enjoy new stuff, especially technology. I am typically several years behind the state of the art, which I recall a computer engineer friend in New England telling me was no longer "state of the art" at the time the device came on the market. In regard to Biblical and spiritual truths I also appreciate a new insight, perhaps something in a Bible text I had never considered. As we prepare these messages we hope that takes place. But we are foundationally committed to expressing and contending for the faith once for all entrusted to the saints. Our goal is to highlight an old truth that readers might not have explored before or provide a refreshing thought regarding its application in their lives. But there's such a tendency to have a view of "I've already heard that before" and this can lead to a negative, unreceptive outlook. It can also be dangerous as we may run after new "truths" that are really old errors being recycled to attract a new following. Today we would like to consider the benefits of being reminded of important truths. Truths that teach, reinforce and remind us are indeed a blessing because: 1)
We forget! CRS can also afflict us
spiritually. If our forgetfulness is limited
to the smaller, inconsequential stuff of
life that's one thing, and that is certainly
frustrating. Now in our early sixties
Brooksyne and I are having real "senior
moments." But how critically important it is
that we remember that which is of foremost
importance; spiritual, Biblical truths.
2) Being reminded is a means of reinforcing truth in our lives and helping us keep a Biblical/spiritual perspective. The Apostle Peter is writing about it in his last letter which we know as 2 Peter. I find today's Scripture especially pertinent. Hopefully you read the Scripture portion I placed at the beginning. It really shows the heart of a caring servant. As this first generation believer was passing the torch of faith on to the next and all subsequent generations he emphasized the vital importance of remembering the crucial, foundational truths of the faith that were known and firmly established in his initial readers. 3) Others may need to hear the reminder or may be receiving the teaching for the first time. In a group setting such as a church there will be all ages and levels of Bible knowledge and spiritual maturity. A healthy church will have those who have just come into the faith. For some the Bible teaching is a reminder of a truth they learned long ago, for others it's a new teaching. In Peter's text notice the repetitive emphasis; "So I will always remind you"; "it is right to refresh your memory"; and "I will make every effort to see that after my departure you will always be able to remember these things". Today we bring no new revelation, no teaching that will "tickle" itchy ears or bring about a large following because of our "unique" message. Instead we simply prompt you to consider the need for being reminded of that which is of first importance and encourage you to faithfully proclaim these truths to others! And never grow weary of being regularly reminded or being the one who does the reminding, which is good discipleship. The daily text expresses an attitude we should have when we are reminded of familiar truths. Peter was confident his readers not only knew the truths he had shared, but they were also established in their hearts and minds. Nevertheless he pledged to be steadfast in reminding them of these things. Today Peter might preface his message by saying, "I know I'm preaching to the choir. but...." He was determined to "make every effort to see that after his departure others would always be able to remember these things." That's a faithful minister! Do you receive the reminders of truth with joy? I recall the line in an old hymn that put it this way, "I love to tell the story, for those who know it best, seem hungering and thirsting to hear it like the rest." May we never lose interest or find ourselves yawning when hearing or reading of the foundational truths of the Gospel, even if it is the umpteenth time! May it instead reassure and refresh our spiritual appetite. Be encouraged today, Stephen & Brooksyne Weber Daily prayer:
Father, we thank You for
the inspiration of Your Holy Spirit. May Your
Words be impressed upon our hearts as we give
regular attention to them through reading and
memorizing the Scriptures. We don't want a
casual attitude about Your Holy Word, but rather
we want to be earnest students of Your Word
genuinely contending for the faith. Help us not
to be absent minded when approaching the gospel
truths but rather be wholly present that we
might partake of all that You have to teach and
show us in Your Word. May we never weary of the
basics of the gospel or lose the awe and wonder
of seeing a life that is changed when redemption
takes place. We want to hunger and thirst after
righteousness and not lose sight of the old, old
story that will be our theme throughout
eternity. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.
I have several little gadgets that I'm sure many of you are familiar with and have also used. It's a tiny USB Flash Drive that holds memory. These have far more memory than the hard drive on my first computer in the early nineties. In our computer-lingo laden age a familiar phrase we used to hear, "I need more memory." I recall how the early hard drives filled up so quickly, as well as the internal RAM memory. Actually, at least in my case, these have not been issues now for many years. My current workhorse computer has 16gb of RAM and a 2TB hard drive! But a far more important type of memory is the necessity of remembering Biblical/spiritual truths. Today
we will share some photos from Mount Gretna
Gretna is an interesting community only
about 15 miles from our home but its heavily
wooded and hilly landscape feels like we're
in an entirely different region. It was
established in the late 1890's as a
campmeeting location but has developed into
a year-round community with pricey homes and
an "artsy" feel.
appears the old tabernacle has remained
about the same as when it was built nearly
120 years ago for about $1100.00.
popular spot in Mount Gretna is the "Jigger Shop" Notice
how they allow the trees to grow through the
homes are characterized by large porches and
almost always when we are there a lot of
people are out on the porch visiting with
one another, a very pleasant setting.
the history of Mt. Gretna tabernacle see here.
Music and Supplemental Resources
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