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Message Friday, September 9, 2011 ![]() "Remembering Where Home Really Is" "By faith Joseph, when his end was near, spoke about the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt and gave instructions about his bones" (Hebrews 11:22). "We are of good courage, I say, and prefer rather to be absent from the body and to be at home with the Lord" (2 Corinthians 5:8). About ten years ago the musical group MercyMe wrote a song that has ministered to many titled, "I Can Only Imagine". It gives us a picture of what we might see or experience as we cross over to heaven. Several years ago they wrote another song titled "Finally Home" with a recurring line that states "When I finally make it home." In the last few weeks I attended two funerals, Paul, a middle aged minister friend and Mary, an older lady who was a friend to my Mom. They both had faith in Christ and thus finally made it home. Today's rather obscure first verse speaks powerfully regarding the imminence of death and the vital truth of knowing where our real home is. As a youth Joseph was sold as a slave by his own jealous brothers. After some tough bumps and setbacks over a period of thirteen years, including a lengthy imprisonment, he rose to the position of Prime Minister in Egypt. He had power, wealth and prestige; a tremendous contrast to the years he spent in prison. Surely with these conditions Egypt, the dominant world empire at that time had become his home. Yet on his deathbed he had something else in mind. Long before the Egyptian bondage even began he was speaking of the Exodus. In Genesis 50:25 he extracted this promise from his brothers; "God will surely come to your aid, and then you must carry my bones up from this place." (From Egypt to the land of Canaan.) Another rather obscure verse in Exodus reveals that this promise was faithfully kept over 400 years later! "Moses took the bones of Joseph with him because Joseph had made the sons of Israel swear an oath. He had said, 'God will surely come to your aid, and then you must carry my bones up with you from this place'" (Exodus 13:19). Can you imagine... this oath was faithfully repeated from generation to generation until its fulfillment 400 years later! Even though Joseph was a ruler in Egypt, he knew his home was elsewhere. He had last lived in Canaan as a lad of 17 but the teaching of his childhood had a remarkable, enduring impact on him. Although he had been the Prime Minister since he was 30 and died at 110, Egypt never really gripped his heart. He remembered where home was. Where is your home today? Who has your heart? Are you doing well in "Egypt"? If you are that's great, but be very careful. We must remember where home is, where our true allegiance lies, and remember where our "bones" belong. Be encouraged today, Stephen & Brooksyne Weber Daily prayer: Father, because the Scripture tells us so much about our future eternal homeland, we find ourselves homesick for a place we've never been. Perhaps that's because we've chosen to live as strangers in this world in reverential fear toward You, our holy God! Our hopes, our affections and our joys will be fully realized on the other side where Jesus will wipe away the tears from our eyes and we will know no sorrow, no suffering, no good-byes and no sin. Can't wait but will endure till you call us home! Amen. We continue to receive notes of support and inquiry regarding Ester's recent move to New Life for Girls. We challenged her with this theme from Jeremiah 29:11; sent her off with the Scripture plaque and enjoyed this cake last Sunday. Your prayers and encouragement are of great blessing to us! More regarding all the rain: Yesterday Brooksyne tried to get out for some chaplain visitation but was unable to do so due to the flooding blocking us in from every direction. This video shows our main route to Lancaster through Mount Joy over Little Chickies Creek (usually a small stream). The video was taken on Wednesday but Brooksyne still couldn't get through yesterday. Our area is still being plastered with the remnants of Tropical Storm Lee, although yesterday it let up. Due to early morning chaplain visitation this daily encouragement posting will be released prior to seeing whether we have a sunny day on Friday. We sure hope so! Due to all the moisture I should be able to make hay in my lawn. Some of our readers from TX and OK requested that we send it their way...wish it worked that way. We sure have been praying for you folks. Today's
Suggested Music and Supplemental Resources "I Can Only Imagine" Video MercyMe "Finally Home" Video MercyMe "You Hold Me Now" Video This was the song used in the background during the video tribute for Paul, "Paul Grabill... His Life and Legacy". Send
a message to Stephen & Brooksyne
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