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Thursday, February 16, 2006

"Spreading His Fragrance"

"But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him" (2 Corinthians 2:14).

Today I would like to share a personal family reflection with the hope that others might connect as you consider a loved one who has gone on.  Perhaps I might spur you on to love and good deeds as we consider that God wants to use each of us in spreading His fragrance.

Today is the three month anniversary of my Mom's departure to her heavenly home. This prompts me to share a message in her honor and tomorrow I will do so for my Dad, since that will be his 87th birthday.

Photo of Mom and her senior center bus driver last OctoberLast Saturday Tom, the van driver to the senior center where my Mom attended, dropped by to see me.  Tom greeted me with a strong hug and with tears in his eyes, told me that not a day goes by that they don't think of my Mom. Mom loved the people and activities offered at the senior center and she even looked forward to the van trip. (I recall her anxiety practically every morning at wondering if she had missed the van.)  She made the best of the bumpy ride and with her vivacious, sometimes eccentric personality; she surely brought some much needed life to that otherwise very quiet trip!

Mom was a special person. I knew it while she was with us but that recognition has grown as I reflect on her life since her departure. She had very few skills. She was always rather dependent on others; first her parents, then my Dad and in her senior years she relied on her children, particularly Brooksyne and me when she took up residence with us.

She deeply loved people and they knew it. Hers was a genuine interest. When she died I received many brief recollections on her impact and this one typifies those from people who knew her. It's from a man now serving as a missionary to Peru who grew up in the church we served in northern Pennsylvania from the late 70's – early 90's. My Mom and Dad lived in Missouri but would visit a couple of times each year and were so encouraging to our pastoral work. Doug was just a boy when they would visit. He wrote last November upon hearing of her passing.

Photo of Doug and Anna Matangelo"I remember while growing up that when your parents would come to visit, we would all get so excited. Your parents always treated us as if we were their grandchildren and they had so much love to share with us. I remember when your mother came out to California for our wedding and she remembered me well and was excited for us. You have truly been blessed with wonderful parents. Thank you for sharing their lives with others like me."

The daily Scripture portion tells us that God "through us (His followers) spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him." One of the ways we spread that fragrance is as we express love, care and interest in other people. That's what my Mom excelled at.

All over the world today God has His people placed strategically to spread His fragrance.  May each one of us spread this fragrance as we express His love and care to those around us!

Be encouraged today,

Stephen C. Weber

Brooksyne's Prayer:  Jesus, the stench of bitterness and death is evident wherever Your name is mocked and Your message is rejected.  But as we represent Your name we release the aroma of your fragrance and it spreads to everyone around us.  Your aroma brings life, peace and brightened hope to a world that is perishing.   As we walk daily in the Spirit may we supernaturally release the pleasant aroma that brings the fragrance of life to others.

Let me share just two more memories of Mom.

Photo of Mom and JoeyEven to the end Mom left a mark. Here's a photo of her hugging Joey, a young man from our church in New England. Joey had a very difficult upbringing with his father in prison. He went through a serious time of rebellion in his teen years but has committed his life to Christ and is now in Bible College preparing for ministry. Mom's continued prayers and interest were an encouragement to Joey and many others.  Wherever Mom went she loved people and people loved her.

I received a sympathy card in early January from a longtime friend who heard of her passing in our Christmas letter. Actually my Mom and Dad were friends of this man's parents going back all the way to the forties before he was even born but my Mom always stayed connected. "We are so saddened to learn of your mother's passing.  My, we so enjoyed your folks!  It's hard for me to imagine losing someone so special as your mother.  She was always so energetic and enthusiastic and loving.  We were privileged to have had the opportunity to know and love such an inspirational lady…… She had the ability to always make us feel welcome and treasured.  It is a comfort to imagine your folks, and mine, in eternal communion with each other and with our Lord."

Missionary info on Doug and Anna Matangelo (The above photo also includes their two daughters Annalisa & Alyssa.)

Here's a special page I made for Mom after she passed away. (I have posted this page before but realize some are new to this series and others have not seen it.)


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Scripture references are from The Holy Bible: New International Version. © 1984 by International Bible Society; NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission; and the King James Version.

Personal Mission Statement: "I am created by God to bring Him glory. Through God's Son Jesus Christ I have been redeemed and I make it my life's goal to please the Lord. My mission in life is to honor God through my faith and obedience and to prepare myself and all whom I may influence for eternity."

© Copyright 2006 Stephen C. Weber - All Rights Reserved
Daily Encouragement Net - 495 Kraybill Church Road - Mount Joy, PA 17552

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