The online
Bible teaching ministry of Stephen
& Brooksyne Weber
A daily, Bible-based perspective of hope, encouragement and exhortation. Home About Us Free email subscription ![]() Daily Encouragement on ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() <Previous Message Next Message> Wednesday, July 5, 2017
![]() A beautiful Independence Day at Knoebel's Park nestled in the mountains of north-central Pennsylvania. "Help Lord, The Godly Man Ceases" Message summary: Thank God for men who remain faithful followers of Jesus Christ in our own day. ![]() "Help, Lord, for the godly man ceases to be. For the faithful disappear from among the sons of men" (Psalm 12:1). "So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised" (Hebrews 10:35,36). The other day a burdened young father shared with me a matter that involved his young son. His earnest desire to be a good dad touched my heart. As we were walking in the park yesterday Brooksyne commented about how precious it is to see young parents caring for their children. It's not uncommon to see mothers tending to their youngsters' needs but we observed several young fathers tenderly caring for their young as well. Far too many men forsake their duties in caring and providing for their children, as we often hear about in our chaplaincy role. One of the great joys I (Stephen) find in ministry is seeking to encourage and assist men in the pursuit of being godly, which certainly includes being a good husband and loving father. "Help, Lord." David's observation of the men during this period in his life led him to cry out to God for help. His troubled observation was that the "godly man ceases to be". David grew up during a time of great moral and spiritual apostasy. Certainly Saul's reign was not marked by spiritual revival or consistent obedience to God. It transitioned from the period of the Judges, which is summed up with the phrase "each man did what was right in his own eyes." However there was a remnant of God's faithful followers during this period such as the prophet Samuel. Thank God for men who remain faithful followers of Jesus Christ in our own day. *
But going back to the old way of life remains a temptation in varying degrees for all believers, though for different reasons. For many readers it may be the busyness of life, affluence, the persistent barrage of godless, secular teaching and other issues we confront daily including the unbelief that might exist within our own family. These and other matters may lull us into complacency or seek to pull us back into the world. This coming Sunday I've been invited to preach at a Teen Callenge chapel service and will focus on a temptation to throw it in many of these men have. The heavy load they bear, as they overcome the consequences of many years of disobedience to God, could tempt them to simply give up. It may be tobacco, drug or alcohol use, sexual immorality, anger and rage, resentment, or indebtedness due to wasteful spending. Turning to Christ does not immediately negate the long-term consequences of these past sins or present unchecked attitudes. Though some receive miraculous behavioral, attitudinal, and even physical deliverances, many will endure weaknesses and temptations that require diligent prayer and a lifetime of overcoming. The enemy of our soul persistently pesters us to give up. "What's the use?" might consume our thoughts, dim our vision and overshadow powerful verses such as "Let us not grow weary while doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we don't give up" (Galatians 6:9). We may be tempted to just throw away our confidence and simply give up such as those Peter wrote about in his second letter (2:20): "after they have escaped the defilements of the world through the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them". Sadly, we know some who have done just that. A major theme throughout Hebrews is, "Let us hold firmly to the faith we profess." The word translated "hold firmly" is in the present active and conveys the ongoing need to actively participate in this "holding on" to our faith. But note the great promise in the daily text. We have been blessed by it often and committed it to memory: "So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded." Any earthly rewards pale in comparison to the eternal rewards our heavenly Father bestows on the faithful believer. May the Lord's present and future promises strengthen your faith today and fill you with anticipation for the future when you will be "richly rewarded". Be encouraged today, Stephen & Brooksyne Weber ![]() * Of course these points apply to women as well but the focus of today's message is to reflect on the men. Some scenes from Knoebel's Park ![]() Knoebel's Park is an old-fashioned park reminiscent of amusement parks we went to as kids in the sixties such a long-closed Fairyland Park in Kansas City and Bell's Park in Tulsa. ![]() We began with a ride on the giant Ferris Wheel, which provides great views of the park and surrounding mountains. Nathan and Neville Ncube boarded the car with Ester. ![]() Even the two of us hopped on board the Ferris Wheel. ![]() But not the Sklooosh Ride! ![]() A fun ride but riders get very wet and so do spectators in certain spots! See video ![]() Some very soaked boys! ![]() Going to a park can make one rather weary! Ester is also sleeping in the back seat. We took our bikes along but determined when we got there the hilly terrain wasn't suitable for a pleasant ride for people in their sixties, especially with the soaring temps! ![]() Leaving the park late yesterday afternoon we came upon this doe and her fawn driving through rural Columbia County. Today's Suggested Music and Supplemental Resources "Rise Up, O Men Of God" Video Maranatha Promise Band "What A Beautiful Name" Video Voices of Lee We saw this powerful presentation and want to share it with our readers. What an interesting approach and we think it would be neat to use a similar approach in a full church with choir members seated throughout the building! Yesterday we shared about the Star Barn raising event in Elizabethtown. Here's an interesting article with video. John Keefer, a pastor friend preached a powerful message on love and maintaining high moral standards. Audio For local readers: This coming Sunday evening (July 9) The Brooklyn Tabernacle Singers will be in Lebanon, PA for the Music in The Park summer concert series. See here for info. This is a free concert! (A free-will offering is received) We plan to go over with our Zimbabwean friends and perhaps we will see some of our other Daily Encouragement friends. Here's a sample of Brooklyn Tabernacle Singers music. "I Won't Go Back" Video (The Singers are the traveling troupe of the more famous Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir) ![]() Send a message to Stephen & Brooksyne To receive the "Daily Encouragement" each Monday-Friday through email see this page to subscribe to our email list. You can also subscribe to the Wordpress rss feed or through a Wordpress email subscription. (See the email subscription on the right side after opening this page.) ![]() ![]() Permissions: Please feel free to pass on, reproduce and distribute any material on Daily Encouragement Net, in part or in whole, in any format, provided that you do not alter the wording in any way or charge a fee beyond the cost of reproduction. It is our desire to spread this material, not protect or restrict it. We do request that you keep the contact, copyright and subscription information intact. Scripture references are from The Holy Bible: New International Version. © 1984 by International Bible Society; NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, New King James Version (NKJV) Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. and the King James Version. Personal Mission Statement: "I am created by God to bring Him glory. Through God's Son Jesus Christ I have been redeemed and make it my life's goal to please the Lord. My mission in life is to honor God through my faith and obedience and prepare myself and all whom I may influence for eternity." © Copyright 2017 Stephen C. Weber - All Rights Reserved Daily Encouragement Net - 495 Kraybill Church Road - Mount Joy, PA 17552 USA |