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& Brooksyne Weber
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<Previous Message Next Message> Wednesday, May 27, 2015
![]() Yesterday afternoon in the course of our chaplaincy visitation we passed this farm on Mount Pleasant Road in Lebanon County. (Click to enlarge) "A Good Name"
![]() "A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold" (Proverbs 22:1). ![]() For non-USA readers Weber is the brand name of a popular grill although unrelated to me. The brand name is so familiar the sign didn't even need to state, "Weber Grill". Years ago I visited the company headquarters near Chicago and would liked to have gone on a plant tour, one of my favorite avocations, but that was not available, even to a curious observer named Weber. ![]() We use the phrase "good name" to describe a company with a good reputation. Weber is considered a good name in regard to grills. We serve as chaplains at a local home improvement company with this slogan, "Smucker is the name to know around your home." Like many of you we have enjoyed Smucker products for years but, before moving to Lancaster County in 2001, we associated the good name Smucker with jams and jellies! Now we've come to know the Smucker family and the good reputation their company has earned over their being in business over 50 years. Here in the USA our social security numbers (government ID) are a nine number sequence that uniquely identifies us. Can you imagine how different it would be if that's how we were known! For example, I would extend my hand and say "Hello, I'm 672-58-2208." They'd smile and say "Hello, I'm 843-97-4382."* I have a hard enough time with names now, so I can’t imagine a system of memorizing numbers! I've had a difficult time in recent years memorizing phone numbers due to internal phone contact lists and speed dials. However I still have David Simpson's phone # memorized from when we were children. I repeatedly dialed his number enough that it is permanently etched in my memory. Names are important to us. People like to be addressed by their name; they like to see it spelled correctly and hear it pronounced properly. In our chaplaincy work we seek to learn names and address people by their proper name. It can be somewhat insulting to be addressed by pal, buddy, or the endearing term "Hon" by someone who is a complete stranger to you. Maybe one of the worst top ten ways to be addressed is, "Hey you!" Our names identify us. Some names bring about pleasant thoughts. The daily text reinforces the value of having a good name, "A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold." I am named after the Bible character, Stephen. In my case it was not a family name up to that point but very purposefully the Bible character. Not surprisingly Stephen is one of my favorite Bible characters and his name means "crowned one." Brooksyne's name is an original made up by her Mom so there's not a special meaning behind it, except that it is a derivative of her father's name, Brooklyn. She assists people with the pronunciation by saying remember, "scene of a brook" but turn it around and say, "Brook scene" with the accent on the second syllable. One advantage (or for some a disadvantage) to such a name is how easy it is to find her using a google search! Few people can be identified through google just by their first name. "A good name is more desirable than great riches." A good name in the text means a name that connotes a person of honorable character with a good reputation. For instance when we refer to a business like Weber Grill that is known for its quality and integrity, we often say "It has a good name." Having a good name is truly more desirous than great riches. As in most things, having a good name is harder to build than it is to destroy. Building a good name requires patience, effort, time, and other virtues, most of them included in the fruit of the spirit (Galatians 5:22,23). Yet it can all come crashing down with one very bad choice (though the one single devastating choice generally follows with other poor choices). A good name is developed over time, really a lifetime, and the true judgment of success will not be known until this life is over and we personally meet the Lord. Having a good name remains one of our most precious assets that we must carefully guard. Consider your name. What do you suppose others think when they hear your name or read it in print? Does your name represent a person who has solid integrity based upon his or her virtuous character? Let us strive to hear the highest commendation by the Judge of all character, "Well done good and faithful servant." Be encouraged today, Stephen & Brooksyne Weber ![]() * These aren't real numbers that I know of. I just made it up. (But possibly they actually are somebody's!) Brooksyne's Note: Before we left the St. Marys, PA area in 1993 where we had lived almost 16 years while establishing a church I read in our local paper, "Congratulations on your second birthday, Brooksyne". That was a bit shocking to my eyes since I'd never read about another "Brooksyne" in print. Since it was spelled the same as mine I wondered if the child was named after me, but she lived in a town ten miles away and I didn't know how to find out. Only this past year did I come across this name again and followed up since this young lady is on Facebook. I wrote her and asked about the origin of her name. She said her grandfather saw the name in a church bulletin over 23 years ago, liked it, and recommended it to his daughter so she named her new baby Brooksyne, but pronounces it, "Brook sin". She was quite pleased by my contact through Facebook since she has wanted to find out more about her name over the years. Her grandfather died while she was a child which was her only lead up to that time. ![]() The interesting shape of the barn especially caught our attention in our lead photo as well as the design below the windows which appear to be doors, though upon closer inspection is only trim. ![]() We stopped by The Country View Amish greenhouse near our home and thought this arrangement was nice. The flowers are so perfect they looked artificial. ![]() Colorful pots and colorful flowers! ![]() They didn't use spellcheck but it's nice to see they observed Pentecost Sunday the following day by closing their business. Today's Suggested Music and Supplemental Resources "Wish You Were Here" Video Kingsmen Quartet S.S. Smucker video "Smucker is the name to know around your home." Weber Grills From the company history section, "In 1952 George Stephen Sr. was working at Weber Brothers Metal Works in Chicago, Illinois, manufacturing marine buoys when he came up with an idea for a better grill. His invention: a dome-shaped grill with a lid to protect food from the elements, while sealing in that only-from-the-grill barbecue flavor. George Stephen cut a buoy in half, added some air vents and legs and, in the process, invented the grill that would spark a backyard revolution." ![]() The Weber Grill was invented by George Stephen in 1952 He was working at Weber Brothers Metal Works in Chicago, Illinois, manufacturing marine buoys when he came up with an idea for a better grill. His invention: a dome-shaped grill with a lid to protect food from the elements, while sealing in that only-from-the-grill barbecue flavor. George Stephen cut a buoy in half, added some air vents and legs and, in the process, invented the grill that would spark a backyard revolution, backyard grilling. This photo was taken at the Weber Grill restaurant They grill inside on real charcoal on these large kettle grills and you can watch them cook your meal! Ester watched them grill her hamburger. 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Through God's Son Jesus Christ I have been redeemed and make it my life's goal to please the Lord. My mission in life is to honor God through my faith and obedience and prepare myself and all whom I may influence for eternity." © Copyright 2015 Stephen C. Weber - All Rights Reserved Daily Encouragement Net - 495 Kraybill Church Road - Mount Joy, PA 17552 USA |