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Message "After The Storm; Joy Comes In The Morning" "Godly men buried Stephen and mourned deeply for him" (Acts 8:2). "Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning" (Psalm 30:5). For the last couple of days we’ve written about storms; preparing for them and enduring them. Today we want to consider our response after the storm passes. I had considered using a text following the literal storm recorded in Acts when Paul was ship-wrecked. Following that storm they all made it to shore alive. These kinds of testimonies are great. But we know it doesn't always work out that way either in the Bible or in our own lives, either in literal storms or figurative storms. People, both the godly and the ungodly, do die in storms. I read an overcoming testimony about a man who lost his entire family in a flash flood in Kansas. ![]() But that storm of captivity ended on June 7, 2002 for the Burnhams. Martin was killed in a rescue attempt and Gracia was wounded but recovered. At the time of his death Martin's brother expressed faith in God and the sufficiency of God's grace as he, along with all of Martin’s family, sought to overcome their grief. Gracia went on to write a book titled, "In the Presence of My Enemies" and tells how God sustained them in their enduring trial. ![]() Stephen was the first Christian martyr recorded in Scripture. Since his death there have been millions, chronicled by well-known books such as "Foxe's Book of Martyrs" and "By their Blood". The Voice of the Martyrs does a great job of reminding the church of modern day persecution. Each has a family, friends and loved ones that mourn deeply and ask the oft repeated time-old question, "Why?" But the church goes on. As Jesus said, "The gates of hell will not prevail against it." As believers Stephen and Martin Burnham are with the Lord they served. As we followed the story of the Burnhams in the news we prayed often for their release and then for Gracia and the family after the unexpected outcome. Certainly based on her upcoming testimony at the missions conference Gracia is continuing steadfast in her faith! We have wondered if perhaps one of their children will be a missionary to the very people that held their parents captive. Another missionary martyrdom in my own lifetime resulted in a remarkable "rest of the story" (Jim Elliot, Nate Saint). Some of you are in the weeping process following a storm. As believers we understand that weeping may endure for a night (or a season), but joy comes in the morning. And it surely will. Let us stay faithful! Be encouraged today, Stephen & Brooksyne Weber ![]() Another ice storm photo from yesterday! Today's
Suggested Music
and Supplemental
Resources "If You Could See Me Now" Video
Truth We used this song at my Mom's funeral service five
years ago. A powerful and comforting perspective after the very
difficult "storm" of caring for her the last several years of her life
on this earth. (Note: Whoever made this video attributes the song to Don Moen but I am pretty sure it's sung by a group called "Truth")Click on the link to open and play. "You Are My Hiding Place" Video Selah "All My Tears" Video Selah "It Won't Rain Always" Video Janet Pashcal "Mighty In The Land" The testimony of Robert Rogers, who lost his family in a flash flood. Gracia Burnham Information about her ministry. "Voice Of The Martyrs" A ministry reminding the church of our suffering brethren. For Lancaster area readers here's info about the 2011 Lancaster Missions Fest Conference. It will be in Lancaster on February 18-20. Permissions:
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"I am created by God to bring Him glory. Through God's Son Jesus Christ
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