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Friday, March 10, 2006

"Good Character"

"Bad company corrupts good character" (1 Corinthians 15:33).

My Mom and Dad modeled good character. The longer they're gone the more I increasingly realize the example they were in this very important virtue. Last night I was reading through some of Mom's old stuff. I regret to say that it didn't mean much to me when she was alive but since her promotion to heaven last November the sentimental value has really skyrocketed. She still had recognition notes from her grammar school teachers and as I perused the material I see the unapologetic attempts to instill character by the public education system.

Among her activities in her 1941 public college yearbook was participation in a group that had three main objectives:

1)  To unite in a desire to realize full and creative life through a growing knowledge of God.

2)  To determine to have a part in making this life possible for all college people.

3)  To seek to understand Jesus and follow Him.

I had an elderly lady in my church in Massachusetts that recalls her teacher daily reading aloud to the students from the Bible in public school.  Now in most cases even posting the timeless, character building Ten Commandments is illegal and deemed unconstitutional!

But there is now a renewed emphasis on teaching "character".  But whose character will be taught and what will this character be based on?  If we understand "character" in both a negative and positive sense as a "way of life" or "moral habits", we see that plenty of character is already being taught.  In most cases, the message is loud and clear; reject God and established moral authority and do your own thing. *

Meaningful godly character development must be focused in the home and church, daily stressing the timeless truths and application of God's Word.  Indeed, "bad company corrupts good character."  Is your home a "safe haven" from the evil influences of the world?  Are you actively participating in a Bible-believing and Christ-honoring church?

Be encouraged today,

Stephen C. Weber

Brooksyne's prayer: Jesus, I can't hide the fact from you that too much of my time and energy is spent being concerned about how others perceive me.  I fuss about my appearance, am preoccupied about my weight, try to be "with it" so others will admire me and even try to surround myself with just the right people, saying just the right things.  I realize, in light of Your Word, that these entrapments don't speak of godly character whatsoever.  It's not how others perceive me that counts at all – but it is how You see the very person I am when no other human is looking.  As I spend quiet, reflective, and alone time with You I become more like You.  Help me to develop and guard my daily gathering with You!  In Your name, Jesus, I pray.  Amen.

* I know many public school teachers and I bless you. Many of you receive this material and I want to encourage you as you seek to let your light shine.   Ester has been blessed by several Christian teachers whom she knew in a very short time were Christians.  Even though the public sector denies opportunities for Christians to speak freely in the classroom, devoted Christian teachers will by their godly character, seek to reveal Christ in their attitudes and actions.

Thank You!  Yesterday and even this morning Ester received comments and birthday wishes from many readers from all over the world.  She was touched and at times moved to tears along with her mom.  It was especially meaningful to hear from her grandmother's friends since she missed Grandma throughout the day and even into the evening.   A couple of readers even wrote very kind poems.  Each one of you who took the time made her day extra special.  Thank you again.  We also heard some heartwarming testimonies and here's one that especially reminds us all of our call to impact others wherever we are. It's from a reader in California who writes, "I was not raised in a Christian home but accepted the Lord at the age of 17 1/2 in Quito, Ecuador. I had been an exchange student there, and met missionaries who shared with me."

A personal family note: I realize the following information will only to apply to a very few on this list.  But due to my Mom's varied list of friends, several who are on this mailing list, I will make this brief announcement as I am unable to determine a better way to do so! On Saturday, April 1 at 12:00 noon we will have a special graveside Memorial Service for my Mom (Georgia Mae Weber).  It will be at the Green Lawn Cemetery near Schell City, Missouri. All her Midwest family and friends are invited to attend. A meal will follow in the Harwood Community Building in Harwood. Also on Thursday, March 30 I would be pleased to gather with any of her Kansas City area friends who might like to meet for a cup of coffee.  For more information, directions to the cemetery, and to contact me please see this special page.  Also would anyone reading this who knows Georgia Mae please pass this information along to others who knew her and who may be interested in attending.  Thanks, SCW

Finally today: As I study the daily Scripture verse "Bad company corrupts good character" I worked on descriptive words to fill in the blanks for the following:
Bad company ___________ bad character
Good company ________ bad character
Good company ___________ good character
What would you suggest?

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Scripture references are from The Holy Bible: New International Version. © 1984 by International Bible Society; NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission; and the King James Version.
Personal Mission Statement: "I am created by God to bring Him glory. Through God's Son Jesus Christ I have been redeemed and I make it my life's goal to please the Lord. My mission in life is to honor God through my faith and obedience and to prepare myself and all whom I may influence for eternity."

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