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Friday, September 9, 2005

"Keep Yourself Pure"

"I made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a girl" (Job 31:1).  "Keep yourself pure" (1 Timothy 5:22).

This weekend I am speaking at a men's retreat on the topic of moral purity. Christian author D. James Kennedy has written, "There is an open sewer in our society today—an open sewer which is corrupting and polluting the hearts and minds of young and old alike—a sewer of pornography! Its vile flow comes from the hearts and minds of men who are depraved and degraded to the point past feeling, when they not only do those things of which they should be ashamed, but rejoice in those who do them and promote them throughout the land."

Today's message is especially a challenge to men. The counsel of God's Word is timeless and always relevant.  Our first daily text speaks of a personal covenant Job made that godly men would do well to make today.  Job lived during the patriarchal age some 4,000 years ago and I really don't know the various ways he was tempted.

But I sure know the ways they come today and a covenant with the eyes remains a wise practice.  In Job's time did they have anything near the equivalent of swimsuit editions of sports magazines, graphic billboards or lingerie ads?  These images are available just in the course of everyday life. Today the internet, which I certainly believe is a powerful tool for ministry, is also a major, major purveyor of porn and has trapped so many.  Lust-inducing images abound.  But true followers of Christ must know and obey God's call to holiness and moral purity.

Staying pure has always been a challenge.  I wonder how many visually enticing ways women were seen some 4,000 years ago at the time that Job lived?  But all through the Bible we read candid reports of Bible heroes and their battles in this regard.  Joseph ran.  David didn't.  Samson really struggled.  Judah failed miserably. 

Both daily verses enjoin us to personal responsibility.  A personal covenant (contract) with the eyes is a powerful decision and needs to be recalled regularly, perhaps daily.  The straightforward command of the Apostle Paul to "Keep yourself pure" can easily be memorized and recalled at the time of temptation.  Let us renew this commitment today and make a determination to obey God and live lives of moral purity!

A friend of mine wrote a song especially for our Men & Boy's Weekend Retreat. *

Lord, I give my eyes to You,
Guard my sight and all I do.
Help me to honor You each day,
In all my thoughts and what I say.

        Purity, Holiness,
        Seal me Lord—in righteousness.
        Not by what I say and do,
        But through the grace that comes from You.

Give me desire for Your word,
May only building words be heard,
Through my life be glorified,
Jesus Christ, for me You died.
        Repeat refrain

Get thee behind me Satan’s lie,
I’ll do Your will Lord, come draw nigh.
Help me avoid the tempter’s snare,
Dwell in Your loving arms of care.
        Repeat refrain

Be encouraged today,

Stephen C. Weber

PS: Let me be very blunt here. I am sure many of you reading this have godly materials on your computer such as Bibles, devotionals and other spiritual helps.  But some of you also have pornography. What fellowship can light have with darkness?  You really need to make a decision and I share Joshua's ancient challenge. "Choose this day who you will serve." A powerful personal reminder might be to print out the daily verses and place them right above your computer screen. (You may need to do so above your TV or any other source of temptation as well).
Here are two  Scripture portion that very bluntly speaks to this topic.
2 Corinthians 6:14-18
1 Corinthians 6:9-20

Perspective from Brooksyne:  I have counseled with women who were devastated after finding that their husbands were involved with pornography.  It made them feel that they were inadequate in meeting their husband's physical and sexual needs.  It also made them feel like pornography was a mistress who had stolen their husband. Pornography creates unnatural and excessive desires in their husbands that a wife in unable to fulfill.  It replaces the beauty of sexual intimacy in a marriage to one of shame and degradation.  Husbands who love their wives and who are completely devoted to them will be blessed by wives who will give generously of themselves in a marital relationship.

Prayer from Brooksyne:  Jesus, we know that You desire only the very best for Your children. We also know that Satan is a thief who "comes only to steal and kill and destroy" and because he masquerades his destructive schemes millions fall victim to his enticements.  Jesus, You created within us a physical and emotional desire to have sexual intimacy.  Knowing our inclination to sin, You clearly established and presented Your laws to us that are needed to form the healthy foundation of our relationships.  Help us to see these laws as our protection and enjoy Your blessing upon our marital relationships.  Forgive us where we have resented, ignored, or disobeyed Your truths in this area of our lives.  As we apply Your Word to our lives would You repair shattered marriages.  We will trust You to restore the joy and intimacy of the marriage covenant. 

Additional resources on this topic
Here are two ministries that deal with the topic of moral purity.
Pure Life Ministries
Pure Intimacy

Here is a webpage with extensive online articles on this topic.

I highly recommend this book which I have used in discipleship classes for men.
42860: Disciplines of a Godly Man, 10th Anniversary Edition Disciplines of a Godly Man, 10th Anniversary Edition
By R. Kent Hughes / Good News Publishing

Our churches and homes need men who aren't afraid to work up a "spiritual sweat." Using engaging vignettes, scriptural wisdom, and practical advice, Hughes helps you "train" in the areas of marriage, fatherhood, integrity, prayer, friendship, work, and more. Personal study questions help you apply what you learn. 288 pages, hardcover from Crossway Books.

And finally this. There are several online services that are set up to facilitate accountability in this regard. One that I have used is NetAccountability.  

* "Purity" Mike Book (Written 8/29/05)

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Scripture references are from The Holy Bible: New International Version. © 1984 by International Bible Society; NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission; and the King James Version.

Personal Mission Statement: "I am created by God to bring Him glory. Through God's Son Jesus Christ I have been redeemed and I make it my life's goal to please the Lord. My mission in life is to honor God through my faith and obedience and to prepare myself and all whom I may influence for eternity."

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