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Wednesday, January 11, 2006

"Patience and Forbearance"

"Be patient, bearing with one another in love" (Ephesians 4:2).

Brooksyne and I were recently out on a ride with some friends. We were all in our van with me driving, my friend sitting in the front passenger seat, our wives behind us, and the children in the back seat.

I had bought a 16 oz. plastic container of chocolate milk at a previous stop and put the bag in the seat beside Brooksyne. Whenever I have a flavored milk drink I always shake it vigorously prior to taking the cap off. As I was driving along I asked Brooksyne to pass it forward so I could drink it.  Continuing to focus on the road I didn't look at the drink but, feeling the container was solidly in my hand, I began to shake it.

Well, bless her heart, unbeknownst to me she had already shaken the milk and taken off the cap to assist me.  My passenger friend got soaked as I tossed cold chocolate milk all over him each time I shook the drink. We sure had a great laugh and at least I had about ½ the bottle left to drink. He said afterward, "I did say I wanted a sip, but I sure didn’t expect to get it that way."

Certainly the greatest human relationship blessing is an enduring marriage. But I also value enduring friendships. Now in my early fifties I continue to make new friends and several times in this series I have mentioned our friendship with Jesse and Anna, our Amish neighbors, who are young enough to be our children. (Jesse happened to be the recipient of my chocolate milk.)

Yesterday I spoke of the necessary quality of persevering love and how this is vital in our long-term relationships in marriage, family and friendships. As I was studying this topic I consider two other needed characteristics.

The two Christian virtues in the daily text compliment one another. "Be patient, bearing with one another in love."  They're needed in marriage and the home, as well as in friendships, the workplace, and in the church body.  I believe enduring relationships of any type absolutely depend on them. 

The Apostle Paul wrote to the community of believers in Ephesus about church relationships, but the two principles speak to every relationship.  He calls believers to "be patient".  I happen to like the descriptive word "longsuffering" which the King James Version uses.  This sure is needed today isn't it?  I am so thankful for people who have been patient toward me.  Aren't you?

We are then told to be "bearing with one another in love."  One of the definitions in my Greek dictionary for this word is "to hold oneself up against, i.e. put up with."  There would have been no need to write this if "bearing with" was not needed, but it was essential then and continues to be today.  That's just the nature of humanity. 

And it's inevitably at least to some degree a mutual situation, although we may not see it that way.  You may read this and think, "Yes, I know exactly what he's talking about and I sure am bearing with so and so", without realizing from their perspective they are also bearing with you!

Among God's blessed attributes are His patience and forbearance.  We are all recipients of them.  Let us follow the Lord's example today in practicing patience and forbearance in all our relationships.

Be encouraged today,

Stephen C. Weber

Brooksyne's prayer: Jesus, I feel such deep gratitude when I consider how patient You are with my frequent shortcomings. You don't toss me aside and move on to a more deserving person, but You continue to come alongside me and Your Word continues to renew my hope day by day.   When I'm tempted to think that my spouse, my child, or my friend doesn't deserve another chance I'm reminded of Your continual forbearance with me.  May I be forgiving even as You continually forgive me. May Your divine grace bring the virtues of forgiveness, forbearance and love together in perfect unity so that Your peace may dwell in our hearts daily.

Brooksyne's Note:  Anna and I looked on in disbelief as Stephen kept tossing chocolate milk in Jesse's direction.  It was so unexpectant that we were both stunned wondering why he would intentionally soak his friend not just once but over and over.  Finally, when Stephen became aware of what he was doing and we understood his grave error we erupted into a laughter that followed us for many miles.  Jesse had just been feeding little Sadie Ruth being very careful so as not to make a mess in the van, or on either of them.  Well, Stephen sure blew that careful plan to pieces.


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Scripture references are from The Holy Bible: New International Version. © 1984 by International Bible Society; NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission; and the King James Version.

Personal Mission Statement: "I am created by God to bring Him glory. Through God's Son Jesus Christ I have been redeemed and I make it my life's goal to please the Lord. My mission in life is to honor God through my faith and obedience and to prepare myself and all whom I may influence for eternity."

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