Daily Encouragement Net

  “Encourage one another daily” (Hebrews 3:13).

 Daily Encouragement Net is devoted to encouraging followers of Jesus Christ.



Agora - Ministry in the workplace


Agora Index


“Agora” is the Greek word for “marketplace”.  These brief articles are intended to encourage and equip those with a desire to minister in the workplace.


Practical Ministry Resources


Pocket tract calendars: http://www.atstracts.org Brooksyne and I seek ways to extend our impact. We have a number of ministry venues. Here’s an idea. Many people will regularly use and keep a pocket calendar so it has “sticking” ability for a year. You can order as few as 500. I believe they have a useful distribution life from now through the first several months of a new year. On our cards we personalized as follows:


Stephen & Brooksyne Weber

Our phone number

Email address



I urge you to consider that this impact can reach far beyond people you may have regular personal contact with. We chose the message on the front that has the “Steps to Peace With God”. It has a link to an evangelistic site <www.IchooseJesus.com> so the witness extends beyond the message on the card.  We will be distributing them to our friends and relatives. We will pass them out in church and Bible Studies. We will leave them in restaurants, place in envelopes, etc.  And of course we will pass them out in the workplace the next several months. I especially would encourage my pastor friends to consider this.


If you are interested in using these calendars for your ministry go to http://www.atstracts.org and type “calendar card” in the search box. There are various styles including Spanish. You can order with the personalized info online.


Printed testimonies: I encourage everyone to write out and be prepared to share their testimonies..

Here’s my wife’s testimony:


Here’s a page with other testimonies:



Create an online testimony - a helpful guide to writing and sharing an online testimony based on a template.



Foreign Language tracts: www.multilanguage.com very inexpensive tracts in practically any language group you will encounter. I just picked some up in Vietnamese.


Do you have people that you serve who are dealing with cancer?  I make special a photographic poster that has blessed many. You can print this directly off the web at:


BTW: This is a photo taken from my front yard with the sun setting in such a way that it appears a silo is splitting it!


Other Ministry resources http://www.dailyencouragement.net/links.htm


Bilingual printable versions of the Four Spiritual Laws! Here’s a great resource I came across if you need an evangelistic tract in a foreign language:


Introducing a new version of Four-Spiritual Laws to be used by English speakers for directing others to Christ. Bilingual Gospel tracts are an effective way to share the Gospel with people from different cultures, over a cup of tea or coffee. All of the tracts offered for download are based on "The Four Spiritual Laws" by Bill Bright. Each tract is back-translated from the other language, preserving the cultural adaptations that the tract has already gone through. This gives you the correct logic, relevant issues, or appropriate verses for each culture. You will need Adobe's Acrobat Reader, and you can get that for free here. Download of the Bilingual Four Spiritual Laws will take 1-5 minutes, depending on your connection speed.


Many of you know that Bill Bright went on to be with the Lord last year. In my view he had one of the most powerful “enabling” ministries in our generation. He wanted to see Christ’s Kingdom expanded and did not seek to hold on to his power or organization. In fact I can think of spin-offs to his organization that most are not even aware of. These materials are placed on the web and permission to print out is granted at no cost. Praise the Lord!




"Living today anchored in God’s solid foundation" 

